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Everything posted by Kieran

  1. Still learning
  2. There would be some sort of cron job involved I think...
  3. Hey there, My VA has three/four separate divisions, and each of them would like their own news category. The thing is, phpVMs does not have an option for this at the moment. I can simply add a column to the database, but can somebody point me in the right direction as to how to edit the admin module to display a drop-down with possible menu categories, and to display news from only one category on certain pages? If all else fails then I could use manual SQL queries but I'd prefer the proper method. Thank you, Kieran
  4. I'm talking about things like schedule_results.tpl and all of the email templates etc. Do they go in skins/skinname/templates or just skins/skinname?
  5. I've got the Cake framework on my server at the moment too. I'd never heard about Symfony but the website design is too totally awesome to not give it a go:D. What are the benefits of using a php Framework?
  6. Well what makes this so great is the fact that it's free... I would happily write some documentation in return.
  7. I agree, but phpBB has that nice modern wordpress-y twitter-y feel about it. Also I could never find a good base theme for SMF to build on.
  8. My apologies, totally didn't take into consideration the currency difference. Considering you've got about $2 to the £ that's actually quite good value.
  9. I would be able to...for a fee... Just kidding I'm quite experienced with the flight logging software, I'd probably be able to rewrite the docs for XACARS, FSACARS and FSFK. Drop me a line - kieran@kieranmchugh.co.uk, or send me a PM if you're interested.
  10. I'm about to start some full on development (perhaps even for phpVMS) with another PHP Framework. Does anybody have a favourite? I don't have much experience with PHP frameworks, the only framework I've ever used is Rails for Ruby. Thanks guys.
  11. My recently designed logo... for www.liverpoolvirtual.info.
  12. If I were you, I'd shop around. I've never used Linode but for the prices I would expect a little more space and bandwidth.
  13. SMF was a pretty bad quality board anyway, phpBB is the way forward for free boards. vBulletin/IPboard for paid boards.
  14. COPPA does not operate in the UK or in Ireland anyway, I beleive (apparently you are from Cork). However you do need to comply with the Data Protection Act, but that applies to all websites. In a nutshell, there is no age limit to be part of a flight sim community in the UK or Ireland.
  15. When you update to a beta, does that only modify the files that have changed since the last beta - or does it overwrite everything? The majority of my core files have been customised so I find myself having to look at the changelog and replace them one by one. Ps. Nabeel I need to request your permission for something via PM but apparently I can't send you a message. Is your inbox full or something? Kieran
  16. Kieran


    Well I hope he understands now.
  17. That's the thing, see. I have everything sorted with the phpBB API, but this won't be an automatic forum account on registration script... It will send a link via email to a script that will get the users info from the DB (using the phpvms api) and put it in accordingly. I suppose one solution is to use a 'Default password' that the user can change themselves when they log in... Will keep everyone posted, my host has just restored a backup from last tuesday, but I lost a lot of work. BE CAREFUL WITH SSH AND DO REGULAR BACKUPS! Is what I learnt the hard way from this!
  18. I've just done the worst imaginable thing and deleted the contents of my home directory accidentally - Ive got a backup from last tuesday but this script might be delayed until the weekend Sorry guys... However, on the bright side, I will be coding two things once I'm back up and running: -A link in an email message that registers a forum account for people. -A form with hidden fields and submit link that would go in the pilot center, for example. The phpBB/phpVMS clash isn't really a problem anymore but decoding the Md5 passwords stored by phpVMS, and reencoding them using phpBBs new format will be a challenge.
  19. When trying to include the files required from, it doesn't like the codon directory structure and shows an error message. I was thinking perhaps not registering the account automatically, but rather including a link in the 'registration complete' email that would create the account for them.
  20. Kieran


    Don't bite his head off! Theres no such thing as a stupid question... phpVMS, as the name suggests, is, well, PHP. HTML is not a programming language, but rather a markup language, so a content management system like this couldn't use HTML alone. Nor could it use PHP alone, for that matter. If your server supports PHP then your pilots shouldn't have any problems with it, because PHP is Server-Side, Meaning that PHP does it's thing on your server, and no PHP is sent to any of your pilot's browsers, It's pure HTML anyway Kieran
  21. Been included in the latest release.
  22. Is there an event for when a user is approved? I don't want to create the forum account on registration if the user has to be approved first. I've got everything working using phpBB's functions, just need to do the phpVMS side of things now A major problem I have is trying to include the phpBB files without codon/phpbb frameworks clashing. Is there a way that phpVMS can find event listeners from external locations? BTW Nabeel error with the forums I think, I've subscribed to this post and I get about 5 emails when somebody posts a message!
  23. http://bugs.phpvms.net/changeset/877/trunk?old_path=%2F&old=877&format=zip
  24. phpBB uses a special user_add() function and a different method of encryption to MD5, now. At the moment, I am coding an automatic forum account module that uses the proper API calls from phpVMS and phpBB. Will let everyone know when it is finished!
  25. Thanks a lot Nabeel you are a life saver! Just to reiterate my post above:
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