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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. My Work in Progress Video:
  2. i used it in th aircraft list... and it worked. i think it is set in local.config.php
  3. Here my newest Screen : What i need to do is now: -set as bought in db -set owner VA/ pilot(pilot is for later option) in db -a one time finance expense with comment,wich aircraft is bought -aircraft is only useable when bought when u have ideas please post it and what u think about this??? It would be great to read ur opinions here. Is it usefull or useless? Or do u need it?
  4. They are only "Placeholders" in the Db. I will share the complete code if nearly ready.my db row is "cond". then u write for example <?php echo $aircraft->cond; ?>
  5. hi, i have the cond for my db show here But i do my Aircraft buying mod first.
  6. Hi, the progress on this mod is going on... here are one pic: the calculation for the price is: weight*maxpax*4*(range"*0.7 /cruise speed) weight is max take off i know, that any real price cant be hit exactly by calculations, it should be only near real... but if somebody has a better calculation, pls post... or post your ideas how can get real prices...
  7. thanx for your advice, i make an bad mistake there !!!! That is the correct
  8. I dont need this, because i put the Sce DB in the Pilot Center, so u must log in first, and only members can post things and "bad" links... When u add an row for type e.g. "Aircraft" u can use it as admin, that members can post good tools and other things??? Is this an usefull idea?
  9. This is done yet: The Page/DB row for buying selling isnt finished yet Attention i need some real prices for aircraft to alter the calculations to be correct. When u find some please post it here in this topic!!!
  10. More Info´s about my Plan´s and Project´s are here :My Projects
  11. My Plan: Aircraft Buying Mod (Aircrafts getting a value, no 747 cost 0$ in real) Aircraft Condition Mod (include Status of an Aircraft and unavailable if damaged) Aircraft Maintenance Mod (inc. Repair/ Buying used Aircraft) Aircraft Rent/ Hire Mod By Every Step I finish, i will share the code with you, to test it. But remember it takes many time.... I am not very experienced in it and i will need some help to do it.
  12. !!!!Deleted because securtiy leak ( my mistake). If u use my posted code please delete it!!!!# This is the Correct: <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpvms_scenery WHERE active=0"); $num_rows = mysql_result($result,0); ?>
  13. Yes, nice idea. I want do it, but i didn´t become help here. i am not an profi programmer. Look hereMy First Step Mod and here My Future plans The Price of the Aircraft ( Write to DB and show in Admin List/ Aircraft Edit) is done. But i get no further help to go ahead. This should my condition mod. I want a little maintenance after e.g. 20h. a big after e.g. 100h. The repair cost 1% is 1% of the cost from an new plane. I want , that a pilot can buy a 50% sharing of an plane , the other 50% has the VA. All cost will be divided and the earnings too, when someone use this aircraft then. I want to add an aircraft pool "shop" where an admin can add aircrafts. When u want to add it to the fleet u must buy it. Or u can sell it to the shop. ( An away future idea is that all va pool´s connected together for buying and selling planes). With the Aircraft Buying modul and the Aircraft Condition modul u will able to buy new(100% cond) or used (<100%) planes. That´s why i want the aircraft buying modul first.
  14. Ok, now i have added the price arrays and an db row price in aircraft. All ok till now . I can add manually a price into db and the correct where shown in the textfield. Now i need help to get the calculation in it . <dt>Price</dt> <dd><input name="price" type="text" value="<?php echo $aircraft->price; ?>" /></dd> i want to get the filled textfields weight and maxpax and they ar only written in the textfield not in the db( New Aircraft)yet. Do i need an Calculation Button? Or can i use java onchange? i tried for example: <dt>Price</dt> <dd><input name="price" type="text" value="<?php if (($aircraft->price)==0) {print ("$aircraft->weight"*"$aircraft->maxpax");} else {print("$aircraft->price");} ; ?>" /></dd>
  15. Yes, i know what u mean. But without an idea nothing where invented. I am not an profi programmer. So i want share the idea with the community. I didn´t want that someone do their work for me! I try it on my own...
  16. Future Plans: Aircraft buying Mod Aircraft Condition Mod Aircraft Rent / Hire Mod Aircraft Maintainance Mod and many more
  17. i am not very good in php , can somebody help me please?
  18. Hi, i think it is unrealistic for a Va only add an Aircraft to their Fleet. My Idea is more realistic i think but harder to get Money too. My Plan is the following: The Admin enter an new Aircraft Type with all Details. Then comes the calculation for the Price : ( Max Takeoff Wight)*Pax or something to get an nearly realistic price for this Aircraft. Then the calculated Price must be checked with the VA money and when yes u can add it..... When No a Text " Your VA has insuffiecient Money" and u cant add the Plane. This is only the first step in my future Plans
  19. Ok thanx i have it now...
  20. Where i must write it ???
  21. When u want an external bigger aircraft pic to an choosen format like this http://ts666.kicks-ass.net/phpvms/index.php/fleet . U must write in the fleet table: <td><img src="<?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" height="80" width="80"></td>
  22. Hi, i want to display town Pilot´s Airport Loaction on the Frontpage.In the Admin Piots list i want to add it too. Is there an code to get the last pirep Location?
  23. Thanx , found in Frontapge
  24. Hi, when i write Ö or ä or something it didn´t show correct. How i can encode it correctly and where???. I tried utf-8 in local but there is no function.
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