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Posts posted by selwynorren

  1. Hi Nabeel,

    It seems this is my case as well, whatever my location (ceo) becomes everyone else's location as well. Normally I would not be too phased about it, except I am trying to write scripts that will only allow schedules from the last location of each pilot.

    But again, for me its not a big stress, I have a slightly bigger fish to fry at the moment, but that's for another post

  2. Hi Nabeel,

    I think I have the same issue here. Latest beta et al as well.

    I though I would give it a try, fortunately I had a sundowner flight with a bottle of champers for my pax and a 23min flight, nothing too serious.

    Live map shows that I was at my destination, although it says that the FSACARS softwar is closed (which is correct  ;)) Flihgt was a success, send teh data, and then went to go and approve... nothing. (the idiot I was never saved teh data either).

    Off to do it again but with fsacars this time he he he

  3. Hi Nabeel,

    So I descided to do a brand new install of this new beta. during install I get teh following error on databse check:

    Notice: Use of undefined constant SKINS_PATH - assumed 'SKINS_PATH' in /home/httpd/vhosts/orrencharters.co.za/httpdocs/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 194

    P.S I fogot to mention that teh databse connection is ok.

    Sorry to be modifying my post again. I tried doing teh update, thinking that would be a good choice as well. when I go to install/update.php it gives me a page error and redirects me to install/install/install.php

    I hope this information helps

  4. Hey Nabeel,

    No worries at all, I was just wondering, yes I do still have my original files, everything is working fine except for the code for teh rescent bids now showing up on my landing page.

    I was more concerned that when I extracted teh files, and uploaded, it kept telling me that there were files missing. Thought I should just let you know about it.

    Its not critical, I will wait for a new release. At least not teh rescenet bids are working wonderfully (Below teh debug output)

    Again Cheers for some fabulous software Sir

  5. Hi Nabeel,

    I downloaded this today, to get teh current bids to work, and I am getting major file not found errors when I tried to install. (Fresh Install, not an upgrade). I managed to kinda fix it using my old site (files that were missing in teh core/classes folder).

    I cannot find an earier version, lets say, one before this one, can that be made available if possible?

    Also I have soemthing wierd now on my front page where teh ez db is showing debug info and a table where its getting teh data from, not looking good at all.

    Thanks in advance

  6. ok That would make sense, I still not really understand why its blank on my side, and has some gibberish in teh content of otehrs, and some are just fine.

    I forgot to mention that when  test it locally here using xampp its perfect with now wierd errors, blanks or giberish he he he

  7. Hi Nabeel,

    This one is a wierd one, I have teh same issue. I receive a blank email, one pilot receives his but with a whole buch of wierd stuff included.

    I spoke to my service provider, they did not know what to do, when they signed up they receoved the email perfectly.

    When  I asked my pilot to send over what he received he sent teh following over:

    [tt][12:29:09 PM] Arno Kohler: From: orrenCharters <ceo@orrencharters.co.za>

    Message-ID: <571d07186ff537edb708e55850fb5d17@www.orrencharters.co.za>

    X-Priority: 3

    X-Mailer: PHPMailer (phpmailer.codeworxtech.com) [version 2.3]

    MIME-Version: 1.0

    Content-Type: multipart/alternative;



    Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "iso-8859-1"

    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

    Dear Arno Kohler,

    Your account has been created at orrenCharters, but your account has not yet been activated. You will receive an email when your registration has been activated by someone on our staff.

    Pilot Name: Arno Kohler

    Email Address: akohler@geminiconsultants.co.za

    Login Pilot ID: OCC003

    Login Password: ******

    Selected Hub: FAGC 


    orrenCharters Staff


    Content-Type: text/html; charset = "iso-8859-1"

    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

    Dear Arno Kohler,<br /><br />

    Your account has been created at orrenCharters, but your account has not yet been activated. You will receive an email when your registration has been activated by someone on our staff.<br /><br />

    Pilot Name: Arno Kohler<br/>

    Email Address: akohler@geminiconsultants.co.za<br/>

    Login Pilot ID: OCC003<br/>

    Login Password: ******<br/> 

    Selected Hub: FAGC<br/> 

    <br /><br />

    Thanks!<br /><br />

    orrenCharters Staff


    __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 4146 (20090611) __________

    The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.


