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Posts posted by in2tech

  1. I have been working with Iain Robb's skin and modifying and adding some of the SimPilot Modules to it and trying to come up with some different color themes at the same time. This is one of my favorite skin's at this time and I am learning a lot from it and just hope one day I can modify a template as well as he and others have done. Once I am done I am going to post on my site as according to the Creative Common's link he provided as long as I leave his credit at the bottom is it alright to modify and redistribute. You can see the SimPilot Modules and some simple color theme changes I have made at my test virtual airline, in my signature below.

    Thanks goes out to Iain Robb for this great work!

    You can log in using the info below as some links don't work until you log in at this point! I am working on fixing the guest links! The info below log's you in as pilot Bob Smith!

    jva0015 - Pilot ID

    smith777 - Password

    I have now uploaded the 5 color changes I have made to the original Skyline skin by Iain Robb and now have Skyline Red, Skyline Brown, Skyline Green, Skyline Orange, and Skyline Holiday ( with red, green, and blue mixture for the holidays), You can now download them at the link below. Remember you must install the SimPilot Group modules to get your site to look like mine. They include the Plugin Manager, AirMail, News, ScreenShot Gallery, Exam Center, and a few others.

    Once again thanks to Iain Robb for the original skin! According to his Creative Common's link he provided in his skin, it can be modified and redistributed!

    • Like 1
  2. My link is not working to get to the Screen Shot Center!

    I have this:

    <h3>Screen Shots</h3>

    <div class="box">

    <?php echo url('/Screenshots'); ?>

    <?php Screenshots::show_newest_screenshot(); ?>


    And it is out putting the link only. And not a clickable item! BTW, the newest screen shot code is working, just not the submit screen shot code!

    It's out putting this below. If I copy and paste the link it takes me to the correct place!


    I temporarily fixed it with this below, and it works but I am wondering why the original code is not working for me?

    <a href="http://jacobslistings.com/va/index.php/Screenshots">Submit Screen Shot</a>

    Thanks for your help!

  3. As someone that dabbles in skinning, I appreciate the skin you created and the hard work. I can't create anything near what you have done but great work. Thanks for helping the community! I have it on my test va right now and I am digging it, so far! Might also learn a lot from your files in the skin :)

    • Like 1
  4. Yeah that's what I did and it fixed the issue, but was wondering if anyone knew why it changed the font size, by just changing the statement from true to false, or false to true in the config file and than uploading the changes!

  5. Was trying to set the pilot ranks so I could adjust them manually by editing the local.config.php from pilot rank automatically from true to false and now I don't see the pilots in the admin area, ( I do on the front end) and now the test is bigger everywhere!

    Empty Pilot List Admin Area and bigger text!


    And the tex on the front end:


    Thanks! Good thing I am using the site just for making skins and messing around!

  6. Never mind figured it out as I had the wrong path in the StyleSheet.css he used and was stupid and renamed the folder also messing up the path to the correct files and images. My bad!

    Tom, thanks for putting me on the right track. I had no idea what was wrong! And also since I had added my va to a sub domain I had to point to that too in the style sheet! Now to change the logo and main image at the top!

    Geez, sometimes the simple things get me :)

    Check out the corrected skin, so far anyway!


    Thanks again!

    Now to learn all the other stuff all over again! Should be awhile!

  7. Is that in the style sheet? I see the black ends are showing up on the left and right edges but not apparently the image 38.jpg that fills the area between is that what you are saying? Is it a .tpl file or style.css or I think his is referring to StyleSheet.css. I downloaded it from FSPaintShop at http://www.fspaintshop.com/download.php?view.2 and than his image has the correct boarders and top part I want where it says Schedules etc.. at the top, see here: http://www.fspaintshop.com/request.php?download.2 . Maybe he did this when there was a different version of phpVMS, would that matter? Is it possible for you to check his original file for me! Please!


    Apparently I am very confused!

  8. Found the original Obsess Blue and trying to modify it for my site with phpVMS. When I test it in Dreamweaver it looks like this:


    But when I upload it to the va it loses the styling:


    Here is the original template:


    Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Been awhile since I have done skinning for phpVMS and almost forgot everything I learned years ago!


  9. Years ago there were video's of how to skin. Does anyone know if they still exist or can someone post a video to YouTube. I did this so many years ago I can't remember exactly how I did it :) This skin at www.jacobslistings.com/va that I am trying to figure out how I made the skin. Just got back into the virtual airline skinning and stuff again, just to have something to do. I can't believe there is not a youtube video about this or I can't find it. Have a lot to learn again! Will be asking for all kinds of help...again.

