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Everything posted by VAEA

  1. Its up to you but probably the frontpage_maiin so as your members and visitors can see if staff are online
  2. This will show Admins that are logged onto the website but not necessarily the admin panel <?php $shown = array(); $staff = StatsData::UsersOnline(); foreach($staff as $pilot) { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(PilotGroups::getUserGroups($pilot->pilotid), ACCESS_ADMIN)) { if(in_array($pilot->pilotid, $shown)) continue; else $shown[] = $pilot->pilotid; ?> <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"><?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid). ' ' .$pilot->firstname . ' ' . $pilot->lastname?></a><br />
  3. From looking at this you have </div> missing
  4. Hi all, I have released a pilot center with a sliding door effect. If you would like this there is a small charge of £10 and it can be downloaded from https://ajcwebservic...php?_url=/login You will have to register if not registered. Registration is free and payment for the Pilot centre is via paypal Unzip the folder and copy the css into your style.css file. Place the profile_main.php in your active skin folder Enjoy
  5. I have seen this before also with Go Daddy. Servetas is correct you do not use localhost. Unfortunately I cant remember what you use. Also Go Daddy do not allow remote connections to your database
  6. What is your URL
  7. New PM sent
  8. Pm sent
  9. No worries. Just let me know if you want me to do it.
  10. If you are really stuck I will do it for you
  11. If you are serious about attracting pilots I would advise you to customise the skin of your website. Using the default crystal skin won't really attract members. There are plenty of free skins on this forum
  12. Will PM you
  13. It is in your core folder. This will not fix the time error. I am still thinking about that one
  14. You put it in the local.config file
  15. Did you put the key in the correct place. Please check http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21986-nocaptcha-recaptcha-for-phpvms/#entry117745
  16. You need to get a key from google. Is this on free hosting. What is your URL
  17. If this is not your problem something tells me that Go Daddy doesnt let you connect to the database remotely. This could be your problem. Something else just occurred to me also. I don't think you use localhost with Go Daddy. I may be wrong but I did have a someone speak to me about this before
  18. Hi all, I have decided offer hosting and domain registration. I have some skins already converted for free but can offer skins and new VA construction for reasonable prices. Please visit ajcwebservices.com for more information
  19. You could try downloading Simpilots latest PHPVMS
  20. I dont think it is that as you have more than one pilot registered. I have noticed that your footer on your reg page is not in the correct place. That says to me that something has been deleted from the registration files and maybe that is your problem
  21. It could be that the table is not there in your database
  22. VAEA

    Banbridge Skin

    I will look into this David. Thanks
  23. VAEA

    Banbridge Skin

    Solved as you need to register at AJC Webservices
  24. From experience I have tried to do websites for people using free hosting and PHPVMS but have always run into problems. https://members.000webhost.com/login was the one I had most success with but then again they kept suspending the account saying that I had used excessive email, which I hadn't. Paid hosting is not that expensive I would suggest you go that way
  25. VAEA

    Banbridge Skin

    I have converted this Template and it can be downloaded free from https://ajcwebservic...php?_url=/login
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