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Everything posted by Curshad

  1. Same here i would love this any1 have a code or downloads for it?
  2. I got this Error PHP Error Message Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/a7590429/public_html/lib/skins/brilliancev1/frontpage_main.tpl on line 85
  3. Thanks, I just got this code, i want to use a image instead of the 1 or 2 or the active/inactive, can you give me a code please? _______________________________________________________________________________________| Nevermind i just used this <?php if($pilot->retired==0) echo '<img src="http://qantasvirtual.com/lib/skins/brilliancev1/images/activeman.png"/>'; else echo '<img src="http://qantasvirtual.com/lib/skins/brilliancev1/images/leaveman.png"/>';?> I know a little on this
  4. Lol Woops Sorry forgot those info Email: Shaddy_boi013@yahoo.com TS3: XXX.XX.XX.XX:XXXX
  5. Hey, So I've already seen all the threads with the dropdown menus but they weren't helping at all! http://forum.phpvms....rilliance-skin/ That was the closet thing i found to my problem, but i did what they say and it still not a dropdown. If someone could please visit my teamspeak3 or email me helping me out that would be great or even if you could give me the code/download that would specificcally fix my problem that would be greatly apprciated! here's that wesbite with the Error http://bahamasairvirtual.co.cc PLEASE I WOULD LOVE SOME1'S HELP (I'M STILL DOING MY BEST LEARNING ABOUT THIS STUFF) Also I will leave the error exactly how it is so you all can better see the problem.
  6. I got the Same Error any know how to fix? or is this because there were no flights made?
  7. Curshad

    In Air Orange

    Thanks =D Yeah i did, and didn't you not answer the question? thank you very much! enjoy your summer sir.
  8. Curshad

    In Air Orange

    Any other Colors? like baby blue or something?
  9. i dont even know :/ i know they are alligned perfect, but when i try to make a dropdown menu with what i qutoe it becomes unallgined.
  10. Curshad

    In Air Orange

    I LOVE IT! Any other Colors? like baby blue or something?
  11. http://skybahamasva.co.cc/ that what you mean?
  12. HOW DO I MAKE A DROPDOWN MENU??? i tried this and its not working, its just unaligned
  13. hey they told me something about tracking something w8 lemi see if i can find it.... Is what they said go ahead and untrack it or something??
  14. http://skybahamas.co.cc i can give you the necessary info to help me please, cause like i say b4 ine to 100% with the programs and stuff, if you'd like to connect to my TeamSpeak 3 its:
  15. Thanks, but here the problem i did all of that and no luck at all! :| this is the error im getting I've asked some1 who uses kACARS about they have no idea wat this means, I need some help please.
  16. Hello guys,is there a video of how i can setup kACARS with PHPVMS and my website or whatever? cause like i want to complete the pilots roster page, add and complete the HUBS page, etc. stuff of that sort. and possibly some assitance on the search flight modules and stuff? you'll have to excuse me i am 100% new at this, and this website http://skybahamasva.co.cc/index.php/ is what ive manged to do on my own. It is a still under construction so ignore the pilots signing up and stuff. Thanks !!! Curshad
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