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Everything posted by shiljo

  1. shiljo

    Admin template

    No noo i mean that i want dark one...Its better then regular one...So now i have on site latest phpVMS, and my admin style is normal...I have template in directires but dont know how to change from regular to dark... Also, i will be very greatfull if someone contact me or wish to help me on my style.css file as my knowledge of it is none...thank you mr.shiljo@gmail.com www.croatia-cargo.com
  2. shiljo

    Admin template

    sure i know that, but how can i cnage them as i see on some of your pics here they have nice one, dark, i assume its dark template...and its better to see of th regular one...
  3. shiljo

    Admin template

    How to change admin template?...thank you
  4. Hi guys, listen whatever i changed in setting of soom level, allways zoom the same...i mean first sappearance of map when no gflights...can i zoom it to normal level to see all of Croatia for instance? Thank you
  5. shiljo


    Sure, sorry for my layk of knowledge, but did u try to search for FsACARS scripts which is dead allmost 3 years now? Hehe, didint think so...It seems that this is API key issue, map is just dont shown on page...never mind, ill try again with phpVMS, just need some site template...So all of my old site will be dead, too bad...
  6. shiljo


    Hi all again! Since i have no idea how to implement phpVMS into my site, i was wondering can someone help me with original FsACARS scripts, as they are easiest for me to install on site. It is work by hand in relation with phpVMS which is automated and perfectly assembled, but my lack of knowledge is frustrating me so...here is gmap script, take a look and tell me why it wouldnt show on site... Code : <?php /* !!!A QUICK NOTE!!! Some of the database fields may have changed and you will need to alter them to your database. Remember to backup your database before you make any changes or you will regret it. You will need to have a registered Google Map key which you can get for free from http://www.google.com/apis/maps/.'>http://www.google.com/apis/maps/. You will need to know your database structure with username and password details. I have made db connection easy but you can edit it as your coding levels suit. Ideally You should have a link to the db connection but that is entirely up to you. Anyway, hope this helps you in working out how to use google maps on your VA. Cheers Steph. */ /* CHANGE THESE LINES TO YOUR DETAILS */ /* make connection to database */ $hostreal_name = "localhost"; $userreal_name = "***"; $pw = "***"; $dbreal_name = "***"; // Remember, you need to register with Google Map to get a valid registration key. // This key must be placed where I have put "###UR_KEY_HERE###" located in the <script src=> tag below. ?> <head> <!-- Place you google map key in the line below over the "###UR_KEY_HERE###" text If you do not have a key this will not work. You can obtain a key from http://www.google.com/apis/maps/ --> <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=1&key=MAP KEY HERE!!!" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="../css/css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_reloadPage(init) { //reloads the window if Nav4 resized if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) { document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }} else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload(); } MM_reloadPage(true); //--> </script> </head> <body class="content"> <div id="map" style="width: 750px; height: 500px; z-index:1; left: 138px;"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // This is the google map part // Thes map settings are set to show Australia, so you will // need to change co ordinates to suit your needs. //<![CDATA[ //Center map on Alice Springs var map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map")); //$GMap->setMapType('G_HYBRID_TYPE'); map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); // Alice Springs // LAT LON // S2348'08.57 E13353'12.16 map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(15.532080078125, 44.770059260080004), 11); map.setMapType(G_SATELLITE_TYPE); // Palo Alto // LAT LON // N3727'40.03 W12206'54.16 //map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(-122.1419, 37.4419), 4); // Creates a marker whose info window displays the given number function createMarker(point, number, $callsign) { var marker = new GMarker(point, $callsign); // Show this markers index in the info window when it is clicked var html = number; GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html);}); return marker; }; <?php $link = mysql_connect("$hostreal_name", "$userreal_name", "$pw") or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_selectdb("$dbreal_name",$link) or die ("Can't use dbmapserver : " . mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM positions WHERE last_update > DATE_SUB( NOW() , INTERVAL 5 MINUTE )", $link); if (!$result) { echo "no results "; } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // This is the data displayed in the google map text box when you click on a pilot name $info = "Pilot: ".$row['pilot_num'] . "<br>" . "From: " . $row['depAptICAO'] ." To: " . $row['destAptICAO'] . "<br>" . "Online: " . $row['Online'] . "<br>" . "GS: " . $row['gs'] . "<br>" . "ALT: " . $row['alt'] . "<br>" . "ETA: " . $row['timeDestApt']; echo "var point = new GPoint(" . $row['lon'] . "," . $row['lat'] . ");n"; echo "var marker = createMarker(point, '" . $info . "');n"; echo "map.addOverlay(marker);n"; echo "n"; } mysql_close($link); ?> //]]> </script> <div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; width:800px; height:600px; z-index:1; left: 150px; top: 510px;"> <?php $cont = 1; /* mysql error */ if (!