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  1. Hi all when I have this installed it dose not quite work http://www.futura-va.com/index.php/vStatsCenter/index?month=7&year=2012 Looks like mite be a problem with it working on our theme any thoughts?
  2. you can read more on TC's offical response at: http://customer-community.thomascook.com/thomascook/topics/virtual_airline
  3. good luck you will need it someone not long ago as in 2 weeks ago tried to do this, Thomas Cook have declind the permission so would advise you not to try
  4. bigrossco


    is there anywhere where we can add more fonts into PHPVMS? thanks in advanced
  5. hi is there any way to email a completed PRIEP to a diffrent email address other than the virtual airlines email address setup in the config?
  6. bigrossco


    check your Flight Sim Settings as you can set flight sim to continue flying when you come out the game as by default it will pause the game if you come out
  7. have now managed to get this to work
  8. update i have now got this to work HOWEVER, it only shows 3 of my aircraft when I do have ALOT more than just 3 enabled
  9. hi I get error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() /core/templates/fleet_table.tpl on line 21 seems to be to do with <?php foreach ($fleet as $aircraft)
  10. Can anyone help me geting the drop down menus to work with the core_navigation.tpl file? as tried a number of ways but will not work
  11. hi i tried to edit this in the pages where i think it should go however the only part whihc will show on the site is the HOME and not the rest of it looks like i am not playing the head code int he correct file or the javascript files in the correct place?
  12. hi its the menu above the logo I am wanting to change to drop down menus not the marque area on the site
  13. can anyone advise for the menu at the black area which file the code is located is as wanting to change this to be a hoever over / drop down menu thakns!
  14. im trying to add the code : <object id='RealtimeNG' codeBase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0' align='middle' style='width:500px;height:273px' classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' salign='t'><param name='Movie' value='http://www.utr-online.com/RealtimeNG.swf?refApt=EAF'><param name='bgcolor' value='#000000'><param name='menu' value='false'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'><param name='FlashVars' value='fontcolor1=DDDDDD&fontcolor2=000000&fontcolor3=FECB00&network=VATSIM&NRLines=15&switch=30&switchnetwork=0&locked=0&range=0&sound=0&logos=1&VAName=Palmair Virtual'><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><embed src='http://www.utr-online.com/RealtimeNG.swf?refApt=EAF' allowScriptAccess='always' FlashVars='fontcolor1=DDDDDD&fontcolor2=000000&fontcolor3=FECB00&network=VATSIM&NRLines=15&switch=30&switchnetwork=0&locked=0&range=0&sound=0&logos=1&VAName=Palmair Virtual' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' width='500' height='273' name='RealtimeNG' menu='false' align='middle' salign='t' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' wmode='transparent'></embed></object> onto my page but it wont display on the page can you help?
  15. THANKS!
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