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Ivan André

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Everything posted by Ivan André

  1. Hello friends, There are at least 1 month I am checking an error that is happening in my VA, what happens is that I froze in flight hours: 19,828.60, this happens in more than a month, now must have at least one hour 25,000.00, following in attached a picture of what happened ... Anyone know how to fix this problem? I would be very grateful if someone can ... Thanks!
  2. Ok, Thanks!!! :D
  3. Hello Nebeel, Yesterday when I opened the VACENTRAL estranhho noticed something ... I remember that just two days my Virtual Airline was first ranking, and was in bathing suits or less 17,000 points, now I'm with 12000 points and in second place ... and there is no point in reds (lost), now Brazil Air that had no points in 1000 is now with Current Score: 22007 (+12123) and in the first place! is very strange! I await answers! Thank you.
  4. I have added two products, I have to remove them?
  5. Hello friends, I'm serious problem when I open the page in the pilot pilotshop, happens the following error: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in E:\home\autopecasmilian\Web\kafly\do\lib\skins\KaFly\PilotShop\page_pilothome.tpl on line 22 PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in E:\home\autopecasmilian\Web\kafly\do\lib\skins\KaFly\PilotShop\page_pilothome.tpl on line 22 PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in E:\home\autopecasmilian\Web\kafly\do\lib\skins\KaFly\PilotShop\page_pilothome.tpl on line 22 PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in E:\home\autopecasmilian\Web\kafly\do\lib\skins\KaFly\PilotShop\page_pilothome.tpl on line 22 What will be this error? I've updated the script three times, and did not solve the problem, already uninstalled and installed again and did not solve the problem .... I await answers ... Thanks ...
  6. Hello Friends ... I need a script that automatically create the record in IP BOARD 3.0 .. I am very grateful for the support ... Thanks ...
  7. Hello friends ... I have a serious problem in FSFK ... he can not make the connection to the server ... and can not download WEB.txt. Look at the picture .... Help me!
  8. Hello friends .... I'm having a serious problem with Flight Keeper ... When I press the F11, it does not connect to live server ... and appears to me the following error .... but when I click send it sends the PIREP correctly .... The FSAcars when I click on Flight From VA, he does not mind pulling the data .. even though the booking on the site .... Also FSFlight Keeper can not send pictures .... I do not know what else to do ... I tried in every way, but none worked ... I asked my hosting company my web directory ... and she sent the following information .... 'E:\home\autopecasmilian\Web\kafly\do\lib\fsfk' See the information on my FTP ... Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp.kafly.com.br'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PORT', '21'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_USER', 'kafly'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASS', '**********'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASSIVE_MODE', 'false'); Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', 'E:\home\autopecasmilian\Web\kafly\do\lib\fsfk'); Help me please ..... I await answers ... Thanks ..
  9. Hi friends... How do I center the live map on my page?? http://www.kafly.com.br/do/index.php/acars Look around and help me, please ... Thanks ..
  10. Hello, to run the reservation of "bids" ... Delete entire folder's contents "Cache" /core/cache/**** ... I did this today in my VA and worked ... Good Luck ..
  11. Hello Friends ... I have a serious problem, my "live map" does not work properly ... he be problems in the script ... Have reinstalled 3 times, and did not work ... See the photo ..... I await aid and answers ....
  12. He returned to work ..... It's a mystery .... kkkkkkk Thank you for your attention ...
  13. Hello nabbel, Currently my drivers are not giving consideration to add a booking on the route ... when I click "ADD Bid" happens the following error "On Route Passed ".... please help me ..... http://www.kafly.com.br/do/index.php/schedules/addbid Thanks!...
  14. Hello friends ... After I installed the new version of phpvms, several errors were found ... One was about time I send a PIREP, did arrive at the site .. and the FSFK FSACARS not work because of that, I've reseted the Table ACARS at the maintenance and did not work! At the time of acceptance the PIREP, when I click Edit, the following error occurs ... PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in E:\home\autopecasmilian\Web\kafly\do\admin\templates\pirep_edit.tpl on line 19 The list of Airlines nothing appears, even if I create an admin panel or by the VA phpmyadmin.Minha appears in the database and does not appear in the admin panel See the picture .... The flight map is not working, I have done everything, changed the API, changed everything, and nothing it working. My VA is stopped because of this...
