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Everything posted by imnemina

  1. Thank for you help Paul, but nothingh has change.
  2. I´ts ok
  3. I do not think that's where it should be edited
  4. ??? delete that thing?
  5. Hello! i have edited every TPL files for translate the phpvms system to spanish language (my VA is Aerolineas Argentinas). But there are two things I haven´t found where I translate. The months and days. Every page is displayed in Spanish language, less the months and days are shown in English. Anyone know which file should I edit and where is it found the file? Best regards
  6. I have a little problem in my VA. I searched in the forum but i not found this case. In Aerolineas Argentinas virtual, pilots ascend for two conditions. Hours and a examination. A pilot only can take the examination for the next rank if he has the required hours. But, if the pilot fails the examination, he remains in the range that has now. In the pilot profile says "You have X hours left until your promotion to next rank" X is a number and next rank is one of the ranks on my VA This is a code on core/templates/profile_main.tpl <p>You have <?php echo ($nextrank->minhours - $pilot_hours)?> hours left until your promotion to <?php echo $nextrank->rank?></p> The information is wrong because the system only considers the hours needed, not the actually rank. Example: Ranks and hours required in Aerolineas Argentinas Virtual National FO - 1 hs National Capt - 40 hs Regional FO - 80 hs Regional Capt - 150 hs International FO - 300 hs International Capt - 500 hs Chief of Airline - 1000 hs Chief of Fleet - 1500 hs Every ascend requieres hours and examination, most difficult every time. In my case, my rank is International FO, and i have 995 hours right now. The system should show: "You have the hours needed to examination for International Capt", this because it reaches 500 hours but I took the examination to International Capt. But shows "You have 5 hours left until your promotion to Chief of Airline", this is not possible until i render the examination to International Capt first. Obviously this is because the system only considers the hours, not the current range of the pilot. Any idea to modify this? Best regards
  7. Hello I installed the module without problems, but the frames are not present. further question, in the readme.txt says: LEAVE THE $ month and $ year VARIABLES ALONE OR THE LINK WILL FUNCTION PROPERLY! <? php $ month = date (n); $ year = date (Y); ?> <a href = "<? php echo url ('/ vStatsCenter / index? month ='. $ month. '& year ='. $ year.'')?>"> vStatsCenter </ a> This where I check? Best regards
  8. Anybody can help me? two weeks and not answer? Best regards
  9. I am a novice user of phpvms, without any knowledge of php, database, mysql, or anything. Testing, reading forums, trying again but I managed to read up, install and configure phpvms and it is operating. Now I want to add some add ons, but I have fear of doing it wrong and lose all the work done so far (as happened to me once). The question is whether I can upload the Plugin configurator and install them easily this module. Top Pilot. Sorry for my English, but if something was missing for all costs me more work is ... not speak English. I Read and understand some things, I write very few and not talk about anything. Thank you for your patience and google translator for helping me with this issue. ;-)
  10. Thank for all
  11. In fact I did the modification to assign ranges manually, but every time I edit a pilot his ranking back only to the lowest position and I put it back manually.
  12. Estimated People My name is Ignacio, and I'm taking my first steps in phpvms. I was able to install and configure the system well, the problem I have is that every time I edit a pilot, your ranking changes at the lowest rank. Any idea how to solve it (if possible). I seach this problem in this forum but not find any post for that. Best regards
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