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Everything posted by fsx

  1. i have installed the addon but i have error in line 21 http://www.tcaf.it/phpvms/index.php/TouchdownStats/top_landings/10 edit: it is possible that this error because I use xacars ?
  2. hello, I have installed phpvms to have many automated, but I have seen that to obtain the best I have to use php and phpmyadmin. In the readme you write "use the file to create the table top_flights.sql needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar." I understand that it is not a course in phpmyadmin but you can tell me the steps to do this, preferably with pictures? I installed the application without this step and this is the result http://www.tcaf.it/phpvms/index.php/toppilot So without pirep although flights have been made and accepted pirep thanks thanks thanks edit: SOLVED sorry
  3. Hi, I put in my virtual company XACARS and I wanted some clarification if possible. For the client I understand how it works, but not for the server. What should I do? Just put the file XAcars Server Scripts written in PHP (http://www.xacars.net/downloads/serverscripts.zip) in the root server of the company, changing only the address of the VA? or I must create a specific database ? thank you very much for responce bye fsx
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