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Everything posted by joeri

  1. i belive you can use it. try the following use a generic flightnumber (pilot id) enter all the info needed special care is needed for the aircraft (fill in the planes reg) just make your flight make sure all the airports are in your database i think added a screenshot to make it easyer gr joeri
  2. try this http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?showtopic=1152
  3. yes thats possible do a quick searsh and it will come up
  4. don't use this image use the one provided in the PHPVMS install
  5. not completly correct dresden fur das moment ist diese option nicht in es systeem drein
  6. iff i am following you no its not possible to give pilots a random id the system uses a autincrement.
  7. thats the normal way off going -pirep send -admin checks it and aproves
  8. working fine thanks m8
  9. dude stop begging hey mark you are not the only one livving in the cloud bad thing today is the second BBQ dauthers school recitle pff thats gonna be one bigg head i am gonna have at work and just take your time on the code
  10. Mark thats not working then its not putting up the map
  11. good luck fixing it alone. Tom is trying to help you and you say his imput is not needed way to go here. now for Tom would it also be possible to show the routes from 1 airport
  12. ? not folling i have ips for phpvms the pilots don't need to bid on a flight ips tracks the fmlight on ivao or vatsim and then sends the pirep to phpvms and that works for 99% gr joeri
  13. failure rate? my airline has more then 10 kacars users on win 7 no problems ever reported
  14. failure rate? our airline has more then 10 Kacars users with win 7 including me no problems ever
  15. thats going ok one more thing i found but unsure problem started this rev registration email accepted is now send out off the normal core/templates but i have one in my lib/skins folder its now taking the one out off the core and not annymore from the skins folder gr joeri
  16. thats one off it yeah i forgot to mention mark can you look at the total flights off your airline
  17. hey mark in fs just go to load settings there you can edit the pax/cargo load just kidding i think its not possible for the moment i think but Nabeel would be able to awnser that
  18. now its even more crazy just done a pirep and now look at the value 75025713 something is going crazy
  19. don't know exactly but its not this Total Flights: 74744188 so i think somewhere its going wrong
  20. found one bug total flights count is off
  21. iff you would have done a search you would have see that even yesterday this topic was presented to us all.
  22. same as mentiont befor use corect logo's instead off blurry ones
  23. same here depending on the modulle i will decide to run it i use the latesd beta and on release version
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