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  1. Congratulations! Quite a mile stone. My VA only has 60
  2. Not an issue for me but I'm sure many others would appreciate this..... What are some tips for Attracting pilots to a new VA?
  3. Probably, its just a goal. 2015 is more accurate a time frame.
  4. Just put in a new one
  5. Should be from cdtajohnson@gmail.com, sent almost a week ago.
  6. Well right now I'm actually working through my commercial license, and by the end of 2013 (fingers crossed) Arizona Regional will be a real airline. Between now and then I'm rather short on time to learn any kind of coding skills. So I'll be stuck with Wix until then.....
  7. Unfortunately my lack of web development skills are an issue, best I can do for now is get the custom url: azregionalva.com Precisely why I seek staff members whose abilities are greater than my own.
  8. Been waiting for a quote for quite a while
  9. Looking for someone to reprint a Virtual Airline Fleet- paid Sent out emails to three reprainters and never received a response. This only entails reprinting the default FSX 208 and a freeware Beechcraft 1900C. A good job will guarantee repeat business. If possible also looking for someone to repaint Carenado A/C All services will be paid for. If anyone here has experience building or modifying FSX aircraft I would also pay for a VC improvement for the 1900C. Send an email to cdtajohnson@gmail.com if you can help me out!
  10. Arizona Regional Airlines, a new regional VA operating out of Arizona. We have grown enough in the last few months that we are now searching for new staff members and pilots if flying the small iron through some fabulous VFR scenery while learning the ropes of Airline flying and VATSIM sounds appealing to you, check is out at http://www.azregionalva.com If seeking staff positions, send your resume to cdtajohnson@gmail.com With your name , position seeking and qualifications. Positions open: KIWA Hub manager KSAN Hub manager
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