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Posts posted by Fernando

  1. I'm trying to import my CSV route,

    However When saved in CSV version columns are excluded

    and is inserted ( ; )

    That I generate a mistake, I need to salver stand alone (,)




    When saved instead of being like the example above, it appears.



    Can anyone help me.

    I am using excel.

  2. I downloaded the latest version of shopp V1, the SQL sent to the server normally.

    In the Admin Center, added one type and Shop

    But when I click enter product the message

    You must add atleast one product type before you can add a product!

    I can not insert a product at the mall, Can anyone help me?

  3. I downloaded the latest version of shopp V1, the SQL sent to the server normally.

    In the Admin Center, added one type and Shop

    But when I click enter product the message

    You must add atleast one product type before you can add a product!

    I can not insert a product at the mall, Can anyone help me?

  4. I would recommend using TFDi Designs smartCARS platform. They plan on launching smartCARS 2.0 in just a few months, which will have full customization, and the current smartCARS already has a ton of functions!

    You can share the link?

    Can not find

  5. Parkho

    I realized that a former programmer installed a system for automatic approval of flight by cpanel.

    But I can not think it will be that this is the real problem that does not account for the sums of PIREPs site.

    Within phpAdmin / Reset Count PIREP Pilot

    By clicking the button above appears the number of flights for each pilot performed, but the website does not.

    I believe that this script is in the cpanel that is directly impacting this count, you know where it can be installed?

  6. As I understand this script it works by entering the number of the pilot, correct?

    I need the code to be inserted in pilot_list.tpl him count the number of flights from all pilots.

    When I enter the administrator and restart the PIREPs, the system identifies the number of PIREPs of each pilot.

    When I go back on the page Pilot_list the number of flights for each pilot is not disclosed remains at 0

  7. Open PilotData.class.php and add the following function at the end before the last bracket closes:

    public function TotalFlightsByPilot()
    $pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid = '$pilotid'";
    return DB::get_results($sql);

    Then if you need to access the flights use the following:

    <p> Total flight by pilot: <?php echo count( PilotData::TotalFlightsByPilot()) ;?></p>

    Let us know what happens.


    I did and the problem continues,

    enter the code PilotData.class.php

    But the number of flights is cleared, check the code below



    * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software

    * Copyright © 2008 Nabeel Shahzad

    * For more information, visit www.phpvms.net

    * Forums: http://www.phpvms.net/forum'>http://www.phpvms.net/forum

    * Documentation: http://www.phpvms.net/docs'>http://www.phpvms.net/docs


    * phpVMS is licenced under the following license:

    * Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

    * View license.txt in the root, or visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/


    * @author Nabeel Shahzad

    * @copyright Copyright © 2008, Nabeel Shahzad

    * @link http://www.phpvms.net

    * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/


    class PilotData extends CodonData


    public static $pilot_data = array();


    * Find any pilots based on the parameters passed in


    * @param array $params All the parameters

    * @param int $limit Number of results to return

    * @param int $start Record to start from

    * @return array Returns all the pilots requested



    public static function findPilots($params, $limit='', $start = '')


    $sql = "SELECT p.*, r.`rankimage`, r.`payrate`

    FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots p

    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."ranks r ON r.rank=p.rank ";

    /* Build the select "WHERE" based on the columns passed, this is a generic function */

    $sql .= DB::build_where($params);

    // Order matters

    if(Config::Get('PILOT_ORDER_BY') != '')


    $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.Config::Get('PILOT_ORDER_BY');


    if(strlen($limit) != 0)


    $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$limit;


    if(strlen($start) != 0)


    $sql .= ' OFFSET '. $start;


    $ret = DB::get_results($sql);

    return $ret;



    * Get all the pilots, or the pilots who's last names start

    * with the letter


    public static function getAllPilots($letter='')


    $params = array();



    $params['lastname'] = $letter.'%';


    return self::findPilots($params);



    * Get all the detailed pilot's information


    public static function getAllPilotsDetailed($limit=20, $start='')


    return self::findPilots(array(), $limit, $start);



    * Get a pilot's avatar


    public static function getPilotAvatar($pilotid)




    $pilot = self::getPilotData($pilotid);

    $pilotid = self::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid);