$result) { print "Error - Database Connection."; $cont = 0; } if ($cont) { if (mysql_numrows($result) == 0) { print "No current flights<br><br><br>"; } else { print "<table align=left>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Pilot</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Flight#</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>From/To</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Dist. from Ori.</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Dist. to Dest.</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Alt</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>GS</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>ETE</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>STATUS</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000080 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Online</b></font></td>"; print "</tr>"; $phase_colors = array(); $phase_colors[0] = "color=#FFFFFF"; // Disconnected from ACARS - White $phase_colors[1] = "color=#CCCCCC"; // Boarding - Gray $phase_colors[2] = "color=#FF00FF"; // Taxi From Gate - Purple $phase_colors[3] = "color=#0000FF"; // Departing - Blue $phase_colors[4] = "color=#00FFFF"; // Climbing - Cyan $phase_colors[5] = "color=#00FF00"; // Cruising - Green $phase_colors[6] = "color=#FFFF00"; // Descending - Yellow $phase_colors[7] = "color=#FF8800"; // Landed - Orange $phase_colors[8] = "color=#FF0000"; // Taxi To Gate - Red $phase_colors[9] = "color=#FFFFFF"; // Arrived at Gate - White $phase_msgs = array(); $phase_msgs[0] = "Disconnected"; $phase_msgs[1] = "Boarding"; $phase_msgs[2] = "Taxi From Gate"; $phase_msgs[3] = "Departing"; $phase_msgs[4] = "Enroute"; $phase_msgs[5] = "Enroute"; $phase_msgs[6] = "Descending"; $phase_msgs[7] = "Landed"; $phase_msgs[8] = "Taxi To Gate"; $phase_msgs[9] = "Arrived At Gate"; $number = mysql_numrows($result); for ($i=0; $i < $number; $i++) { $pnum = mysql_result($result,$i,"pilot_num"); $alt = mysql_result($result,$i,"alt"); $gs = mysql_result($result,$i,"gs"); $callsign = mysql_result($result,$i,"IATA"); $dep = mysql_result($result,$i,"depAptICAO"); $depreal_name = mysql_result($result,$i,"depapt"); $dest = mysql_result($result,$i,"destAptICAO"); $destreal_name = mysql_result($result,$i,"destapt"); $distOrig = mysql_result($result,$i,"disDepApt"); $distDest = mysql_result($result,$i,"disDestApt"); $ETA = mysql_result($result,$i,"timeDestApt"); $phase = mysql_result($result,$i,"phase"); $Online = mysql_result($result,$i,"online"); print "<tr>"; print "<td width=30 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1>ACV$pnum</font></td>"; print "<td width=60 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1>$callsign</font></td>"; print "<td width=100 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1>$dep TO $dest</font></td>"; print "<td width=60 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1>$distOrig</font></td>"; print "<td width=60 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1>$distDest</font></td>"; print "<td width=60 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1>$alt</font></td>"; print "<td width=30 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1>$gs</font></td>"; print "<td width=60 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana color=#000080 size=1>$ETA</font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#000000 width=150 height=12 align=center><font face=Verdana ".$phase_colors[$phase]." size=1><b>".$phase_msgs[$phase]."</b></font></td>"; print "</tr>"; } } } ?> </div> </body>
  7. How to change, and where in which file, position of login screen and position of bid flights page, pireps page, finances and so on...(h3 i think)...I have changed site so i can put iframe in it, with those pages inside...i was able to change first page (home) and i think map, but others i cant find where to change...soon as i reinstall this all i will try to fix that...
  8. Thats liek you told me to build space shuttle...hehe kidding...It is in tutorials...i guess, but i need to know at least basics to make this...i just know to adjust allrerady mad e code...so i try and see what i change and so on ... hm...tuogh-...
  9. I did and absolutely nothing, i was trying another thing with my site...and i blew up everything...im just not good at coding knowledge to do some stuff... For example...i want edit pages in web page maker, and i figure it out that i can use iframe...Just to remind you that my brain on this functioning on method of trying and failuring hehe...so...i want to have my own pages with links on iframes on each page...so i manage to do something about it...but...i want to put login on my index page...i want to get my map fixed, as it is terrible, grey boxes, and playne still shown...i must now reinstall all thing, so i will try again...ufff...my eyes are hurting, but im willing to do the best job for my virtua Croatia CARGO. Please help me about that codes...im in trouble with that...i can try to adjust it but as no knowledge at all i will spent whole year doing this hehe...Thank you all very much
  10. yes ok, its inair folder?? Should it be inflight or its just ok this way?
  11. Are you sure its corect destination, as i dont have such folder ... ill search on other dest...
  12. Hi im new at all this and dont have blody idea what im doing but im heading somewhere. Im dummy for codes, but somehow i managed site. Help needed urgent about whole thing. But, my problem is grey box instead of plane...maybe it has to do something with background or what? can someon contact me pls on mail mr.shiljo@gmail.com for helping me out on those scripts and everything, i want learn but its damn tough. thank you very much...
  13. Pls can someone tell me how to adjust table of showing pilots, pireps and so on, regular html codes or? And another request, where can i fix that only new pilots and new pireps are shown only on main page, like this now its shown on every page, and also how to adjust those tables. Thank you www.croatia-cargo.com/phpvms/index.php
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