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Posts posted by selwynorren

  1. I am wondering if someone can help me.

    I want to create a staff list for my site much in the same line as the new releases made recently for ranks and awards.

    I would like to have tables for the following

    Image (Taken from the profile image)


    Position Held


    Ability to contact the admin

    If possible could we add the ability to apply for the post in case the post has not been filled yet.


    • Like 1
  2. Hey Nabeel,

    I hope I am posting in the correct place, forgive me if I am not.

    for the last few beta releases, every-time I upload the files and run the /install/update.php it keeps telling me that I have already updated:

    phpVMS Updater

    You already have updated! Please delete this /install folder.

    To force the update to run again, click: update.php?force

    When I click the link to force the update, does it run like normal with the following output

    phpVMS Updater

    Starting the update...

    Update completed!

    If there were any errors, you may have to manually run the SQL update, or correct the errors, and click the following to re-run the update:

    Click here to force the update to run again

    Am I missing something? as it says, when I run the update script the first time, that I have already updated, I am just worried that I have a file missed, or something wrong so its not updating correctly.

    If I run the checkinstall.php I get the following:

    phpVMS Build Number: 943

    Checking PHP version

    [OK] PHP version is 5.2.13.x

    ASP Tags

    [OK] ASP-style tags are disabled

    Checking connectivity...

    [OK] Can contact outside servers

    Checking for SimpleXML module...

    [OK] SimpleXML module exists!

    Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files

    [Error] ../formtest.php doesn't exist

    -- Checked 184 files, found 1 errors

    On another not. What does navdata.sql actually do? Its a 6 odd MB file that we just upload, run and update and then delete, seems almost wrong to do so :D Can we not leave it on the server? I just checked my database and see that my navdata table is empty

    Apologies for all the questions in one post


    P.S Happy 4th for yesterday!!!

  3. I agree with Tom on this one, the solution that dimitris posted is a great one, I have looked at the sample on his site.

    Most available galleries have their own user registration process and admin back-end, and feature a whole load of extra's that we would probably not need.

    In my case something really simple:

    1. Only registered Pilot can upload
    2. Manage the gallery from the existing admin back-end
    3. Allow public viewing of gallery
    4. Integration with existing phpVMS module systems
    5. Easily skinned like all other modules

    I am not so concerned about the ability to give captions/descriptions, nor am I all that concerned about categories & sub-categories (Although they would be nice)

    I have a great gallery script, but I have no idea how to incorporate it into the phpvms system, Tom I dont mind sending it to you if it will help.

  4. Wow, Ok actually easy enough I suppose, It worked like a charm

    If you want to call the data within the template just do:

    $myvariable = TouchdownStatsData::get_stats('5');

    in your template before you need the info.

    Is what I somehow missed... I think. :D

    Thanks so much.

  5. Hi All,

    I love this add-on, great work!

    Its been a while since I have worked with phpvms and php in general. I cant seem to get this module to show on my front page

    I would like to show the best 5 landing rates on the left sidebar of my site I call it using:

    <?php echo TouchdownStatsData::get_stats('5'); ?>

    But the result just shows the word Array

    Would you mind pointing me in the right direction

  6. Hey Simpilot,

    Wow what a great add on. Better than what I expected.

    I also have the issue regarding the Calendar, Its already open when I load the page and it does not fill in any details.

    Another request if possible? :blink: Would it be possible for the event to be added to the latest new at the same time. Not sure what the other guys think of this?

    Awesome add-on!!!

  7. Hey Simpilot,

    Here are my thoughts:

    • Add an event announcement (pretty much like the news articles)
    • Ability to add a date or date range for the event
    • Ability to add a banner
    • Ability for pilots to sign up for the event (I am not concerned regarding specific time slots)
    • Be able to see who has signed up for the specific events
    • Ability to hold multiple events

    Hmm ok that about does it for now :lol:

    • Like 1
  8. Hi Wilson

    Just went to your flynovajets.org website and noticed an alarming thing. There is public access to your server folder (fortunately not teh root access.

    The following files can be seen:



    vaBase v2.0 Deluxe.zip



    As you can see the most alarming is teh fact that a commercial va management system has been exposed for complete download access.

    Maybe you should have that sorted asap.

  9. Hi Guys,

    Hope you dont mind if I possibly piggy back on this one? What would the dev cost be (I need to convert ZAR to USD) so I want to see if I can afford to purchase somehing similar as well. I would need something slightly simplified

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