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Everything posted by cmtehudson
Hello Web541. Haha, i just did change in this line: if (Config::Get('SIGNATURE_SHOW_RANK_IMAGE') == true && $pilot->rankimage != '') { I puted false where is true and worked very well! Thanks so much for helps!!! Thans! Hudson
Hello Servetas. Thanks for u atention. I know this opition in properties but i can check the box to run as admin... Is a problem in installation that dont open the program? Thanks. Hudson
I did this but nothing.. Idk why isent updating..
Hello Flyalaska! Thanks for ur atention. Yeap, i allready did this, but continue showing the rank image. Its can be some error? Thanks. Hudson
Hello. I need to know what i need to do to get out the "Rank" image from my signature. I allways puted false in signature place in my app.config. Here is the exemple. Thanks so much. Hudson - GLC001
Hello Simpilot. Thanks for u atention sice now. So. Im in Admin user in computer, but idk why, when i clink in .msi intaller, idk have the opition to run as admin... There are any other way to install kAcars?? Idk what to do more, the program just dont open... Thanks for atention. Hudson - GLC001
Yeap. To install i dont have admin opition, only install or unistall. But to run is as admin. kAcars run with Framework 4.0 or only with 3.5? I ask that because i think my windows framework 3.5 isent working well... So, idk what to do... Thanks. Hudson
I have installed kAcars v1.0.1.1 in my W7 but when i click in the .exe, it simple dont work. Nothing occour... I allready unistalled and reinstalled but dont work. I installed the v1.0.1.0 and dont start too. Some one knows what can be this issue? Thanks! Hudson
Thanks for u help FSX, idk how to thank you man. I send PM for u!! Thanks! Hudson.
Me too!
FSX, I tried, but until now dont show the planes. http://voeglobal.besaba.com/index.php/vFleetTracker/ But here, in detail page, works the two maps, showing the plane. http://voeglobal.besaba.com/index.php/vFleetTracker/view/PPGLA Thanks!
Oh FSX, sorry, i thinked that was only put here. I will try, and thanks again for u attention. Hudson
Hi FSX30HD, thanks for your attention. Here is my map.tpl code from core/template/vfleet ok? <div class="mapcenter" align="center"> <div id="routemap" style="width: 960px; height: 520px;"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var options = { zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LAT'); ?>, <?php echo Config::Get('MAP_CENTER_LNG'); ?>), mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, } var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("routemap"), options); </script> <?php $count = 1; if($data) foreach($data as $l) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var pointer_<?php echo $count;?> = new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $l->arrlat?>, <?php echo $l->arrlng?>); var point_<?php echo $count;?> = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pointer_<?php echo $count;?>, map: map, title: "<?php echo "$l->acregistration is at $l->arrname ($l->arricao)";?>", }); var contentString = '<?php echo $l->acname;?> (<?php echo $l->acregistration;?>) is at <?php echo $l->arrname.'('.$l->arricao.')';?>'; var infowindow_<?php echo $count;?> = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: contentString }); google.maps.event.addListener(point_<?php echo $count;?>, 'click', function() { infowindow_<?php echo $count;?>.open(map,point_<?php echo $count;?>); }); </script> <?php $count = 1 + $count; } ?> There is an error in the line 21, idk why. Thnaks again. Hudson
Thanks for u attention Sim. So, the live map in the home page, works good, showing the flight in real time. The second map in the flight tracker, is to show where is the plane, but dont show. If you click in the "view details" you will see the plane location on the third map in this page... If i open the Map.tpl here, is this problem on line 21: var pointer_<?php echo $count;?> = new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo $l->arrlat?>, <?php echo $l->arrlng?>); I dont know why occours it. Thanks for help me. Hudson
Someone to help me please??? Thanks!!
"If you are using a different prefix you will either have to temporarily change the prefix or change all instances of the prefix in the data file." What i was made. I opened the file and changed all the "phpvms_airports" to my table name, in this case, to "phpvms_globairports" and worked fine. THanks for it sim, really nice!! Thanks again! Hudson PS: Sorry my english errors
I'm with the same problem.... Someone know what to do?
Hi Again. Im trying to instal this fantastic module im my Va's site, but i cant. In the principal page appears the map and the planes information, but dont appear in the map plane locations. When i enter in the plane's information, appear in the map the location. Someone can help me? Here is my Website. http://voeglobal.besaba.com/index.php/vFleetTracker/ Thanks. Hudson
Hi Mseiwald. There are 3 Logs, and appear in the Aircraft page. Idk what is happening. Tnks! Hudson
Hi again. I tried to do something to appear the "pin" point in the map, but i cant. I have noticed that my map tpl is here: lib/skin/ocean blue/fly tracker/map.tpl Is in the correct place? The point showing where the plane is, dont appear, only information bellow the map. Someone can help me? Tnks a lot! Hudson
mseiwald Tnks a lot man, worked very well! But, idk why, the "pin" that show where the is, dont appear. I will try do the changes in last pages to see if work it. Again, tkns very much! Hudson
Hi Simpilot Sorry, im noob in php, so, where exactly i will put var_dump? In map.tpl? Tnks again Hudson
SimPilot, tnks for attencion. In my case, i had only first problem, in the map.tpl on line 16 in the site, and in the line 20 in DW. I have 2 aircrafts in database and 2 logs from 1 aircraft. I need to do more flights? Tnks a lot! Hudson
Hi. im with the same problem.. Anybody know how to issue? Tnks a lot. Hudson
Hi! Im new here, and i was instalation of this Skin in my site. But, i cant add the "menu" in the correct posicion, i created a new page in my admin panel (Our Staff), but was created an new menu in the menu bar. How i can put this page in the correct location in the menu? Tnkhs!