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Everything posted by Kieran

  1. Hey everyone, For some reason, I can't send mail through SMTP to hotmail accounts without it returning an error. I'm not sure if it applies to any other hosting providers but I know that it worked with my own domain account. I'm on beta 870. Thanks, Kieran
  2. Never worked for me either :s
  3. Check your inbox.
  4. Nope :S. Does it rely on having correct mail settings?
  5. Hmmm..... I Might rewrite a registration module... How do I access the variables for the database name, table prefix etc that are required for the mysql query? Also, where are the list of custom fields stored?
  6. ezDB (v3.00) Debug.. Query [8] -- [iNSERT INTO phpvms_pilots (firstname, lastname, email, code, location, hub, password, salt, confirmed, joindate) VALUES ('Test', 'Hello', 'hello@hotmail.biz', 'VMA', 'CV', 'KJFK', '1f9e9d76c60169af08000ada76deb7c5', 'ef3e9a4ed7d0eea6db6bc9791b241dc2', 0, NOW())] Query Result.. No Results If ezDB has helped make a donation!? custom fields found: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [fieldid] => 4 [title] => VATSIM ID [fieldname] => VATSIM_ID [value] => [type] => text [public] => 1 [showonregister] => 1 ) ) value for VATSIM_ID is "45235234" Query [11] -- [iNSERT INTO phpvms_fieldvalues (fieldid, pilotid, value) VALUES (4, 140, '45235234')] Query Result.. No Results If ezDB has helped make a donation!? Registration Confirmation Thanks for joining us! Your registration has been completed! You can login using your pilot ID (VMA0140), and the password you used during registration.
  7. 1. Add a field called 'VATSIM ID', set it to both Profile and Register. 2. Logout and try to register. 3. Experience the wrath of the error ;D
  8. Error has been recreated. Try to register.
  9. I'll need access to the administrative backend. user ID TAY0137
  10. I just tried a completely fresh install - STILL NO LUCK! Does anybody else have this problem?
  11. I don't see how the registration script can be corrupt if it's factory fresh?
  12. CheckDB All OK Check Install Returned:
  13. When I remove the fields, the registration does not process and the log file does not change.
  14. Now something's showing up in the log! EGLL is London Heathrow's ICAO code. When I register putting either NO Vatsim ID in or an ID that has already been used then it gives me this error. Weird :S.
  15. Come to think of it, my log file may not have been writable (it was on default permissions). EDIT: Now it isn't letting me register regardless of whether the custom fields are disabled on registration or not! If I have any custom fields At all, this error occurs :s Hopefully that added fuel to the fire. Also, what path do I put for the New Pilots RSS Feed? Does it start from /public_html/ or is it relative? Currently the error is: An Error Was Encountered public_html/lib/rss/latestpilots.rss is not writeable! The permissions of latestpilots.rss are 777.
  16. My custom fields have been removed from the registration form and are now only displaying on the user's profile. It MAY have something to do with I had to edit the database to get the textarea to work correctly. I edited the field type from 'text' to 'textarea'. Is there any sort of scripts that need coding right now?
  17. Ah now this is funny - I disabled all of my Custom fields and it seemed to register users correctly! But I really need those custom fields. I'll look in to it and get back to you by tomorrow. Thanks for your assistance Nabeel, when I am accustomed tot he phpVMS system I will almost certainly write some scripts for it in return!
  18. The log file is completely empty :s. Do you happen to have a complete list of scripts included in the registration process so that I could restore them? Thanks.
  19. When I enabled Debug mode, the registration actually procecced (but I got a whole load of errors with my SMTP settings, even though they are all correct, also an RSS write error which is easily solved). When I re-disabled debug mode, it didn't process. Log file is empty :s
  20. Re-uploaded the original 'Templates' and 'Modules', still nothing. Upon taking a second glance, the registrations are not even being inserted into the database!
  21. Thanks for the input, but I've been developing the site for some time and a fresh install would be tedious and unnecessary. Perhaps there is a way to fix this using alternative methods?
  22. I tried using the reCaptcha but I need to prioritse, so I removed it and replaced the registration scripts with the factory-fresh ones. It isn't redirecting as such, but it is inserting the user registration into the database, then showing the registration form again (even if it is correct). This may be a result of my shifty attempts to add an external captcha, though I'm sure I re-installed all of the scripts that I edited. I can post any scripts at your request. Thanks, Kieran
  23. I'm currently on the latest build, clean install.
  24. Hey guys, On registration, people are just redirected back to the registration page with no confirmation message. They seem to be registering several times because they think it hasn't been processed properly. Could somebody point me out as to where i could, for example, place a php include() so I can show a confirmation? Detailed answers are appreciated. Thanks!
  25. Thanks a million Nabeel, I'll try that out. Perhaps you would consider a more secure Captcha for the future releases? I've just spotted this somewhat apparent bug. On the page 'Financial Reports' Error message 'Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated' likely due to PHP version incompatibility. EDIT: This can be solved by switching to preg_split() and adding % delimeters around the ',' value of $Delimeter. (Line 282). i can submit the bug if you wish. Thanks
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