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Everything posted by Alexair

  1. Hello Nabeel, They did this already. I ask one of them to do it exactly as you said but still no luck. Here is the error message: An Error Was Encountered Please login first They log-in normally, mean that they got the pilot center stuff and also the admin center button and when they clic on the admin center button they got this error message but out of 3 guys only 2 of them got this problem, the third guy can access to admin without problem. All of them are correctly setup with admin group. Alex
  2. Hello again Joeri, Here is an image that I would like you to have a look at it: http://www.airinter-va.org/img/phpvms1.jpg 2 Questions: 1)Is it possible to get rid of all the top part highlighted by the red rectangle? If yes can you tell me step by step the process? If no, can I change the PHPVMS image to include the one that you can see on this link?: http://www.airinter-va.org/img/ITF.gif 2)Is it possible to modify the text in the green part? If yes can you tell me step by step how to do it? Thanks a lot! Alex
  3. Hello Joeri, Thank you so much this is exactly what I meant about making it easy for me to understand... In english would have been just fine but I thank you also for your effort to put it in french I need indeed this kind of step by step stuff to progress. Thank you for your very kind help and cooperation! Alex
  4. Hello, Well sorry to bother everyone again but I don't find how to change currency. I would like to have everything in Euros instead of Dollars so can you explain to me how to do it, but please please please, can you provide step by step explanation as I have hard time with files, codings, database, etc... :-[ Thanks a lot! Alex
  5. Hello Nabeel, Well, we've been working on this since then but without any luck. I have added 3 guys of my staff to the Administrators group and only 1 of them can access it. The other 2 when they clic on the admin center button receive a message requesting to log-in but after that it doesn't work. We didn't find out why, they remove their cookies, restarted computer, tried with internet explorer as well as with Firefox without any luck. Alex
  6. Hello Joeri, Thanks for your help, your explanations are most probably very clear for someone who know how to deal quite well with PHP stuff but unfortunately I am not that good at all and I am more or less guessing all the time by trying, making mistakes, etc... Without understanding too much what I'm doing. My question is: On this link http://www.airinter-va.org/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=103 you can see what I was able to do after hours and hours of research on internet. Basically this is the code I have inserted in my website to have that setup : <div style="text-align: center"><iframe src="http://airinter-va.org/phpvms/index.php/pilots" frameborder="0" width="100%" scrolling="no" height="500"></iframe></div> so basically what would be the link to insert in this code leading for exemple to the fleet page or stats, flights, etc... ?? As to setup the price in euros well what kind of "stuff" do I need to copy? Alex
  7. Hello y'all, Sorry it's me again... I would like to know the adress to link some pages from phpVMS to my VA website (ex: VA stats, financial reports, fleet status, etc...). Like I did for the pilots here : http://www.airinter-va.org/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=103 I have found the way to do it for the pilot list but not for the rest. I got only some pages within ADMIN but I am affraid that by adding an ADMIN page it would be a security issue. What I want to do is to publish the VA various stats and graphs for everyone to see it. As for the fuel price : What is the currency, ie: 5.10 is it in dollars? Is there a way to change currency used for the VA in Euros? I read the manuals and FAQ more carefully this time but didn't find anything about that. Thanks Alex ps: thanks Nabeel for the "add admin" answer to my other post. I found it but it seems that my guys still cannot log as admin. Still working on that though.
  8. Hello, I would like to know how to add other admin to the system? I don't want to be the only one who can administer the system and would like to add 2-3 more admin from my staff members. Can you tell me how to do it please? Thanks for your help. Alex
  9. OURRRAAAHHHHH It is working!! Finally... Start working on phpVMS. Thanks to Mr L. C. Thank you for all your helps guys!! Alex
  10. Hello mark1million, Yes, you right, I never thought about that until yesterday evening... Hello nightfox, I have received a private E-mail yesterday evening from someone proposing me to host my db. Look like he is going to do it. I'll see how it will work. Thanks for the offer, I'll keep you posted with the result. Thanks to all of you for your help, it is very much appreciated Alex
  11. Thanks Nabeel, I'll see what we can do about that. Alex
  12. Well I paid for the full year now so I guess I'm stuck... I realized something, it appear than the host is using MyISAM instead of InnoDB. Is there a way to make phpVMS working with this one? Thanks, Alex
  13. Allright, I just called them and effectively it is not possible to have InnoDB. Except if I am going for a dedicated server which will cost 4.5 times more than what I have now. Is there any other possibility to have phpVMS working without InnoDB or is there any other similar program (payware or freeware) that will work without InnoDB ?? Thanks for your help. Alex
  14. Hello Nabeel, Here is my host: http://1hebergement.com/ It is a french company. I'll try to get in touch with them to confirm that it will not work. This is pretty bad as I don't have any other choice for managing my VA and I really wanted to go with phpVMS... Alex
  15. Hello y'all, I just checked my website provider and I posted on their forum some questions about installing phpVMS. The answer was: "It (phpVMS) will not run as the InnoDB tables are not permitted." Is there any other possibilities to make phpVMS run in this case?? Thanks Alex
  16. Ok Nabeel, Thanks for your help. I'll have a look at it during the week-end. Will let you know. FsCaptain is a new software (just tried it very shortly) similar to FsPassengers but look like with more cool stuff. Actually FsCaptain is handling FsPassengers's report. Thanks. Alex
  17. Hello Nabeel, Thank you for your reply. Here is a link to FsCaptain : http://www.fscaptain.net/ Well the data might not be very important. I just would like to know if I can make phpVMS working within my website (made with guppy) or if I have to make a brand new web site working only with phpVMS ? Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Alex
  18. Hello Simpilot, Thanks for your very kind help. Sorry but I might sound kind of stupid but I am not good at all at web site stuff that is why a friend of mine setup my VA website with Guppy to make it easy for me (it is a WYSIWYG type of thing that I can handle). So, now I am not sure if I understood you correctly. Let me tell you more about my current website. My VA exist since 2004 and we started with a very basic website. About 1 year 1/2 ago with had setup a much better website with Guppy but it has been hacked by a stupid moron thus destructing everything and even the internet provider had had a lot of trouble to get all his system back online. We tried several time to set the web site again without any luck due to the provider's problem. Now we have moved to a new provider and we are just finishing a brand new website again. So to make it short I don't want to give up this website, I would like to introduce the phpVMS system within our current website (made with guppy). So my question is, is it possible ? If yes is there any issue or something special I should be aware of ? One last question, I meant by transfering data from previous flight : Transfering data from IVAO VA system. Thanks for all the other answers. Sincerely, Alex
  19. Hello y'all, Sorry if my questions has been already asked but didn't find anything about them. - Can I install and run phpVMS system on an already existing VA website made with Guppy ? - Is it compatible with IVAO ? - Is it or will it become compatible with FsCaptain ? - Can I record previous flights flown by members with passengers, cargo, fuel, miles traveled, etc... ? (total on each category not every single flight). - About FsAcars, is it mandatory to use it or is it just optionnal ? - Will you recommend using FsAcars as it is much better with phpVMS or doesn't change things too much ? Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, Alex
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