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  • Gender
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    Merseyside, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Love graphic design, piano, french, web coding.

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  1. I'm very experienced with this sort of thing if you are interested, I have sent you a mail with further details.
  2. Kieran

    CSS Help

    Try <a id="main_header_right"></a>
  3. Sure, ther's some dodgy google translating up there :S Dom, quel est le probléme? (En francais, s'il vous plait )
  4. Je parle un peu de français, quels domaines? Pour traduire...
  5. Compilez une copie de votre phpVMS et l'envoyez á Nabeel. (Compile a copy of your phpVMs and send it to Nabeel, pehaps?)
  6. Your skin name probably isn't Obsessblue, make sure you change the url and your images are called: header_1.jpg through header_4.jpg
  7. Ouch-double post there :/ @Piper338 Thanks so much for pointing me out to the 3D rotator, Its totally amazing!
  8. Kieran


    Should anybody need help doing that I will be happy to provide it here.
  9. Kieran


    Please do, if you need a helping hand then I offer cheap customizations.
  10. Kieran


    Thanks to vansers liberie and tom for your comments!
  11. Kieran


    I understand where youare coming from, but it was designed to be a nice clean starter pack for VAs. It wasn't designed to be used as-is, but rather would be better with customizations.
  12. Kieran


    Simply waiting to be filled with content from all of today's glorious virtual airlines!
  13. Kieran


    Hello all, See the skin here. I've attached the skin to the post. This skin is comprised of only one image (plus the default logo) which makes it super-speedy. The layout doesn't use any hefty tables, and this layout works on most screen resolutions and all modern browsers. Edit it, modify it, re-release it as you please. If you are looking for customizations of this skin to your own specifications, or you would like a totally new skin designing, please email me. kieran [at] kieranmchugh [dot] co [dot] uk VERY IMPORTANT: This uses layout.tpl which is only compatible with more recent phpvms betas + v2.1 You will need to split layout.tpl into a header.tpl and footer.tpl if on an older version. I don't require any form of link-back, but please tell me if you use any of it in your work. I would like to see the results Kieran PS. I don't recommend you use this skin as-is. That's why I have made it deliberately easy to customise aer.zip
  14. Kieran

    jump seat

    If anyone is still after this then they can contact me (details in my profile).
  15. Is there an RSS feed somewhere that tells me about new phpVMS revisions?
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