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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Whats the best way to calulate fuel load?
  2. Yeah I'm gonna stop being lazy and do this old school!
  3. I may have to do some maths to get it right me thinks! :-/
  4. Hello one and all, I just got the Wilco A340 but have noticed the fuel planner is crap! I was wondering if you guys have any good ways of working out the fuel for this mamma! Regards Scott
  5. Maybe red in white would of been better! Cool site tho!
  6. I think VA's that improve over time are the ones that are going to stay for a long time! If I can offer anymore help let me know! Regards Scott
  7. Talisman drop me an inbox sometime! ;-)
  8. It's not about making money out of you guys, it's about helping you out! I make money from people who want hosting for business etc...! I'm just helping out!
  9. Ok keeps your eyes open tomorrow evening about 18:00 UTC!!
  10. So I may have another bit of hosting up for grabs tomorrow, anyone interested?
  11. All gone! Thanks folks! :-)
  12. Stars inbox me for more info..,
  13. It was what i thought was an A/C Carrier add on for FS2004, I thought it was second hand...evendently not!
  14. Yeah I've learnt that the hard way! Any way! The reason why it was coming up with unknown user on whmcs website was I've changed my domain and intelhost.co.uk isn't registered for whmcs...I just got the license reissued and their website will be updatewd in due course. so now we have that issue out the way...Free web hosting anyone?
  15. I understand I order some software on ebay a few months ago which turns out to be dodgy! I wasn't impressed! Im more embarrassed to be honest with you, mainly because I thought I got things all sorted and wanted to help out some VA's!
  16. This isn't a nulled script at all! I'm not sure what is going on here but I am a little angry tho! This is in the process of being sorted out with WHMCS. Please don't slate me as this is just a simple issue that is being sorted out right now! Regards Scott
  17. Hi! It's working ok this end!
  18. Terms and Conditions for Free Web Hosting and Domain Name 1. Terms of Webhosting 1.1 Website are to be used for the purpose of hosting a Virtual Airline and Forum. 1.2 Users have full access to there accounts and will be checked from time to time to make sure they are following the rules laid out in http://www.intelhost.co.uk/terms.php 1.3 Users will have to display IntelHosts logo and link on their front page. 1.4 Users will need to register on IntelHost's website. Our Privacy statement can be found here http://www.intelhost.co.uk/privacy.php 1.5 Web Hosting is for a period of 1 year, after which time the User can cancel their service or renew for a further year for £25. 1.6 Web Hosting may be cancelled by the User at anytime but a release fee for the domain name will be required as laid out in Terms for Domain Name 2.3 1.7 Any accounts found to be abused or have unacceptable content on it will be suspended until the issues are resolved. 2. Terms for Domain name 2.1 User will be required to keep their Domain name at IntelHost for a period of 1 year after which time the user is free to transfer their domain or renew their web hosting as laid out Terms of Web Hosting 1.5 2.2 Domain names will be registered to the user but will be locked for a period of 1 year to IntelHost 2.3 If a User wants to transfer the Domain with in the first year a release fee of £10 will be required before the domain is unlocked for transfer. Disclaimer IntelHost shall not be responsible for any damages your business may suffer. IntelHost makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. IntelHost disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, no deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by IntelHost and its employees. Disclosure to law enforcement IntelHost may disclose any subscriber information to law enforcement agencies without further consent or notification to the subscriber upon lawful request from such agencies. We will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies. Changes to the TOS IntelHost reserves the right to revise its policies at any time without notice.
  19. That is correct! I will put up some terms and conditions in the next hour to answer your questions!
  20. The User has full ownership of the Domain name! So it will be registered in your name!
  21. Thats right you read it right, I have some free webhosting and a domain name to give away to the first lucky 3 people to inbox me. The webhosting is curtesy of http://www.intelhost.co.uk and is valid for a year, after that you can transfer your domain or stay with us...its up to you! To see what you get click here http://www.intelhost.co.uk/phpvms.php In return I do require each VA to provide a link and show my logo somewhere on their front page. There is no catch and also no fee's what so ever! The reason I am doing this is to help out some VA get of the ground without having to worry about webhosting cost etc... This offer expires at 13:00 30/06/2012 UTC so you best be quick! Kind Regards Scott Drury
  22. I am actually developing a flight sim group! It's actually called FlightSimGroup.com. What you got for sale?
  23. I emailed them a little while ago asking if it was still running but have not heard anything back! I was thinking about starting something up similar...who would be interested in joining in with the fun?
  24. It maybe your metatag in the layout.tpl. It maybe something to do with the script! I'm no by my computer so can't give you the proper tags!
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