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Everything posted by atlanticva

  1. atlanticva


    Hello, I was wondering if their was a way to manual assigned ranks? The reason why I asked, because I wanted to have Pilot and Staff Ranks. The admin would be able to manual assign a staff a certain rank? Thanks
  2. Hopefully, they can come up with something better
  3. Its going to be quite interesting for sure
  4. Another U.S. Merger.....Its going to be interesting New United Airlines
  5. Thank You, Sir
  6. HAHA! Right:) Thank goodness, I am flying on the Boeing 777-200, so I will be greatly entertained, and I will be in Economy Plus, so its not to bad I am on the upgrade list for first class, so cross your fingers
  7. Yes, my company have me on United Airlines from Richmond, Virginia with a stop in Chicago and westbound to Honolulu. It would be nice to have wi-fi on that long flight. Thanks for the info
  8. Thanks, We will be in contact
  9. What was the inflight wi-fi service provider? I am flying to Hawaii next week on United, I am wondering if they will offer the service?
  10. Yes Sir, We are looking to cater both XPlane and MSFS to our VA, so we shall see
  11. working with a few regarding the PIV site :)

  12. Lately, I being doing some research and following up with X-Plane development. It seems like many have moved over to them, since MSFS has halted their development. Here is a link for you if you desire to read http://www.x-plane.com/pg_Switching.html.
  13. Well, I been on a few support forums and a few are having issues on Windows 7 update.
  14. Hi, Will Xplane work with phpVMS? My VA is considering to add xplane to the operation due to Microsoft issues. Thanks
  15. PIVA is looking for someone to assist with start up operation. This person will set up our server and install phpvms and assist on getting PIVA off the ground. If you are interested, please contact us at workhere@pivirtual.org. Thanks
  16. We are on Godaddy Grid Hosting. Webservice: Apache OS: Linux
  17. I love the new forum features :)

  18. I keep getting this error message whenever we click on a link (a page ... my url/pages/pagename I ran checkdb/checkinstall.php and it came back perfect no errors. I read that this might be a mod_rewrite issue? There is no .htaccess file being generated....Could this be the problem? I'm not sure how phpVMS handles urls....Any ideas on how to solve this error, "No input file specified"? Thanks much http://www.pivirtual.org
  19. No, Sir we went to the admin center and added custom fields and did everything what the api doc said. We are using full version (1.2.700)
  20. Yes Sir, We are checking the option to show on profile and registration
  21. When adding the profile fields via the admin center, they are not reflecting on the application form? Any suggestions?
  22. Will do, Thanks
  23. Hi, Is there a way to sperate your pilot roster by Hubs? I also wanted to know if is possible to do the same for Hub Stats? Example: The Pilot was the highest flights hours, aircraft and etc? Thanks
  24. Got it.....and I also got the rss url so I will update our twitter bot. Thanks
  25. Are you looking for a web designer?
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