    $link = AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotid.'.png';



    return SITE_URL.'/lib/images/noavatar.png';


    return SITE_URL.'/'.$link;



    * Get all the pilots on a certain hub


    public static function getAllPilotsByHub($hub)


    return self::findPilots(array('p.hub'=>$hub));



    * Return the pilot's code (ie DVA1031), using

    * the code and their DB ID


    public static function getPilotCode($code, $pilotid)


    # Make sure values are entered

    if(Config::Get('PILOTID_LENGTH') == '')

    Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 4);

    if(Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET') == '')

    Config::Set('PILOTID_OFFSET', 0);

    $pilotid = $pilotid + Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET');

    return $code . str_pad($pilotid, Config::Get('PILOTID_LENGTH'), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);



    * The the basic pilot information

    * Quasi 'cached' in case it's called multiple times

    * for the same pilot in one script


    public static function getPilotData($pilotid)


    $pilot = self::findPilots(array('p.pilotid' => $pilotid), 1);



    return false;


    return $pilot[0];



    * Get a pilot's information by email


    public static function getPilotByEmail($email)


    $pilot = self::findPilots(array('p.email'=>$email));



    return false;


    return $pilot[0];



    * Parse a pilot ID from a passed ID


    * @param int $pilotid Pass the ID string

    * @return int Returns the integer database ID



    public static function getProperPilotID($pilotid)


    return self::parsePilotID($pilotid);



    * Parse a pilot ID from a passed ID


    * @param int $pilotid Pass the ID string

    * @return int Returns the integer database ID



    public static function parsePilotID($pilotid)




    $airlines = OperationsData::getAllAirlines();

    foreach($airlines as $a)


    $a->code = strtoupper($a->code);

    if(strpos($pilotid, $a->code) === false)




    $pilotid = intval(str_ireplace($a->code, '', $pilotid));

    $pilotid = $pilotid - Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET');



    return $pilotid;



    * Get the list of all the pending pilots


    public static function getPendingPilots($count='')


    $params = array(

    'p.confirmed' => PILOT_PENDING


    return self::findPilots($params, $count);


    public static function getLatestPilots($count=10)


    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots

    ORDER BY `pilotid` DESC

    LIMIT '.$count;

    return DB::get_results($sql);



    * Change a pilot's name. This is separate because this is an

    * admin-only operation (strictly speaking), and isn't included

    * in a normal change of a pilot's profile (whereas SaveProfile

    * only changes minute information


    public static function changeName($pilotid, $firstname, $lastname)


    # Non-blank

    if(empty($pilotid) || empty($firstname) || empty($lastname))


    return false;


    $params = array(

    'firstname' => $firstname,

    'lastname' => $lastname,


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, $params);


    public static function changePilotID($old_pilotid, $new_pilotid)


    $pilot_exists = self::getPilotData($new_pilotid);



    return false;


    DB::query('SET foreign_key_checks = 0;');

    // List of all the tables which need to update

    $table_list = array(












    foreach($table_list as $table)


    $sql = 'UPDATE `'.TABLE_PREFIX.$table.'`

    SET `pilotid`='.$new_pilotid.'

    WHERE `pilotid`='.$old_pilotid;




    return true;


    public static function changePilotRank($pilotid, $rankid)


    $rank = RanksData::getRankInfo($rankid);

    $rank_level = RanksData::getRankLevel($rankid);



    return false;


    $data = array(

    'rankid' => $rank->rankid,

    'rank' => $rank->rank,

    'ranklevel' => $rank_level,


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, $data);



    * Save any changes to a pilot's profile, calls updateProfile()


    * @deprecated Use updateProfile() instead!!



    /*public static function saveProfile($params)


    $pilotid = $params['pilotid'];


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, $params);



    * Update a pilot, $params is an array of column_name=>value


    * @param mixed $pilotid This is a description

    * @param mixed $params This is a description

    * @return mixed This is the return value description



    public static function updateProfile($pilotid, $params)


    /*$params = array(

    'pilotid' => '',

    'code' => '',

    'email' => '',

    'location' => '',

    'hub' => '',

    'bgimage' => '',

    'retired' => false,




    return false;


    /* Cleanup any specific parameters */



    $params['location'] = strtoupper($params['location']);






    //$params['retired'] = intval($params['retired']);

