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Everything posted by STALKER

  1. Working! thank you all for your help
  2. Thank you very much for your answer, but I cannot get it... Is it like this? <p><img src="<?php echo israirvirtualairlines.com; ?>/images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" /></p>
  3. Hi all!!! Till now all works almost properly in my VA (except I cannot upload Avatars), but suddenly I cannot generate signatures... Can you help me please? I have tried 755 and 777 without results...
  4. Solved! Template::Show('tp_index.tpl');
  5. Hi all!!! I am trying to set a VATSIM image in sidebar but I cannot get it. I have modified frontpage_main.tpl and set VATSIM image in images folder... can you help me? . . . . . . . . . . <?php echo count($guestsonline);?> guest(s) online in the past <?php echo Config::Get('USERS_ONLINE_TIME')?> minutes.</i></p> <?php /* $usersonline also has the list of users - really simple example Or if you're not on the frontpage: $usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline(); foreach($usersonline as $pilot) { echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />"; } */ ?> <p><img src="images/vatsim.gif" alt="VATSIM" width="100" /></p> </div>
  6. Hi all! I have this module working, but I would like set it also in main page, so I have modified frontpage_main.tpl but I cannot make it work, can you help me? Thank you <div id="mainbox"> <?php // Show the News module, call the function ShowNewsFront // This is in the modules/Frontpage folder MainController::Run('FrontBids', 'RecentFrontPage', 10); MainController::Run('TopPilot', 'RecentFrontPage'); ?> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <h3>Latest News</h3> <?php PopUpNews::PopUpNewsList(5); ?> <h3>Recent Reports</h3> <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> <h3>Newest Pilots</h3> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> <h3>Users Online</h3> . . . . . . . . . .
  7. Working!!! thank you very much
  8. Hi all! I would like place the last 5 news in sidebar (only date and new's title), so I have modified frontpage_main.tpl, and it works, but I don't know how make that news body does't appear... can you help me please? <div id="mainbox"> <?php // Show the News module, call the function ShowNewsFront // This is in the modules/Frontpage folder MainController::Run('News', 'ShowNewsFront', 5); ?> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <h3>News</h3> <?php MainController::Run('News', 'ShowNewsFront', 5); ?> <h3>Recent Reports</h3> <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> <h3>Newest Pilots</h3> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> . . . . .
  9. Thank you all, I will try when I return home
  10. Thank you very much for your help. Can you give me an idea where modify my styles.css? body { background: url(images/mainbg.jpg) repeat-x 0 0 #18578a; color: #171717; font-family: "segoe ui", tahoma, arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; margin: 0; padding: 0; } a { text-decoration: none; color: #0040FF; } #body { width: 970px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 0 0; background: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; border-top: none; border-bottom: none; padding-bottom: 10px; } h1 { color: #FF6633; } h3 { background: url(images/h3.jpg) no-repeat left; height: 25px; font-size: 18px; padding-left: 28px; padding-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 10px; color: #FF6633; } hr{ margin-top: 15px; height: 1px; border: none; border-bottom: solid 1px #999; } #innerwrapper { width: 970px; background: #fff; float: right; } #topBanner { background: url(images/topbanner.jpg); width: 970px; height: 109px; } #topLogin { width: 370px; display: inline; float: left; padding-top: 30px; padding-left: 25px; } #topNav { font-size: 12px; width: 970px; margin: 0 auto; height: 37px; border-bottom: solid 1px #e88520; } #topNav ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; margin: 0 auto; } #topNav ul li { height: 37px; float: left; padding: 0px; font: bold 12px/37px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #topNav ul li a { padding: 0 18px; height: 37px; float: left; text-decoration: none; display: block; color: #666666; font: 14px/37px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #bodytext { width: 950px; padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 0px; } .indent { padding-left: 32px; } .fsfk_section_title { font-weight: bold; } #mainbox { width: 700px; float: left; padding-right: 20px; } #sidebar { float: left; width: 210px; } #messagebox { border: dashed 1px #FF9900; background-color: #FFFFCC; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; color: #000000; font-size: 14px; float: right; } #error { border: 1px solid #FF0000; background: #FFCCDA; padding: 7px; text-align: center; } #success { border: 1px solid #008020; background: #D8FFCC; padding: 7px; text-align: center; 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vertical-align: top; border-bottom: dashed 1px #333; } table.tablesorter tbody tr.odd td { background-color: #F0F0F6; } table.tablesorter