  15. Hello friends ... After I installed the new version of phpvms, several errors were found ... One was about time I send a PIREP, did arrive at the site .. and the FSFK FSACARS not work because of that, I've reseted the Table ACARS at the maintenance and did not work! At the time of acceptance the PIREP, when I click Edit, the following error occurs ... PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in E:\home\autopecasmilian\Web\kafly\do\admin\templates\pirep_edit.tpl on line 19 The list of Airlines nothing appears, even if I create an admin panel or by the VA phpmyadmin.Minha appears in the database and does not appear in the admin panel See the picture .... The flight map is not working, I have done everything, changed the API, changed everything, and nothing it working. My VA is stopped because of this...
  16. Hello Nabeel, I've got 2 problems after upgrading. The live map does not work, and no registration page is running the script from the sum X + X = Y Remember? How do I fix it? How do I put the reCAPTCHA script? http://www.kafly.com.br/do/index.php/acars http://www.kafly.com.br/do/index.php/registration ........................................ Please remove our old VA VACentral .. http://vacentral.net/airline/kfy_xxxxxxxxxx Due to problems with one user who had made the site kafly.net had to transferring to the current site .... Thanks ..
  17. Hello nabeel, I could not install the FSFK phpvms actually, I can send the logs, images do not come and not show the log flown. see my configs. /* FSFK Settings Your FTP Server, and path to the lib/images folder (from where the FTP connects from), IE ftp://phpvms.net/phpvms/lib/fsfk or ftp://phpvms.net/public_html/phpvms/lib/fsfk You want the path from when you connect to the FTP down to where the /lib/fsfk folder is */ Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp.starair.net'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PORT', '21'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_USER', '***********'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASS', '***********'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASSIVE_MODE', 'TRUE'); Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', 'public_html/starair/do/lib/fsfk'); // web path from SITE_ROOT
  18. Hello Nabeel, How could I put this data in a way that the pilot could see the public profile and that he could not edit data presented in this .... being that only the administrator can change these values in the admin panel ... Thanks ...
  19. Bacana seu site...
  20. It is because we always do events on our server, and give points for those who attend the events, and when the pilot collected 10 points, he will win an award.
  21. Hello Gentlemen, I'm in need of your help ... I wanted to put a point system in my company, there because we promote events that worth points ... and I wanted phpvms add this in, I would have in the admin panel to edit information from a pilot field that I could put how many points the pilot have ... and also that it appears on the public page of the pilot and the pilot center ... If someone can create this for me, I would be grateful ... Thanks ...
  22. Yes We Can!!!hahahaha i look ..: http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pilots You must create two text fields in the profile fields with the following names: is the way it's there in the parentheses. 1_ "IVAO ID" 2_ "VATSIM ID" and download my file ready .. "pilots_list" and paste into core/templates or lib/skins/ **Your Skin** and replacing existing ... the result is great .... even more ... End result: http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pilots pilots_list.zip
  23. Olá Vicente, é possível sim... eu uso em minha companhia.. olhe ai..: http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pilots Você deve criar dois campos de texto no perfil fields com os seguintes nomes: é do jeito que está ai entre os parênteses. 1_ "IVAO ID" 2_ "VATSIM ID" e baixar meu arquivo pronto.."pilots_list" e colar em core/templates ou lib/skins/***seuskin** e subistituir existente... o resultado é ótimo....abraço... Resultado final: http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pilots Abraço... pilots_list.zip
  24. Nabeel, if only the "VA-Template" he does not send the images because they need an FTP, which is not accounted for the User and password or the destination directory on the server ... this information is in "Web.txt" ... See for yourself .... Thanks...
  25. Hello friends, log on the FS Flight Keeper was perfect, now we have created an FTP account and a directory /images/ the site of the company, and the images are sent correctly to the server ... I do provide the aqruivos for you to edit the VA of you .. The archive should be linked on the "Profile_main.tpl" session of the links FSFK .... and create an FTP to your site to a directory on your site ..... Preview http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pireps/viewreport/27 Please edit the to your Virtual Airlines... ---> Web.txt , LiveAcars.txt , VA-templates.txt configs.zip
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