    # The above doesn't work for false =\

    if($params['retired'] == true)

    $params['retired'] = 1;


    $params['retired'] = 0;







    $sql = "UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots SET ";

    $sql .= DB::build_update($params);

    $sql .= " WHERE `pilotid`={$pilotid}";

    $res = DB::query($sql);

    if(DB::errno() != 0)


    return false;


    return true;


    public static function updatePilotRankLevels()


    $all_pilots = self::findPilots(array());

    foreach($all_pilots as $pilot)


    $rank_level = RanksData::getRankLevel($pilot->rankid);

    self::updateProfile($pilot->pilotid, array('ranklevel'=>$rank_level));



    public static function setPilotRetired($pilotid, $retired)


    if($retired === true || $retired == '1')


    $retired = 1;




    $retired = 0;


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, array('retired'=>$retired));



    * Returns an array with a list of background images available


    * @return array The background images list



    public static function getBackgroundImages()


    $list = array();

    $files = scandir(SITE_ROOT.'/lib/signatures/background');

    foreach($files as $file)


    if($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;

    if(strstr($file, '.png') !== false)

    $list[] = $file;


    return $list;



    * Save avatars


    public static function saveAvatar($code, $pilotid, $_FILES)


    # Check the proper file size

    # Ignored for now since there is a resize

    /*if ($_FILES['avatar']['size'] > Config::Get('AVATAR_FILE_SIZE'))


    return false;



    return false;

    # Create the image so we can convert it to PNG

    if($_FILES['avatar']['type'] == 'image/gif')


    $img = imagecreatefromgif($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);


    elseif($_FILES['avatar']['type'] == 'image/jpeg'

    || $_FILES['avatar']['type'] == 'image/pjpeg')


    $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']);


    elseif($_FILES['avatar']['type'] == 'image/png')


    $img = imagecreatefrompng($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']);


    # Resize it

    $height = imagesy($img);

    $width = imagesx($img);

    $new_width = Config::Get('AVATAR_MAX_WIDTH');

    $new_height = floor( $height * ( Config::Get('AVATAR_MAX_HEIGHT') / $width ) );

    $avatarimg = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);

    imagecopyresized($avatarimg, $img, 0,0,0,0,$new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);

    # Output the file, to /lib/avatar/pilotcode.png

    $pilotCode = self::getPilotCode($code, $pilotid);

    imagepng($avatarimg, SITE_ROOT.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotCode.'.png');




    * Accept the pilot (allow them into the system)


    public static function AcceptPilot($pilotid)


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, array('confirmed'=>PILOT_ACCEPTED, 'retired'=>'0'));



    * Reject a pilot


    public static function RejectPilot($pilotid)


    return self::DeletePilot($pilotid);



    * Completely delete a pilot


    * @param int $pilotid Pilot ID

    * @return mixed This is the return value description



    public static function deletePilot($pilotid)


    $sql = array();


    $sql[] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'acarsdata WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid;

    $sql[] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'bids WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid;

    $sql[] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid;

    $sql[] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid;

    # These SHOULD delete on cascade, but incase they don't

    $sql[] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'fieldvalues WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid;

    $sql[] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'groupmembers WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid;

    $sql[] = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pirepcomments WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid;

    foreach($sql as $query)


    $res = DB::query($query);


    if(DB::errno() != 0)

    return false;

    return true;



    * Update the login time


    public static function updateLogin($pilotid)


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, array(


    'lastip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],




    public static function getPilotHours($pilotid)


    $sql = 'SELECT `flighttime` FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps

    WHERE `accepted`='.PIREP_ACCEPTED.'

    AND `pilotid`='.$pilotid;

    $pireps = DB::get_results($sql);


    return '0.0';

    $total = 0;

    foreach($pireps as $report)


    $total = Util::AddTime($total, $report->flighttime);


    return $total;



    * Get the total number of hours for a pilot, add them up


    * @param int $pilotid The pilot ID

    * @return int Total hours for pilot



    public static function updateFlightHours($pilotid)


    $total = self::getPilotHours($pilotid);

    $ret = self::updateProfile($pilotid, array('totalhours'=>$total));

    return $total;



    * Update a pilot's flight data, ie after a pirep


    * @param int $pilotid Pilot ID

    * @param int $flighttime Number of hours.minutes to increment by

    * @param int $numflights Number of flights (default 1)