thead tr .headerSortUp { background-image: url(images/asc.gif) no-repeat; } table.tablesorter thead tr .headerSortDown { background-image: url(images/desc.gif) no-repeat; } table.tablesorter thead tr .headerSortDown, table.tablesorter thead tr .headerSortUp { background-color: #8dbdd8; } /* Navigation */ .nav, .nav ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .nav { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; z-index: 1000; position: relative; } .nav li { float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: relative; /*background: url(images/navbg.jpg) repeat-x 0 0 #292929;*/ } .nav li a, .nav li a:link, .nav li a:active, .nav li a:visited { font: bold 1.22em/25px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #959595; display: block; padding: 0 9px; text-transform: lowercase; text-decoration: none; } .nav li a:hover { background: /*#f2f2f2*/ #FAFBFF; color: #000; 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  11. Hi all! I have changed code in core_navigation.tpl to get some options in menu, but I have the problem you can see in the pic (background color, one option in cyan and another one in black without mouse on them)... can I solve it? The core_navigation.tpl code: <li><a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>">home</a></li> <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { // Show these if they haven't logged in yet ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/login'); ?>">Login</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/registration'); ?>">Register</a></li> <?php } else { // Show these items only if they are logged in ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/profile'); ?>">Pilot Center</a></li> <?php } ?> [b]<li><a href="#">Pilots</a>[/b] [b]<ul>[/b] [b]<li><a href="<?php echo url('/pilots'); ?>">Pilot List</a></li>[/b] [b]<li><a href="<?php echo url('/TopPilot') ?>">Top Pilots</a></li>[/b] [b]</ul>[/b] [b]</li>[/b] <li><a href="<?php echo url('/fleet'); ?>">Fleet</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/acars') ?>">Live Map</a></li> <li><a href="[url="http://www.israirvirtualairlines.com/smf/index.php%22>Forum</a></li>"]http://www.israirvir...>Forum</a></li>[/url] <li><a href="<?php echo url('/contact') ?>">Contact</a></li> <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/admin').'">Admin Center</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/documentation').'">Documentation</a></li>'; } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/logout'); ?>">Log Out</a></li> <?php } ?>
  12. Installed and working, thank you very much!
  13. Installed and working, thank you very much!
  14. Installed and working, thank you very much!
  15. Thank you very much...
  16. Hi all, I have this problem installing PHPVMS. All permisions are in 777...
  17. Hi all! I have searched this in forum but I could not find it... sorry if it is posted. How can I set a semi-transparent white backgroung in badge where are pilots data? Thank you.
  18. We are proud to announce the startup of Israir Virtual. We are working to customize the look of the website but is available the current fleet of Israir Airlines, Airbus A320 and ATR 42/72 yet . We hope that soon also be available routes and / or aircraft out of service or seasonal, so you can also fly Boeing 737 Classic, Boeing 737 NG, Boeing 757/767 and Airbus A330. See you on the air! http://www.israirvirtual.com
  19. Hi, I don't pretend compete with your airline, in fact I fly with your airline when I am flying in VATSIM, I created this one to fly in IVAO
  20. Hi, I have added fields, but can I make new users fill them mandatory? Thanks
  21. Ok, now I have not error message but still cannot change Avatar, same that in this old post: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6607-members-cant-upload-avatars/page__hl__avatar__fromsearch__1 Thank you
  22. Thank you very much! You were right, pic I uploaded had 644, so I give it 777, delete previusly generated badge and the Reset Signatures from Administration Panel / Maintenance Options / Reset Signatures
  23. Hi all! I have seen posts with similar problem, but I don't know if write older post or create new one, so sorry if it is better write in older posts. I am trying to upload a new Avatar but I cannot, I have this problem: Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open '/var/www/vhosts/jalvirtual.com/httpdocs//lib/signatures/JAL0001.png' for writing: Permission denied in/var/www/vhosts/jalvirtual.com/httpdocs/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 1124 All permisions are correct (777) and I have modified also Avatar settings (100 x 100 and 1 Mb) in local.config.php, but I still cannot upload new Avatar, please help! Thanks
  24. Hi all! I have been searching this in support forum and I could not find nothing, so sorry if this is a duplicated post. I am trying to change badge picture so I rename original background.png in lib/signatures/background, and save a new picture, but as you can see badge is still original... can you help me? Thanks
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