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Jose Conde

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Everything posted by Jose Conde

  1. If you have php 5.4 or php 5.5 is the solution to error is: Edit the file: /core/common/OFCharts.class.php. Search: protected function show_chart($title) { Change to: protected static function show_chart($title) {
  2. I'm creating a cron-job that calls the script maintenance.php, but there is a problem with the functions resetpiretcount() and resethours(). These functions are not executed because the script doesn't get the maintenance permissions to do so. Is there a solution for this? Any idea to do it in a different way? Thank you very much for your help.
  3. Hello, Which version should I use PHPVMS to start a new project? dev or master? tpl or php? thanks
  4. I want to start using web PHPVMS for my airline. We are a virtual airline with nearly 60,000 hours recorded in the VaSystem IVAO. I've tried several versions, but do not know which to take. The versions I've tried are: PHPVMS_FULL v2.1.935 phpVMS_extended-master-170-g5ca803a v2.1.934 github phpVMS-dev-> nshahzad / phpVMS 53c4428c ... github phpVMS-dev-> Oxymoron290 / phpVMS a18d2d82 .. I'm a PHP programmer and I've created a module to import the data from my old website. Now I'm working on another module to synchronize with PHPVMS VaSystem. What version you advise me? thanks Jose Conde Web: Simugalicia Note: Text translated with google.
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