    * @return bool Success



    public static function updateFlightData($pilotid, $flighttime, $numflights=1)


    # Update the flighttime

    $pilotdata = PilotData::getPilotData($pilotid);

    $flighttime = Util::AddTime($pilotdata->totalhours, $flighttime);

    if($numflights == '')

    $numflights = 1;

    $params = array(

    'totalhours' => $flighttime,

    'totalflights' => ($pilotdata->totalflights + $numflights),


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, $params);


    public static function updatePilotStats($pilotid)


    $pireps = PIREPData::findPIREPS(array('p.pilotid'=>$pilotid));

    $totalpireps = 0;

    $totalhours = 0;



    foreach($pireps as $p)


    if($p->accepted != PIREP_ACCEPTED)





    $totalhours = Util::AddTime($p->flighttime, $totalhours);



    $params = array(




    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, $params);



    * Update the last PIREP date for a pilot


    * @param int $pilotid Pilot ID

    * @return bool Success



    public static function updateLastPIREPDate($pilotid)


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, array('lastpirep'=>'NOW()'));



    * Don't update the pilot's flight data, but just replace it

    * with the values given


    * $data = array(

    'pilotid' => '',

    'flighttime' => '',

    'numflights' => '',

    'totalpay' => '',

    'transferhours' => '',



    * @param int $pilotid Pilot ID

    * @param int $flighttime Number of flight hours

    * @param int $numflights Number of flights

    * @param int $totalpay The total amount of money they have

    * @return bool Success



    public static function replaceFlightData($params)


    /*$data = array(

    'pilotid' => '',

    'flighttime' => '',

    'numflights' => '',

    'totalpay' => '',

    'transferhours' => '',


    $pilotid = $data['pilotid'];


    return self::updateProfile($pilotid, $params);


    public static function resetPilotPay($pilotid)


    $total = 0;

    self::updateProfile($pilotid, array('totalpay'=>0));

    $sql = "SELECT `pirepid`, `flighttime`, `pilotpay`

    FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps

    WHERE `pilotid`={$pilotid}";

    $results = DB::get_results($sql);



    return $total;


    foreach($results as $row)


    $payupdate = self::getPilotPay($row->flighttime, $row->pilotpay);

    $total += $payupdate;


    self::updateProfile($pilotid, array('totalpay'=>$total));

    return $total;



    * Update a pilot's pay. Pass the pilot ID, and the number of

    * hours they are being paid for


    * @param int $pilotid The pilot ID

    * @param int $flighthours Number of hours to pay the pilot for

    * @return bool Success



    public static function updatePilotPay($pilotid, $flighthours)


    $sql = 'SELECT payrate

    FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ranks r, '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots p

    WHERE p.rank=r.rank

    AND p.pilotid='.$pilotid;

    $payrate = DB::get_row($sql);

    $payupdate = self::getPilotPay($flighthours, $payrate->payrate);

    $sql = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots

    SET totalpay=totalpay+'.$payupdate.'

    WHERE pilotid='.$pilotid;


    if(DB::errno() != 0)

    return false;

    return true;



    * Get the total pay for a flight at a certain rate,

    * for a certain number of hours


    * @param float $hours Number of hours in Hours.Minutes format

    * @param float $rate Hourly rate

    * @return float Returns the total



    public static function getPilotPay($hours, $rate)


    /* Hours are in hours.minutes

    convert to minutes */

    $peices = explode('.', $hours);

    $minutes = ($peices[0] * 60) + $peices[1];

    $payupdate = $minutes * ($rate/60);

    return $payupdate;



    * Find and set any pilots as retired


    * @return mixed This is the return value description



    public static function findRetiredPilots()


    $days = Config::Get('PILOT_INACTIVE_TIME');

    if($days == '')

    $days = 90;

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots

    WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL {$days} DAY) > `lastlogin`

    AND `totalflights` = 0 AND `lastlogin` != 0

    AND `retired` = 0";

    $results = DB::get_results($sql);

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots

    WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL {$days} DAY) > `lastpirep`

    AND `totalflights` > 0 AND `lastpirep` != 0

    AND `retired` = 0";

    $results2 = DB::get_results($sql);

