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Steve Bartlett

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Everything posted by Steve Bartlett

  1. It is empty/blank inside
  2. Ok still getting "This site under development" Here is what I get from the check install. phpVMS Virtual Airline Administration Software Install Check phpVMS Build Number: 934 Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.2.17.x ASP Tags [OK] ASP-style tags are disabled Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [OK] No errors found! -- Checked 183 files, found 0 errors
  3. Ok, I will do that, I am reuploading phpvms to the FTP on the server now. then I will try that.
  4. Ok. I deleted the index html from the install folder, and I still get the following. This site is under development This page indicates the webmaster has not uploaded a website to the server. For information on how to build or upload a site, please visit your web hosting company's site.
  5. Yes, I was able to transfer all the files from my computer to the server, just can't figure out how to publish the website to make it available to the public. I keep getting "This site is under development" when I try to get to the website itself through my browser.
  6. I am using powweb and my website is ready for publishing, how do I do this? I have tried Core FTP LE, Fireftp and FireZilla with no luck. Can't afford Dreamweaver. Thank you, Steve Bartlett
  7. Got that to work, thank you
  8. I went with one of the recommended sites in the PDF, Powweb, already paid for, and for some reason it is not working right for the install as stated above
  9. As per the instruction on the PDF, I right click on the intall.php and then scroll down to options, however there is no options all I get is the following: Open Link in New Tab Open Link in New Window Bookmark this link save link as... send link... copy link Any suggestions? Thank you Steve Bartlett
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