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Everything posted by skylineVirtual

  1. Ok, thanks for the fast response. The weird thing is that the method I used is working for some users. But if the total hours get calculated by the flighttime of the pirep is there a way to have the rank set by all the hours (transfer + pirep hours) or is it done this way anyway?
  2. We launched our new system, which is based on phpvms yesterday and took entered the hours and flights the pilots had already flown into the database (not into the column transfer hours but into the real totalhours column). Now those hours get deleted after the first flight is accepted. Is there a solution to this or am I doing something wrong. Thanks in advance. Lauritz
  3. Thanks for your answer. Got it to work now.
  4. ok then the whole thing is a bit different to what I've read here. This folder exists on my site. Even though I deleted the file /ofc_upload_image.php yesterday and thee are no suspicious files at all. Not in the folder either and no data got lost. Everything is still functioning as it should. Error logs don't point out anything unusual either.
  5. I have the folder tmp-upload-images in my core/lib but there is nothing in it and there are no other suspicious files. How do I know if my server has been compromised?
  6. We have not been hit so far. Will it help to remove the file ofc_upload_image.php from the server? And will the charts still work afterwards?
  7. Okay, thanks for the information. As it seems we weren't hit so far luckily. So we're still searching for an answer to our problem. Would be great if someone could help me with this issue
  8. Hello, I'm currently setting up phpvms for my virtual airline but I'm stuck with the open flash charts. I've managed to change the background colors of the charts but I would like to change the color of the grid lines now, as it doesn't fit the background any more. I've searched around the open flash chart files for some time now but I couldn't find an entry where it set's the grid color. Could someone point me out to that file or is there no possibility to change this color? Thanks in advance, Lauritz
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