Does anyone know how I can add another application for example for Hub Manager? Or would I be able just to add an option when they apply for pilot asking if they want to apply for one of the staff positions?
I made an account on VA central and added my airline to it (Dominican Airways) and I changed my e-mail on the account to something else, But now when I log into the account the VA's that I have are not on there or anything and I can't manage my account so can someone help me please?
Hello I keep getting this error on my site I think that it's from phpVMS
PHP Error Message
Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111 (2013)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in/home/a5887766/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99
Free Web Hosting that is my site's website please someone help
Does anyone know how to add things to the registration page. For example now it only has the basic things country, name, ect..., does anyone know how to add things like your age what experience you have things like that ?