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Everything posted by joeri

  1. i haven't saied it wouldn't work i just mentiont its not supported annymore bigg differance
  2. just done a search for brt virtual airlines all listings are from your site but found on other sites like avsim and stuff so its showing your site but the google crauwlers just hit the other sites more often and thus show them at a highter rank
  3. i belive fsacars doenst shor the aircraft u use BTW fsacars is also not supported annymore
  4. you will need to add the plane to your fleet befor you upload the schedulles
  5. update to the last beta you are 12 back
  6. also try and use corect images instead off those blurry ones
  7. just added a request for it he will add it in to one off the next beta's i think
  8. sorry jeffrey current errors -when doing a maintanace calcualtion off the pireps its shows all as 0 but in my pilotcenter its showing them correct. -pilot pay is still screwed -total flights is incorrect -no news updating to va central thats about it i think for now
  9. thanks jeff folowing is off the tabel total hours in pilotcenter are now correct allt the others are still there gr joeri
  10. just update to this version problems i still see are Total Hours on public index and admin not updating (wrong) "Total Hours Flown: 838:59:59" News not exporting to VA Central While running maintenance.php Reset pireps count all showing 0 for every pilot. total hours in the pilot center and total pay look like this total pay: 1.11474e+06 total hours: 1.72574e+06 same as mark menntiont in an early update
  11. ok i am on hold can i still breath
  12. sounding verry stupid but i cant find it what file would i need to look jeff
  13. could you plz run the checkinstall.php i have the last beta and its working
  14. joeri


    Hello all i have a question. i belive that at this point the nav database is only used to show the route in the recived pireps and not on the livemap. now what i have is after installing and addon modulle (IPS for PHPVMS) this hooks directly to ivao/vatsim(no need for an acars) it uses the filles route within those networks and shows the waypoints on the map BUT some waypoints a completly wrong where would i be able to pdate the nav database to the current airac gr joeri
  15. would that be a good idea Mark iff there is an error your site would go possible dead and then you are sc..... what i mostly do and becouse off the eu/us time diff iswait 2/3 beta's and then do the upload but first making a backup offthe site
  16. ok just installed this one. was getting a 404 me looking for what i was doing wrong untill i looked at my url "http://www.tnt-virtual.be/install/chickinstall.php" damnnn why won't this work now the errors it spitted out [Checksum failed] /install/dbtest.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /install/fixtures/install.sql did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/templates/maintenance.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date/would be an error as i altered these and kept the old ones [Checksum failed] /core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date/same for this then runned the dbcheck Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html/install/structure.xml" in /home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html/install/checkdb.php on line 32 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html/install/checkdb.php on line 33 gr joeri
  17. yes normaly iet does you would need to check the remarks on those for waht has changed on them
  18. Hey mark just installed the new beta it sends the news directly after installing the update. and i think it there will be a hook like the pirep sending but thats up to Nabeel to awnser. @ Nabeel some sugestions the layout off the news at vacentral isn't the best also i think how manny news is show needs to be restricted also as an extence off this would it be possible to ad a active inactive button o,n the admin part for showing news gr joeri
  19. connor you can pull aal these things from active tpl files but i suggest to first redesign the page layout lose all the exxes code and then start to implement the php
  20. nope its schould be in his reg accpted.tpl because when he sends it via the tpl in the core/templates its working so i think best for him to do is loss all the stuff in there and start from scratch without all that code in there :-)
  21. nope the name came epmty
  22. tru this <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname ?> instead of <?php echo $firstname .' '. $lastname; ?> see how that goes
  23. and here is the lastone Dear , We are delighted to inform you that your application has been successful. You are now a fully fledged Futura Virtual Pilot! with no name so there is something wrong plz post the part i just showed you in code see whats going one
  24. first email Dear joeri luckermans, Your Futura Virtual account will shortly activated when a member of staff from our Human Resources department reviews it. This email is simply to let you know we have recieved your application and are delighed that you have decided to give us a chance - You wont regret it! If you feel you have been waiting for too long then dont be shy to get in touch via our website and we will try to speed up the process Again, thanks! Best regards, Paul Craven Futura Virtual Airways - Human Resources
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