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  1. I dont make the background tho.
  2. Not Really... It does the same thing, you can customize it, put it as a cron job. Change the Text, Background.
  3. In a link form or the Flight ID, seems easy, I could do it
  4. first person to buy this gets it for $7 USD. PM for details.
  5. $_COOKIE
  6. What should I make? No one responds to module requests.
  7. Examples: You can change the Background and what you want displayed.
  8. Hi All, I have created a simple Status Badge Script. If you want it PM me. I made if for a VA and feel that I should release it. Thanks
  9. Sorry, Its working. It another part thats not. Let me find it.
  10. $flights = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); $acars = count(ACARSData::GetACARSData()); $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); if($acars > 0) { foreach($pilots as $pilot) { $pilotid = $pilot->pilotid; foreach($flights as $flight) { $pilotflight = $flight->pilotid; if($pilotflight == $pilotid){$status = 1;} else {$status = 0;} } } } else { } It only returns the last pilot. Ex. XXX001 XXX002 XXX003 are all flying, only returns 003 as flying. Anyone?
  11. Thanks servetas
  12. because i solved it.
  13. Did you get it working?
  14. -
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