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  1. Is this as difficult as it sounds?
  2. Is there a way to change the available sign ups from departure times to aircraft registrations? As seen from here: Events Screenshot
  3. I don't suppose you could write up the cron for me, I am pretty new to php, and very new to writing cron jobs.
  4. BUMP!
  5. I am looking for a code, a module, etc. that will automatically analyze a submitted PIREP and automatically reject them based on certain perimeters, ie. -1000fpm landing rate. I have found this post; http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3450-auto-analizing-pirep/. However I cannot decipher what they are talking about. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Allen FSX Fleet
  6. Where do I place that code? -Allen
  7. I'm looking at doing this as well, I want to add owners to certain aircraft, but not to all the aircraft. That way commanders within my VM can have a tail number assigned to them and the plane will be where they left it last, instead of some newbie moving it and it not being available. However, I'm pretty new to the php world I was wondering if you could post maybe a step by step all the way from adding the owner table to the coding that will actually write to the database. Thanks in advance. -Allen FSX Fleet FSX Fleet KaCARS
  8. I want to be able to see how much money each of my pilots have in the pilots list, and be able to edit that if possible? -Allen
  9. I ran the Optimize Tables Maintenance function and this seems to have fixed the issue....[sOLVED]
  10. This is the link to the FSX Fleets kACARS site. FSX Fleet kACARS Allen.
  11. Issue: Every time someone tries to join our kACARS site, and they put in all their info and hit register the error "This email address is already registered" comes up, which is not the case. I have tried it with multiple people and still the same error. Allen.
  12. I am running it as an administrator and I downloaded and installed the latest .NET but I am still having the issue. Now when it pops up I just slide it down off the screen and about my business, but after awhile it will kill FSX.
  13. I continue to receive an Unhandled exception error every few seconds saying some process cannot access the receive.xml file, see screen shot below. Screenshot Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
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