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  1. I am on staff over at vUAL, and we are on completely custom systems; NOT phpvms. We did purchase the template and adapt it for our purposes. Around the same time, there were several phpvms airlines that purchased the same skin and adapted it for their purposes. Our adaptation of it was not the work of Ryan Palmer or anybody involved in the phpvms airlines using it. Since our site is not phpvms, we obviously did not develop any of the other sites using the same skin. Just wanted to clear that up.
  2. Look on the left side of: http://flyalaskava.org Now roll over operations in the nav bar, then crew bases on here: http://alaskaairva.net Clearly the same images, even the same name. I am so sick of people stealing work around here. I don't know how anyone here can carry the thought that it is okay to download someone else's image and then use it as their own. It is completely ridiculous.
  3. Brian, You have clearly stolen hub images from this site: http://www.flyalaskava.org/. Per the request of the CEO of Alaska Virtual Airlines (him and I work very closely together), I am asking you to remove those images and any other images from his website before further action is required. We (the developers at his site) will not be putting up with any copyright infringement. I am also curious as to where you get the movies for your IFE without infringing laws on those... --Cory
  4. I personally don't see what similarity you see here. Yes, ACARS programs will always look somewhat similar because of the nature of the programming software available. However, Jeff's KACARS looks about as different as it could from this as it could without something insane like if one was developed for Mac. I have worked a little bit of programming, and things like the type of display that reads out flight schedules simply cannot look any different except for some text and background coloring. The actual layout of the ACARS shown here looks nothing like the KACARS layout. If any of you here have worked in programming studios, you probably understand what I am saying. I have also looked into this custom one offered above, and they will change the entire layout, functionality, features, ect. They really do built a custom client, made especially for you! You will see me using this shortly...
  5. Wow, can't believe I missed that! Works just great for me! Thanks!
  6. Yes, that is true, but I am talking about the number of bids that pilot has. For example, right now I can bid a departure out of KSFO, then, while not having flown that flight yet, bid another departure our of KSFO, and another, and so on. My itinerary could look like: KSFO-KDEN, KSFO-KSEA, KSFO-KLAS....ect. This itinerary partially defeats the jumpseat system as a pilot could continue to fly flights out of one airport without flying the return flights. I would like, if possible, for this system to lock the pilot from bidding on another flight after they already have 1 bid. Thanks! --Cory
  7. Hello everybody! I am proud to announce I have opened up a brand new United Virtual! Our website can be found here: http://ualva.org The website uses the ObsessBlue template as the base. I have made major modifications to that template to make this website. Enjoy! UAL102 Cory Baxes | CTO
  8. Hello, Thank you for this excellent module! However, if there is a way for it to detect if you've already bid on a flight and lock you from biding another flight, that would be great! Otherwise, pilots can continue to bid flights out of their current location, meaning they would fly outbound flights form their current location without having to jumpseat back.
  9. Hello, is there some way to show the total number of bids a user has made? Something similar to the format of: <?php echo Auth::$userinfo->totalflights?>
  10. I ended up copying the pilots table and renaming the originlal to phpvms_pilots2. Was unable to drop this table because a foreign key still exsisted on it. Also just realized custom profile fields aren't working so something is still a little funny....
  11. Hello, I hae the problem where pilots can't signup due to a foreign key constraint in the databsae. I remembered I had to troubleshoot this before but can't remember how I did this. I rarely ever work with MySQL, soa quick walkthrough of how to go through that in phpmyadmin would be very helpful! Thank you, Cory EDIT: Disregard, problem solved.
  12. OK, thanks. I may try to mess with that, but step by step would definitely be helpful. Cory
  13. Alright, I have had my VA up for nearly a year, with a paid host, with no problems. Now, I just randomly atarted seeing this problem. Checked both of the files Nabeel posted with no errors. Any help? Thanks, Cory
  14. Thanks, guys!
  15. Hey, guys. Thought I'd show you my latest skin for my VA. This is actually the ObsessBlue template, but majorly modified. I would love to hear your feedback and comments! Here it is: http://hawaiianairva.org/ And real quick, I am aware the website icon is messed up. I am working on that Thanks, Cory
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