    // messy but two queries, merge them both

    if(!is_array($results) && !is_array($results2))


    return false;




    if(is_array($results) && is_array($results2))


    $results = array_merge($results, $results2);


    if(!is_array($results) && is_array($results2))


    $results = $results2;





    return false;


    foreach($results as $row)


    // Set them retired

    self::updateProfile($row->pilotid, array('retired'=>1));

    Template::Set('pilot', $row);

    $pilot_retired_template = Template::Get('email_pilot_retired.tpl', true, true, true);

    Util::SendEmail($row->email, Lang::get('email.pilot.retired.subject'), $pilot_retired_template);




    * This saves all of the custom fields attributed to pilot

    * Pass an associated array (fieldname NOT title) to value


    * @param int $pilotid Pilot ID

    * @param array $list fieldname=>fieldvalue associated array

    * @return bool Success value



    public static function SaveFields($pilotid, $list)


    $allfields = RegistrationData::getCustomFields(true);


    return true;

    foreach($allfields as $field)


    $sql = 'SELECT id FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'fieldvalues

    WHERE fieldid='.$field->fieldid.'

    AND pilotid='.$pilotid;

    $res = DB::get_row($sql);

    $fieldname =str_replace(' ', '_', $field->fieldname);



    $value = $list[$fieldname];

    // if it exists



    $sql = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'fieldvalues

    SET value="'.$value.'"

    WHERE fieldid='.$field->fieldid.' AND pilotid='.$pilotid;




    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."fieldvalues

    (fieldid, pilotid, value) VALUES ($field->fieldid, $pilotid, '$value')";




    return true;



    * Get all of the custom fields and values for a pilot


    * @param int $pilotid The pilot ID

    * @param bool $inclprivate TRUE to also include private fields (default false)

    * @return array Returns all of the fields (names and values)



    public static function getFieldData($pilotid, $inclprivate=false)


    $sql = 'SELECT f.fieldid, f.title, f.type, f.fieldname, f.value as fieldvalues, v.value, f.public

    FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'customfields f

    LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'fieldvalues v

    ON f.fieldid=v.fieldid

    AND v.pilotid='.$pilotid;

    if($inclprivate == false)

    $sql .= ' WHERE f.public=1 ';

    return DB::get_results($sql);



    * Get the value of a "custom field" for a pilot


    * @param int $pilotid The pilot ID

    * @param string $title Full title of field, as enter "VATSIM ID"

    * @return string Returns the value of that field



    public static function getFieldValue($pilotid, $title)


    $sql = "SELECT f.fieldid, v.value

    FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."customfields f, ".TABLE_PREFIX."fieldvalues v

    WHERE f.fieldid=v.fieldid

    AND f.title='$title'

    AND v.pilotid=$pilotid";

    $res = DB::get_row($sql);

    return $res->value;



    * Get all of the groups a pilot is a member of


    * @param int $pilotid The pilot ID

    * @return array Groups the pilot is in (groupid and groupname)



    public static function getPilotGroups($pilotid)


    $pilotid = DB::escape($pilotid);

    $sql = 'SELECT g.groupid, g.name

    FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'groupmembers u,'.TABLE_PREFIX.'groups g

    WHERE u.pilotid='.$pilotid.' AND g.groupid=u.groupid';

    $ret = DB::get_results($sql);

    return $ret;



    * This generates the forum signature of a pilot which

    * can be used wherever. It's dynamic, and adjusts it's

    * size, etc based on the background image.


    * Each image is output into the /lib/signatures directory,

    * and is named by the pilot code+number (ie, VMA0001.png)


    * This is called whenever a PIREP is accepted by an admin,

    * as not to burden a server with image generation


    * Also requires GD to be installed on the server


    * @param int The pilot ID for which to generate a signature for

    * @return bool Success


    public function generateSignature($pilotid)


    $pilot = self::getPilotData($pilotid);

    $pilotcode = self::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid);

    if(Config::Get('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS') === true)


    $totalhours = $pilot->totalhours + $pilot->transferhours;




    $totalhours = $pilot->totalhours;


    # Configure what we want to show on each line

    $output = array();

    $output[] = $pilotcode.' '. $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname;

    $output[] = $pilot->rank.', '.$pilot->hub;