    I am running thuderbird 2 and he is running outlook.

    Funny thing here, is that in thunderbird, if I viuew teh message source its there... twice.

    Can you make anything of it?  ;D

    My appreciated.

    P.S. when I file a pirep, I get an email all normal looking with teh following in teh content line

    A PIREP has been submitted --

    now surely its teh same code that sends teh activation email as what sends the pirep stuff. or is it that I have modified this emial for registration and it resides in my skins folder instead of teh original template location? Wierd  ;D ;D

  8. Hey Nabeel

    Unfortunately not. tahts when I picked up teh error, I have downloaded teh latest update so now in teh admin panel ist shows 704, if that helps.

    Regrettably I cannot recal if it ever showed before, like I said I never really noticed until now.

    After I went into teh maintenece area, and clicked each one of thise, its now no longer shows total flights on my front page, but the admin dashboard shows teh flights correctly.

    Both of them do not echo any data at all for hours

    Is it not perhaps a permission set incorrectly?

  9. Hi Nabeel,

    I have never noticed this one before but my total hours frlown is blank

    I am using

    <?php echo Statsdata::TotalHours(); ?>[/code} but its just black.
    I only noticed this this when I tried adding teh ionformation on my front page. I see that in my admin dashboard its the same.
    I reset teh hours in teh maintenance section, there it gave me teh correct hours and all, but its jyst not showing

  10. I Think this could be a pretty neat feature, you could also do it teh other way around that when you post on the forums it would display on the main news page of your site.

    I think the key here would be to create a thread for news items, then use teh exact same pronciple fo teh automatic forum registration that is posted here, to also post on teh forum.

    Just need to know teh sequence to make a post, during teh week I can try and take a peek at it and see what I can come up with.

  11. Hi there

    How are you uploading?

    I use filezilla great freeware ftp upload client. I select the entire side, right click, and select upload, and off it goes, but this site is not that big, should not take more than a minute.

  12. This is a really neat idea

    What I would like to do is make route navigation plan avalaible when the pilot for all teh flights he has bidded on.

    Would it ne possible to hide that as a download from teh main downloads section, and then just ingnore the, ignore hidden downloads when this page opens up? Might be a module that wold need to be added?

    Just an idea

  13. No Not at all, only the ones you want to change/modify.

    In my case the only ones I have is the Profile_main.tpl and core_navigation.tpl and thats it.

    Nabeel was very clever when he designed this one, his siftware will first look inside your skins folder for the required file, if it has not been customised, it will then search for it in its defauklt location.

    This way you can change/modify only the files that are absolutely essential

  14. Ha ha ha, I was actually refering to the welcome note on teh sample page

    "This will be the future home of your new VA which I'm sure will suck."

    Yeah I agree with, I would do some tweaks, colour preferences, etc but its clean and neat and I like it

  15. OK for the navigation that comes from core_navigation.tpl, but the look and feel is created from the CSS style sheet.

    I see you have changed your template. Looks great.

    Not sure why it wont work. I find teh base skinning pretty easy and simple to do

    There is an lot of files there, but the only ones you really need to know about are header.tpl and footer.tpl. I liked teh way Nabeel created blank versions and copied and pasted into them as he needed.

    I mught also suggest reading the folowing pages from teh doc tab in this website. This will highlight the basics.


    If you need more help, just let me know. I am still new to this myself (only 1 skin behind me). I have only just discoivered tihs fantastioc software a few weeks back.

  16. I am not too sure about new pages, I have not used that funtion yet.

    What I can tell you is that code you copied into you opost should not appear in your header.tpl file. That should appear in a seperate file which was already supplied called, frontpage_main.tpl.

    This is the reason why it is appearining on every page.

    Here is what needs to appear in your header.tpl:

    before your head tage, and I meant literally hebore teh </head> you need this code:

    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

    Then immediately after your body tag, again directly after teh <body> you need this code in there:


    The wherever you are going to want to have your navigation you need this code:


    I have my navigation menu customised from teh one supplied with phpVMS,m so I copied teh core_navigation.tpl to my skins folder. This goes for any page you want to customise.

    i.e. copy it from this location:


    to this location:


    Replace site of course with your site, etc

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