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Everything posted by clawsonsa
No need now, I removed the module and obtained another from a different company. I left the support request open just to see if it ever is answered!
Dear Folks, It has been 30 days since I submitted a Support ticket to Sim Pilot. Have not heard a thing! I know from time to time that business's close and go away. I suppose this is what has happened! It is a shame that he had not let folks and customers know! Moving on........
Servetas, This is on you home page: I do not offer support via private messages. You may post your questions on the forum! I guess I will wait for SimPilot!
Anybody have any ideas?
Folks, Does anyone know if SimPilot is still offering support on their modules? I purchased from them a while back and filed a support ticket on August 29 and have heard nothing. I even sent some emails! Scott
Thanks Keith, much appreciated! Scott
Keith, I retired from UPS about 11 years ago. We never published any schedules for public use. Our flight times were based on volume, destination, and ground transport time! I believe that Fed Ex also planned the same way but am unsure of DHL. Sorry I couldn't help more... Does anyone know if there has ever been a AddOn program or code written strictly for cargo flights? Scott
Fellow Pilots, After waiting two weeks to see if anyone would respond to my thoughts and suggestion, I am overjoyed that it seems everyone is happy with the way VA Central is ranking our VA's. I am glad to see that we are all on the same page. My best, Scott
Dear VA Central, Having a ranking system for a large number of "Airlines" is like the Forbes 500 list. Each airline is built differently. Some are very lax on when or if their pilots fly! Some require this, some that. We also have to remember that everyone doesn't fly the same. Some folks use the easiest settings and some fly with as much realism as possible. Landing numbers can and all be all over the place. I think what we all have to remember is we are one large group who love the field of aviation. As a whole, I think that the way the standings are done currently are as fair as possible. Every VA is so different it is almost impossible to have a level playing field. My next point is, yes, everyone no matter who you are wants to be in first place. In my opinion in order for that to happen, the VA Central ranking system would have to have in place a special system for each and every VA. My one suggestion would be for having different size categories. Cat A = Pilots over 500, Cat B = Pilots from 250 thru 499, Cat C = Pilots from 100 thru 249, Cat D = Pilots from 35 thru 99 and Cat E = Pilots from 1 thru 34. Of course this would also be debated because once you start the categories, where do you stop. After all that, I just want to say thank you to the folks at VA Central for spending their time and resources to help provide us, the VA Community, with a great place to visit and use as a resource! My best, Scott Clawson Indianapolis, Indiana
Folks, Currently I have the latest 10 flights showing on the front page of our site. The AIRCRAFT column is using the registration number. I would like to have this changed to using the name of the aircraft. How do I go about doing this? Any thoughts or help would be appreciated. Thanks,
At the end of September our VA was hacked and we had to start over. We reregistered our VA and slowly started climbing the numbers again. 2 days ago we were at #195 with around "82" points but now today I see we are back at #225 with "0" points. What happened? Scott www.flyvtwa.com
Folks, Using a custom build KaCars. Recently the Departure and Arrival pulldown under METAR only displays "1". I checked all I know and still having problem. Did a reinstall of kACARS, checked FSUIPC and all seems good. Is anyone else having this issue?
Has this been added as an option?
Thanks for the kind words.
Fellow flight enthusiasts, If you have a moment, please take a look at www.flyvtwa.com We are a new VA and would welcome anyone serious about flying TWA. We don't offer any new skins or planes. What we do offer is the chance to fly actual TWA flights from their timetables, using the proper aircraft from each. We also offer a nice history base of TWA. Our VP/COO was a Maintenance Manager for TWA so we have a great knowledge of what was truly used and how they should be flown. We also have a custom made KaCars available to our members. FS_Products did a wonderful job on this. If you have an interest, please read our info so there will be no surprises if you decide to join. Our goal is not to have hundreds of pilots, just those who are interested and dedicated to doing what TWA actually did. We have TWA jet, TWA cargo and TWA piston engine flights available. You must fly 8 training flights out of KMCI before receiving "Captain" status, but then you may fly any flight. Thank you to all in this forum who contribute to our hobby and are willing to help when issues arise. You are appreciated! Our site was skinned and built by Simpilot. Our thanks for a job well done. I have also done some tweaking to the site so it is a combination of many peoples inputs. Our thanks to all. My best, Scott Clawson
Good morning All, Trust everyone is well. I am using a custom KaCars app. When we finish a flight, the live flights will just show "Paused" for a few hours. I believe that this is due to a setting the the local.config file. I am not sure. I would appreciate it if someone would lead me down the proper path. I have never shown "Arrived" on the board. Thanks in advance, Scott
Jacob, One possible way is to create a Spring and Fall airline. As an example, if your airline was Trans World Airlines your non changing flights could be listed under TWA, your Spring flights would be TWS and your fall flights TWF. You could then select the days and such and also use the same flight number. You would only have to instruct your pilots that they would need to choose the proper airline. They would still receive credit for all flights as well as the "prime" airline. Hope this made sense! My best, Scott
Thank you I appreciate the help!
Fellow members, Is there and easy way to remove a large number of unwanted airports from your database with removing them one at a time in the edit area of the admin panel? Thank you. Scott C
Removed a module from the front page. That was the culprit. Bluehost was very helpful and worked well with me. Still don't understand how the programs tie into each other nor where the database is. Issue resolved
Where is the database and how do you back it up? Also, the VA was a custom built site, will I lose all of the modules and such?