    Thanks for your help!

  10. I can not Register a new pilot. Also the Capcha numbers to add are not showing up at all! Acts like a dead link as nothing happens at all! Here is the code:

    <div class="mcright">

    <div class="mc01">

    <div class="mc0101" style="left: 0px; top: 0px">

    <img class="r0101" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_150.jpg" alt="" />

    <img class="r0102" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_153.jpg" alt="" />

    <img class="r0103" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_202.jpg" alt="" />

    <img class="r0104" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_205.jpg" alt="" />

    <div class="mcr">

    <div class="mcr01">

    New Pilot Registration


    <div class="mcr02">

    <script type="text/javascript">

    // Highlighter Scroller II script- By JavaScript Kit (http://www.javascriptkit.com)

    // For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit http://www.javascriptkit.com/

    // This notice must stay intact


    var tickercontents=new Array()

    tickercontents[0]='Feel free to visit FsPaintShop for more skins <a href="http://www.fspaintshop.com" target="blank">Visit!</a>'

    tickercontents[1]='Hop on over to Va Central some time.'

    tickercontents[2]='Be sure to visit PHPVMS for support with this system'

    tickercontents[3]='You can change this in the frontpage_main.tpl file'

    var tickerwidth="300px"

    var tickerheight="25px"

    var fontcss="font: bold 10px Verdana; color:black"

    var tickdelay=4000 //delay btw messages

    var highlightspeed=2 //2 pixels at a time.

    var highlightcolor="white"

    var backdroptextcolor="#E1E1E1"

    ////Do not edit pass this line////////////////

    document.write('<style>#highlighterbg a{color:'+backdroptextcolor+'}</style>')

    document.write('<div style="position:relative;left:0px;top:0px; width:'+tickerwidth+'; height:'+tickerheight+';'+fontcss+'">')

    document.write('<span id="highlighterbg" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;color:'+backdroptextcolor+'; width:'+tickerwidth+'; height:'+tickerheight+';padding: 4px"></span><span id="highlighter" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;clip:rect(auto auto auto 0px); background-color:'+highlightcolor+'; width:'+tickerwidth+';height:'+tickerheight+';padding: 4px"></span>')


    var currentmessage=0

    var clipbottom=1

    function changetickercontent(){


    crosstick.style.clip="rect("+msgheight+"px auto auto 0px)"





    function highlightmsg(){

    //var msgheight=crosstick.offsetHeight

    if (clipbottom>0){


    crosstick.style.clip="rect("+clipbottom+"px auto auto 0px)"






    if (currentmessage==tickercontents.length-1) currentmessage=0

    else currentmessage++




    function start_ticking(){

    crosstickbg=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlighterbg") : document.all.highlighterbg

    crosstick=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlighter") : document.all.highlighter

    crosstickParent=crosstick.parentNode? crosstick.parentNode : crosstick.parentElement

    if (parseInt(crosstick.offsetHeight)>0)



    setTimeout("crosstickParent.style.height=crosstick.offsetHeight+'px'",100) //delay for Mozilla's sake



    if (document.all || document.getElementById)






    <div class="mc0102">

    <img class="r0101" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_155.jpg" alt="" />

    <img class="r0102" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_157.jpg" alt="" />

    <img class="r0103" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_207.jpg" alt="" />

    <img class="r0104" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/img_209.jpg" alt="" />

    <div class="mcl">

    <div class="mcl01">

    About Registration


    <div class="mcl02">

    Please complete all fields for correct registration.





    <div class="mc02">

    <div class="mc0201">



    <div class="mc0202" style="width: 18px; height: 15px">



    <div class="mc0203">

    <div class="mc020301">

    <p>Welcome to the registration form for <?php echo SITE_NAME; ?>. After you register, you will be notified by a staff member about your membership.</p>

    <form method="post" action="<?php echo url('/registration');?>">


    <dt>First Name: *</dt>

    <dd><input type="text" name="firstname" value="<?php echo Vars::POST('firstname');?>" />


    if($firstname_error == true)

    echo '<p class="error">Please enter your first name</p>';



    <dt>Last Name: *</dt>

    <dd><input type="text" name="lastname" value="<?php echo Vars::POST('lastname');?>" />


    if($lastname_error == true)

    echo '<p class="error">Please enter your last name</p>';



    <dt>Email Address: *</dt>

    <dd><input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo Vars::POST('email');?>" />


    if($email_error == true)

    echo '<p class="error">Please enter your email address</p>';



