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  1. I used the Profiles option, there I entered my VA profile name, URL, etc. then pressed Save. Since the app does not give an option to exit the dialog without the ominous red button, I then pressed the red button. I see in send.xml that the correct VA profile settings are being sent and the correct user name and password.
  2. OKay, just removed all the PHP stuff from the old codebase. I replaced it by v5.5 from the SimPilots group at GitHub. I also modified the /core/app.config.php and created /core/local.config.php. I am able to login to the site on the web but the latest kAcars free still gives the same problems, it just doesn't login. I cleared all the stuff it had in /App_Data/Local/Fs-Products to no avail.
  3. I had installed the latest version from phpVMS's site but after I had entered all airline info you suggested I use SimPilot's group. I went ahead and erased all the PHP files (not the database) but when I access it it says it has not been installed and asks me to run the install script which will basically wipe out all the data I entered. Now, I manually edited the app.config.php but I don't see a local.config.php where I suppose the database information goes. Do you have a sample stock local.config.php I can use to edit?
  4. It says it has updated 306, I guess all the other schedules you had in your import file were already present so they were just updated.
  5. BTW would you be interested in sporadic code improvements to your phpVMS branch? I mean non-breaking changes nothing that would break functionality or compatibility. If so let me know, I am registered in GitHub but not contributing to anything, my freeware development period was done many years ago
  6. Oh my!!! does that means I will lose all the things I have setup already such as schedules, fleet, airports and the like? I spent a great deal of time editing the schedules CSV file to import it on phpVMS What are the main differences between the phpVMS that is available from the phpVMS site and the SimPilot version? The site (phpVMS) does not even mention which version it is. Are the databases compatible? that is, if I install the SimPilot version will I need to recreate the database?
  7. Thank you very much! the import was successful. There are still some oddities in the system, one enters and imports the time in the HH:MM format but when it exports or displays the information for editing it outputs the flight time/duration as decimal, i.e. 0.50 instead of 00:30 I think phpVms is already kind of abandoned, isn't it? I have not seen much development activity in the past year or so.
  8. Something strange seems to be happening when I try to post on this forum. When I use this rich HTML post editor it somehow begins "swallowing" some of the characters I type at random. I was beginning to think it was my keyboard but my text input with that am keybord seems tobe oing totally fine with othr applications. As you can see from above what I was trying to type was "but my text input with that same keyboard seems to be going totally fine with other applications"
  9. I downloaded the latest version to use in a brand new installation of phpVMS. I uploaded the module to the site. On the client side I checked that the URL, username and password for the VA profile are good too. However I have noticed few problems with the PC application. When I click on the save button after selecting the proper VA profile, the main screen does NOT update the PilotID field and probablythe password either. Even when I manually fill the PilotID and the password and click Login, I get a connection error saying itreceived nothing. I can login on the site using those credentials. I checked the SEND.XML and it Is sending good credentials but it is not getting anything back. As I indicated the accompanying module PHP file has been uploaded to the VA site.
  10. My old site simply stopped working, it would not allow me to reset the password, nor it would send me a new one. Even with the correct credentials it just wouldn't let me in. So after more than year hiatus and having taken the site down. I decided to start all over again. Iinstalled the latest version which seems to have changes. I wanted to import my old schedules but the format seems to have changed. Now, I have taken the time to reformatthe entire CSV file but the instructions are not very complete. In particular the export I made shows the duration file as TEXT rather than number and for a value of 1 hours it shows 60. So the questions are: Should the CSV duration be in HH:MM format?a Or should be in MINUTES but in textual form? Or should it be 1.50 for 1 hour 30 minutes?
  11. I am using the correct credentials, in other words the three letter virtual airline code immediately followed by the four digits of the pilot ID (0001). The password is also correct. I also checked the send.xml file and it shows it is sending the correct credentials. The receive.xml shows the config data set in the kACARS_Free module but status is set to 0 which tells me that Auth is somehow not validating the credentials. I am using phpVMS v2.1.934 but there seems to be something strange happening. Sometimes it works on the web but not in kACARS and then out of nothing it is not working in either. All used to work fine as I have not upgraded phpVMS in a long time (nor has it been updated either) but I did upgrade to the latest kACARS_Free about a week ago. I will try downgrading to the previous kACARS_Free.
  12. problem with inability to login with kAcars is still there, no problems with the "header sent" error anymore.
  13. I checked the logs and send.xml shows it is sending the correct username/password. The receive.xml log shows the current settings found in the module but shows status 0, in other words logon failed. kACARS_Free module calls Auth:ProcessLogin and it returns false if it fails (status 0) or true if it is okay (status 1). However, there must be something else at hand because ProcessLogin works fine when called in response to the user attemptint to login on the VA website.
  14. Yes, my client version is 1.0.1 and the kACARS_Free module installed on the server is the same version. Just now I changed the "Force Logout" to false and enabled showing errors and the kACARS client gives me this: Notify System Administrator with the following error code: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started by .... core\modules\kACARS_Free\kACSRS_Free.php:1) in ....\core\common\Aut.class.php on line 341 Then it also says the error is at kACARS_Free.php:378 which is a statement outputtint the Content-TYpe header. I moved so that it becomes the very first statement of that function (sendXML) and the "cannot modify header" error goes away BUT I still can't login using kACARS_Free
  15. Tried both PID and email to no avail However, there seems to be some strange issue with the mail because the SMTP is configured in the local.config.php, I have tested the email addresses and their credentials and they are okay but somehow phpVMS fails to actually send the message but doesn't say it has failed. There are no messages in the junk/spam folders. HOWEVER... I had to put on the white hat for a while. Logged in directly to the database, changed the email address of the admin user to my domain's email address (rather than using a GMail/Hotmail address as recipient), then did the forgotten password recovery. Only then (internal email) was I able to receive the reset email. I reset the email to the known password and after that I was able to log in via the phpVMS system on the website. I changed my email address to the original (hotmail) address. However... now that I can login again with the phpVMS web application, now the kACARS_Free refuses to login. If on the other hand I couldn't login on the web application then I could with the kACARS client. So, they are operational but in a mutually exclusive manner. I am puzzled... Now I can administer the system but can't connect with the pilot client application.
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