    $output[] = 'Total Flights: ' . $pilot->totalflights;

    $output[] = 'Total Hours: ' . $totalhours;

    if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_SHOW_EARNINGS') == true)


    $output[] = 'Total Earnings: ' . $pilot->totalpay;


    # Load up our image

    # Get the background image the pilot selected


    $bgimage = SITE_ROOT.'/lib/signatures/background/background.png';


    $bgimage = SITE_ROOT.'/lib/signatures/background/'.$pilot->bgimage;



    # Doesn't exist so use the default

    $bgimage = SITE_ROOT.'/lib/signatures/background/background.png';



    return false;



    $img = @imagecreatefrompng($bgimage);



    $img = imagecreatetruecolor(300, 50);


    $height = imagesy($img);

    $width = imagesx($img);

    $txtcolor = str_replace('#', '', Config::Get('SIGNATURE_TEXT_COLOR'));

    $color = sscanf($txtcolor, '%2x%2x%2x');

    $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);

    $font = 3; // Set the font-size

    $xoffset = Config::Get('SIGNATURE_X_OFFSET'); # How many pixels, from left, to start

    $yoffset = Config::Get('SIGNATURE_Y_OFFSET'); # How many pixels, from top, to start

    $font = Config::Get('SIGNATURE_FONT_PATH');

    $font_size = Config::Get('SIGNATURE_FONT_SIZE');



    imageantialias($img, true);


    /* Font stuff */



    Config::Set('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT', false);


    # The line height of each item to fit nicely, dynamic

    if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT') == false)


    $stepsize = imagefontheight($font);

    $fontwidth = imagefontwidth($font);




    // get the font width and step size

    $bb = imagettfbbox ( $font_size, 0, $font, 'A');

    $stepsize = $bb[3] - $bb[5] + Config::Get('SIGNATURE_FONT_PADDING');

    $fontwidth = $bb[2] - $bb[0];


    $currline = $yoffset;

    $total = count($output);



    if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT') == false)


    imagestring($img, $font, $xoffset, $currline, $output[$i], $textcolor);




    // Use TTF

    $tmp = imagettftext($img, $font_size, 0, $xoffset, $currline, $textcolor, $font, $output[$i]);

    // Flag is placed at the end of of the first line, so have that bounding box there



    $flag_bb = $tmp;





    # Add the country flag, line it up with the first line, which is the

    # pilot code/name

    $country = strtolower($pilot->location);



    $flagimg = imagecreatefrompng(SITE_ROOT.'/lib/images/countries/'.$country.'.png');

    if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT') == false)


    $ret = imagecopy($img, $flagimg, strlen($output[0])*$fontwidth,

    ($yoffset+($stepsize/2)-5.5), 0, 0, 16, 11);




    # figure out where it would go

    $ret = imagecopy($img, $flagimg, $flag_bb[4]+5, $flag_bb[5]+2, 0, 0, 16, 11);



    # Add the Rank image

    if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_SHOW_RANK_IMAGE') == true && $pilot->rankimage!=''

    && file_exists($pilot->rankimage))


    $ext = substr($pilot->rankimage, strlen($pilot->rankimage)-3, 3);

    # Get the rank image type, just jpg, gif or png

    if($ext == 'png')

    $rankimg = @imagecreatefrompng($pilot->rankimage);

    elseif($ext == 'gif')

    $rankimg = @imagecreatefromgif($pilot->rankimage);


    $rankimg = @imagecreatefromjpg($pilot->rankimage);

    if(!$rankimg) { echo '';}



    $r_width = imagesx($rankimg);

    $r_height = imagesy($rankimg);

    imagecopy($img, $rankimg, $width-$r_width-$xoffset, $yoffset, 0, 0, $r_width, $r_height);



    if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_SHOW_COPYRIGHT') == true)



    # DO NOT remove this, as per the phpVMS license

    $font = 1;

    $text = 'powered by phpvms, '. SITE_NAME.' ';

    imagestring($img, $font, $width-(strlen($text)*imagefontwidth($font)),

    $height-imagefontheight($font), $text, $textcolor);


    imagepng($img, SITE_ROOT.SIGNATURE_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png', 1);



    public function TotalFlightsByPilot()


    $pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid;

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid = '$pilotid'";

    return DB::get_results($sql);



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