    <dt>Select Airline: *</dt>


    <select name="code" id="code">


    foreach($allairlines as $airline)


    echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->code.' - '.$airline->name.'</option>';





    <dt>Hub: *</dt>


    <select name="hub" id="hub">


    foreach($allhubs as $hub)


    echo '<option value="'.$hub->icao.'">'.$hub->icao.' - ' . $hub->name .'</option>';





    <dt>Location: *</dt>

    <dd><select name="location">


    foreach($countries as $countryCode=>$countryName)


    if(Vars::POST('location') == $countryCode)

    $sel = 'selected="selected"';


    $sel = '';

    echo '<option value="'.$countryCode.'" '.$sel.'>'.$countryName.'</option>';





    if($location_error == true)

    echo '<p class="error">Please enter your location</p>';



    <dt>Password: *</dt>

    <dd><input id="password" type="password" name="password1" value="" /></dd>

    <dt>Enter your password again: *</dt>

    <dd><input type="password" name="password2" value="" />


    if($password_error != '')

    echo '<p class="error">'.$password_error.'</p>';




    //Put this in a seperate template. Shows the Custom Fields for registration



    <dt>What does this add up to? <?php echo $rand1 .' + '.$rand2?></dt>

    <dd><input id="password" type="captcha" name="captcha" value="" />


    if($captcha_error != '')

    echo '<p class="error">'.$captcha_error.'</p>';




    <dd><p>By clicking register, you're agreeing to the terms and conditions</p></dd>


    <dd><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register!" /></dd>









  11. I downloaded it direct from FSPaintShop and installed and I am missing parts of the template!

    Here is the one I am working on:

    Jets VA Obsess

    And here is the original I found:

    Obsess Original

    I am missing the menu dark backgrounds! I have compared the images folder and don't see any difference from the original!


    Never mind it was the style sheet that came with the FSPaintShop version. Once I uploaded the original style sheet and changed the reference in header.tpl everything showed up properly. I just enjoy editing phpVMS templates every now and then!

  12. I am trying to upload the new version with a clean install and get this:

    Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Incorrect database name 'fsxxp_virtual ' (1102)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000><b></b></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in /home/fsxxp/public_html/virtual/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 140

    Please advise! Any help appreciated!

    Never mind working now :)

  13. Advertising on www.fsxxp.com is FREE and will be for a long time if not forever as it is a hobby for me and the website and flight simulator is my hobby as well as working with the CMS (content management system) I use for the site. If you register you can add your site to the directory, add a web link, write an article about your virtual airline or anything flight sim related. All I ask is that you link to my site. That's all I want from a member. You can also send me a 300 x 80 banner and I will gladly put it in rotation with the other banners such as the phpVMS banner you see on the bottom of the site. All my hosting is prepaid for an entire year so the site is not going anywhere :)

    Once you register you have access to all areas on the site. If you want me to post your banner simply add it to the appropriate forum area and I will download it and put your VA banner in rotation on my site.

    Admin FsxXp!

    Hope to see you promote your VA!

  14. Hello everyone and Nabeel,

    I have started a brand new website for the dicussion of everything flight simulation which of course includes Virtual Airlines and the software tha runs them.

    Be sure and register and promote your phpVMS site and your VA at:


    Nabeel and others be sure and write articles about your site and software after registering you will have Author memebership which means you can write an article about your VA and phpVMS and post in the forums. You only have to register once to have access to all areas of the site!

    See you there! This is NOT a VA site so no competition here :) It is a flight simulation discussion site.

  15. Is it possible to expand the width of a template or skin? Are the settings in the style sheet to achieve this? I want to expand the look of my va so things fit a little better, if that will help!



  16. How can something so simple be causing me so much trouble. I can not get this file to show up. I have tried the domain name path along with the file path and just the direct root path.

    What could it be?


    Where is the %200 coing from when that is not what I am putting as the link?

    This is what I actually have as the path:

    http://www.virtualaircargo.com/phpvms/lib/skins/Sim Orange-LITE/style/R35.png

    Shouldn't I be able to put this path:

    phpvms/lib/skins/Sim Orange-LITE/style/R35.png


  17. When you go to log into the airline a message pops up with a Google Map API error. It will show when you go to the link below. I have changed the API several times through Google and still the error.


    Also I can't get the FS ACARS config file to work at all and another member says it is not recording properly. I think my issu is Windows Vista

    administrator rights as I can't add additional config files for my airline and other airlines to FS ACARS.

    Looking for beta testers if anyone is interested in joining?

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