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CEO North Air

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Everything posted by CEO North Air

  1. Good eve to all, well I´m still flying to Ben Gurion Int. Airport and while flying I thought about a statistic showing PAX and CARGO carried. Is there some code still available or is someone able to create that code? I would like to show those airline statistics on the frontpage. Thanks a ,lot for your reply, wish you a wonderful night!
  2. Well some days ago I had the same problem and received the same error-message when pilots tried to register. Do you think a reinstall of RealScheduleLight would fix that problem described by BastiDE? I guess there won´t be any troubles on our databases, am I right? Thanks a lot for your replies, wish you a wonderful sunday and best regards from sunny Germany.
  3. North Air Virtual Airlines still having the same problem. We´re also looking forward to fix that one, but unfortunately nothing works. Hopefully simpilot can help and paste some working code. Thanks a lot!
  4. Good eve Simpilot, short question, are you sure that a loop EDDH - EDDN - LEPA - EDDN - EDDH works without any problems? Thanks for a short reply!
  5. @ TAV If your code worked for you, would you be so kind to show your changes? To explain your changes will be perfect, ´cause we aren´t good in codeing and editing php-codes. Thanks a lot for your effort.
  6. It´s me again. Just another question to you simpilot. I kindly ask you to integrate - if possible - a filter for typeratings. I mean just to show the pilots those flights that he is allow to use. All others aren´t shown. Do you think this will be possible? Thanks a lot for your effort. Best regards from Germany!
  7. @ Simpilot Unfortunately we aren´t as good as your are regarding php-codes. I kindly ask you to post the steps to create those filters for RealScheduleLight. I really need to know how this code looks like and where to place it (line). Please help. Thanks a lot for effort!
  8. Any chances to integrate those filter? I´m mean this will be perfect. Cause deleting any routes will cause different problems with all PIREPS etc. ... Hope to receive a positive answer. Best regards from Germany
  9. Thanks for your message simpilot. We are using Real Schedule Light produced by you. I changed those flight to inactive. When I´ll take a look at the admin-centre, the flight is still disabled, but shown in the schedule. and it´s possible to make a bid.
  10. Hello, unfortunately we have a little problem. Well, we disabled some flights today but those flights are still shown as available. Really need your help. Thanks!
  11. Good eve to all, @ Simpilot Am I right, you meant to check the schedule_results.tpl and fix some operators in the same ways we can fix those problems for phpvms schedule? @ TAV1702 Do you fixed that problem? Maybe you can show us your code and explain in a few words how it works and prohibited double bids or bids without rank-availability? Thanks a lot guys, wish you all the best and sending best regards from rainy Germany
  12. We added following code to the localconfig.php # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', true); But nothing works. Thanks a lot for you help!
  13. Good eve, long time ago since I needed your help. Short question, and I´m sure you´wll have the solution. Well how restrict double or tripple bids? I mean one pilot made his bid for flight NXA1, now no one else will have the chance to bid as well. Hopefully can help as soon as possible. Best regards from rainy northern Germany Tobias
  14. Actually I did not receive any reply! Any ideas to integrate this feature?
  15. Good day, well are there any chances to add pilots as an admin? I mean instead of registering direktly via the correct page. Thanks a lot for your message!
  16. Thanks for your message Nabeel. I´ll talk to them emediatly!
  17. Good eve to all, well some new pilots tried to register at my VA. They fill all the parameters (First Name, Last Name...) even the capcha and then finally the pressed "REGISTER!" and received the message "Could not open socket" How to solve the problem? I´m lack of ideas where to fix this. Please help. Thanks a lot!!!!
  18. Good eve, question, last month I added a lots of expenses (purchase etc.), but it seems that all expenses did not recorded to the last summary. Could you please help me and tell me, why it´s not charged? I now tried to edit one of my monthly expenses, but I received a ERROR when EDIT EXPENSE was pressed. Really need your help.
  19. Good eve, just a short question. ------------------------------------------------ e.g.: Flight NXA00001 - EDDH/LEPA - Days: 135 Well will there be any problems, while starting the flight late DAY 1 and sending the PIREP on DAY 2? ------------------------------------------------ e.g.: Flight NXA0006 - EDDH/KJFK - Days: 14 - DEP: 2000 - ARR 0400 Is it possible to send the PIREP on DAY 2, when it´s just limited to DAY 1? ------------------------------------------------ Thanks a lot for help! Best regards from Germany
  20. Thanks a lot NAbeel! I´ve updated the folder again, now it works perfect! I´m just able to see those flights I´m allowed to fly!
  21. Well, ranks set but all flights shown up even those I´m not allowed to fly. I guess that´s the point. How to update the code for schedules_results.tpl? What to edit to the code?
  22. Yes, ranks are in order and I set the minimum rank to each aircraft. So maybe the position of code is not correct. I placed the quote to the end of the local.config.php and then transfered the modified version to the folder called "core". Maybe admins are allowed to fly all types even they are restricted by ranks?
  23. Thanks a lot! Works perfect!!!!
  24. I still have the last version. Unfortunately can´t find any threads or posts. Could you show me where it´s written?
  25. Thanks a lot for your help! I added the code to the local.config.php - ad the bottom of the codes - but I can still see all the flights even for those aircrafts I´m not allowed to fly. Any other changes to do? Or will be the admin allowed to fly all aircrafts?
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