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Everything posted by kamal

  1. Ok i will try to make another fly Thank you for your time to help me
  2. I have received your flight but did you Saw your self in the acars map ? this is my problem my website Under construction right now so this only two of us fly and we test it and we have the same problem
  3. VA site :- http://www.sudanairwyas-va.com/index.php test acc email :- me@me.com password :- 123456
  4. I use your Acars but in live map i don't see any aircraft online but if i use normal Acars i can see all traffic
  5. I wnat know where can i found the APVacars map or what the link i can used to find the map
  6. i try it in my local host so i get the same wrong msge so any help or any new fresh copy of phpVMS i can use it ?
  7. how can i do that and why i get this error
  8. arabtoshop.com
  9. i delete my old PHPVMS and my database and download new one and upload it by FTP and i make new database i get same problem i ca't complete my setup i get this error
  10. i get this error all time i try to install PHPVMS any one can help me Pic in attach
  11. if i make backup of my DB and reinstall the PHPvms did the will work and don't lost any data ?
  12. but my web site work good more then year a go and this problem just come about 4 days a go Mr Nabeel what i must do now did i get backup from my data base and reinstall the phpVMS ?
  13. so you think i must re upload layout.tpl ?
  14. any more help ????
  15. i don't install any new skin and in this skin this is no TPL header or footer and i try to replase this TemplateSet.class.php when i do that i get error
  16. can any one help me fast with this problem i open site and foud it like that www.sudanwings.co.cc
  17. kamal

    Small Help

    i just do what you told me copying the pilot_public_profile.tpl into my skin foldar
  18. kamal

    Small Help

    ty parkho working good now ty for your help
  19. kamal

    Small Help

    no i can't see my profile if i try to open it from pilot lest but in pilot centar i can see my profile and this page not work if i loged in or not and i use obesessblue skin in my va web site
  20. kamal

    Small Help

  21. kamal

    Small Help

    in my va web when I open the pilots page on home page and try to open any profile i get this msg This pilot does not exist! PIREPs List No reports have been found I have over 20 pilots in my VA but i can't gets any info about any pilot from this page can any one help me with this problem
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