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Everything posted by joeri

  1. ok i am going to close this down before all Hell brakes lose and WW3 start. blue i beleive i have you on skype let us trouble shoot from there as i had the same problem and it got fixed with the solution i gave you.
  2. and this will work within fs
  3. try to reupload this file CentralData.class.php maby then it will get solved
  4. you need my email to send it :-)
  5. haha i had the same
  6. lets all have some reps
  7. i don't think he has the permissions, people using free hosting and open and close different websites probably are trying their luck
  8. Stuart you hit the nail on the head as we say in belgium. first look for a nice va fly there become involved and then start you own
  9. ok and also why are u using screenshots from an other website on your site
  10. ok and could you explain why you opend a second va that look verry simular in skinning to that off bird va
  11. so this means you are walleed?
  12. its verry easy to run different va's from free hosting.
  13. negative all coumon pireping software will track the flight from preflight untill flightplan closure same as in reallive a plane has a block time(a slot) in this all is calculated. let me refrase it iff you would be a reallive pilot would you only want to be payed from the moment you go airborn or from the moment you enter your plane gr joeri
  14. The dropping in ranking has nothing to do with the fact that your flights aren't showing on vacental map you mentiont that the pireps are going true so it is counting all. only difference i see it that last month you had 500+ flights for the whole month now we are past the halfway marker this month you only have 170 flights so its less then the half off last month and thats the drop in rating i think
  15. that will be for Nabeel so when he comes online i think he will awnser ok
  16. Mark ans James thats the code i used for it exept the classes only the words active and on leave but it will only show active on the website and no inactive or on leave
  17. joeri

    NEW to phpVMS

    take a time and read the manuals on skinning in the dockumentation section and look at some skinns in the skinning section
  18. nope thats not what i was refering to ;-) i ment the slide show ;-) and how did you got the status to show on the pilot roster i never got that to work
  19. i NEED the code off those pictures coming up like that like the site but i miss some collor maby the boxes some what pixels darker but for the rest i do like the site gr joeri
  20. what i mean is its the easyjet favicon so its copyright you tell on your site nobody can copy or use from ur site but u use one from easy so you copy it. and the picture are a litle old is no excuse iff you want to be a player in the bigg world off va's you don't come with an awnser like its a litle old. as for the post off James and your awnser "How rude james " it looks like you are just one off those i want to be a ceo so i create lots off va and hope one gets off the ground. i found one more verry funny part You must not conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction and data harvesting) on or in relation to our website without our express written consent. if i read this to me its like iff we grant you the permmision u can get all our date to spamm our users as a closure i wish you good luck with the va and i hope you have all the legal documents in order to have this va
  21. i have maby a silly question but in your rules you have this "Pilot must be at least 13 to join easyJet Virtual. (No Exceptions)." but when looking at your staff pictures i don't think you and your COO are at that age or am i wrong also just looking at your site you use the real easyjet favicon, but in your terms you post this You must not: (a) republish material from this website (including republication on another website); ( sell, rent or sub-license material from the website; © show any material from the website in public; (d) reproduce, duplicate, copy or otherwise exploit material on our website for a commercial purpose; (e) edit or otherwise modify any material on the website; so you use one from an other but you don't accept it when somebody does it from your site
  22. whats the code u are using to get the flights in the pilot profile main
  23. url to the site so i can take a peak
  24. what version are you on and could you run the checkdb plz
  25. no he was using dave's realschedulle and aparently that won't use the double bid part
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