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Everything posted by STALKER

  1. I have solved it modifying manually the flight number of the pilots who PIREPS were deleted and then reseting hours in maintenance options in the Control Panel and writing: yoursite/index.php/TopPilot/refresh_pilot_stats one time Thank you very much for you help Vangelis, I really appreciate it.
  2. Thank you very very very much Vangelis, it is solved now Just a last question about this… can I make that TopPilot takes new data from database? statistics are same than before modify database and same in pilot's roster...
  3. Hi all! I had a problem with database and we have lost some flights, but I still have in my mail the PIREPs data, so… can I (as administrator) insert that data manually in the database without a new bid? Thank you
  4. Thank you Jordan, so it is a problem wit my server, not with phpVMS, right?
  5. Hi all, I have this error message when I try to acces my virtual Airline: Fatal error: Uncaught Last Error -- [Can't connect to MySQL server on 'phpvms-8090066.mysql.active24.com' (111) (2003)] [] thrown in /storage/content/66/8090066/israirvirtual.com/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99 Anyone can help me please? Thnk you
  6. Hi all! Is there any mod similar like this http://forum.phpvms....t-mod-09072011/ but showing departure and arrival airport, days flown and airplane? Thank you very much
  7. Thank you very much Kyle...
  8. Hi all. If this can help someone they changed my main index.php (and they added some files I have deleted) and they changed also my index.php in my admin folder, so... - I have restore both index.php and now all works fine - I have deleted the /core/lib/tmp-upload-images (inside there was a file named a.php) folder - I have renamed the /core/lib/php-ofc-library (there is no inside any file named ofc_upload_image.php) Now I have downloaded the update version, how can I install it? simply copying the new files in my host? Can I download the full version and simply delete ALL files and copy the new files in my host to be absoluty sure there are no any malicious file in my host? Thank you
  9. Well, the thing is not so bad because they did don´t want or they could not do more damage. They merely change the index file of the root folder and add a folder with some files and other files in the root folder, the rest, including the databases are intactes, so with some difficulty to clear these new files and folders, and restore the original index seems that all have been in a fright. Now the question ... Is it a security breach of my software or my hosting? What I can do to prevent this in the future? Can make backup copies of the databases? Thanks.
  10. Israir irtual has been hacked today... www.israirvirtual.com
  11. Israir irtual has been hacked today... www.israirvirtual.com
  12. You are right mseiwald... really we wanted implement the SMF module, tehrefore I said database was not compatible... my mistake... Flights are again available.
  13. Thank you very much both!
  14. In what file are they? Thanks
  15. Thank you very much Vangelis. I have renamed the following: core/modules/FSFK core/modules/kACARS_Free core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.php core/modules/ACARS/fsacars.php core/modules/ACARS/fspax.php Is it enough? Can I also hide links to download files from Pilot Center? Thank you very much
  16. Hi all... can I disable all report systems except XAcars? Thank you
  17. Israir Virtual has begun a renovation to update the look of the website, so flights are temporarily canceled. This renovation also means that all our pilots must re-register because the previous database was not compatible with the new look of the website. From Israir Virtual we hope you apologize us for the inconvenient this renewed may have caused. We hope to be fully operational along the month of September, and then we will send a NOTAM to all pilots to report that they can fly again with Israir Virtual. See you in the skies!
  18. Avatars now can be uploaded... all to 777 and now Works... It is not the better way, but I have not other... I still have problems login and logout.
  19. Hi all, not solution for now... maybe it is my host...
  20. Hi all. I am trying to upload a new Avatar and I have this problem... I have also another strange problem... I login and sometims I am logged and sometimes no... I am Loged and computer says I am not logged, so I go to login again and computer says I am logged yet... Thank you all
  21. Thank you, I hope see you in the Virtual Skies
  22. Hi all. I have this problem reporting flights with XAcars. Flight is reported but I would like know how fix it... Thank you.
  23. Hi all! I have an Available Route Map in my VA but it shows only available daily flights, and I would like show ALL available routes, can anyone help me? Thank you http://www.israirvirtual.com/index.php/routemap
  24. Hi joeri, I am patient, but I don't ask and remain sitting till other solve my question, I try to solve it myself and then share it... I dont understand your post
  25. I have set ALL FILES to 777 and now not problem... thank you all I cannot upload new Avatar to my Pilot Center
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