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Everything posted by B77W

  1. Itrobb, we don't plan to simulate all - just the hubs. The rest will all use the same default design. Though we don't plan to take this off the shelves soon, we'd still like comments and offers
  2. Sorry for the previous incorrect announcement - we're still opening on schedule! More updates on Facebook!
  3. I'm surprised that you haven't noticed that victorvirtual.org uses the free skin "pureHTML5_Blue".
  4. Hey Chase, Looks great! Wishing you future success down the road within the Virgin Virtual group!
  5. Hi everyone, After some discussion, we have decided to postpone this project until a later date and divert our resources to other projects that we are currently working on. We're shelving Amerivision for now, but that doesn't mean that we won't resurrect it later!
  6. We'd like to see whether we get a positive or negative reaction from the community, and look at the developers' opinions and quotes first before we decide how much money we're going to lay down on this project. We are also considering smartCARS, so that will be an extra expense on our budget. We may even have to hire multiple people if we can't find anybody who can do both ACARS/website integration and 3D animation... As I stated before, this is what we believe to be new territory for the sim world, so we're taking it one step at a time. Our launch is still half a year from now, so we're not in a headlong rush for the finish line.
  7. We're making progress on the website! More updates shortly!
  8. Hello everyone, The American Airlines Virtual staff and I have envisioned a program called Amerivision, an idea that I believe is new to the virtual aviation community, and we will need some help making this become a reality. Below is what we conceive Amerivision to be: The idea is making an animated 3-D program built into ACARS where a pilot could "walk" through virtual terminals, maybe even interacting with other animated users and/or AI characters. The pilot walks through the terminal of the city that he is currently virtually in. For example, if a pilot lands in KDFW, he can walk through the virtual KDFW terminal, out through security, and to his virtual hotel room inside the terminal (simulating layovers), then before his/her next flight, walk back through security to his/her gate and their next flight. As the pilot walks through the terminal, he or she can walk through virtual (duty free!) stores. As you well know, pilots earn virtual salaries when they fly a certain number of hours for a VA. The pilot can spend these salaries to buy virtual souvenirs from these cities, and display them on his profile on our website as a showcase. When it's time to board (as per schedules), the pilot can walk through a virtual jet bridge, taking him to the door of the aircraft. When he clicks the door of the aircraft, voila! ACARS opens and he's ready to begin flying. Of course, for pilots who don't want to go through the whole animation hoopla and don't want to shop in the virtual duty-free stores, there should be a skip button to go directly to ACARS. I realize that this idea is bordering on the insane, and may be looked at as a child's game of play pretend, but while allowing people the stress-free experience of virtual flying as is our mission, we also want those who wish to to have an opportunity to get a feel of the experience of traveling as a real pilot. We have already set apart some of our budget for application development, so we are willing to hire developers for this program. If you're interested in accepting the challenge, please message me with a quoted price, expected duration of development, and method of payment. We'll consider choosing a developer for the job and maybe even proceed! As we begin a preliminary search for developers, can anybody help us rationalize this project and discuss the feasibility of a project like this? We'd also like y'all to help tweak the idea if some parts of the outline above are unnecessary. Thanks for reading and the help! ***PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A GUARANTEE THAT AMERIVISION WILL BE LAUNCHED! THIS IS STILL IN THE PLANNING STAGES AND IS, SO FAR, JUST AN IDEA!***
  9. Thank you, SkiesTheLimit. Same to you!
  10. Thank you, simpilot. I hope we can gain the confidence of the virtual airline community despite being the latest of the many American Virtuals to launch! Sincerely, The American Airlines Virtual team
  11. Strider, We liked your post because we fully understand that many people in the virtual airline community would feel that way. We'd be deaf and blind if we didn't know that multiple American Virtuals already exist, sir. The reason why American Airlines Virtuals are created is to be different. We wouldn't have created this new airline if we didn't sincerely believe a change could be made. We created this American Virtual because we believe that other administrations just haven't brought the simplicity to virtual airline flying as we promise to do. People fly for virtual airlines because they like flying, not just to deal with loads of rules and hours-per-month requirements. Of course, many virtual airlines make the exact same promises, and we won't deny that we are making said promise. But what we believe in is making virtual airline flying a genuinely enjoyable and *stress-free* experience, with willingness to assist our pilots in any way we can. Virtual airline piloting recently has become stressful similar to actual piloting, and we want to change that. We apologize if we sound too much like the many American Airlines Virtuals that have preceded us, but I must reiterate that we sincerely believe we can make a change. Blue skies, The American Airlines Virtual team
  12. Hello all, We are pleased to announce that the newest American Airlines Virtual in the skies is coming December 25, 2014! Our mission is to bring a new attitude, vision, and pride to flying American. With the new AAMS, the new pilot dashboard and crew management system, which simplifies PIREP filing, NOTAMs, and includes live weather for the convenience of our pilots, plus more features, the new American Airlines Virtual strives to be the best AAV in the virtual airline realm. Our website address will be announced in the coming months, while previews will be released in the coming weeks. Our official news outlet is our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/vamericanair Be sure to "like" us We hope you select us as your American Airlines Virtual when we launch in December, as one of our dedicated staff or dedicated pilots. Tailwinds, The American Airlines Virtual team We aren't related to the real American Airlines. Opinions and statements made by this organization are entirely ours, and point of views reflected in our statements are not those of the real American Airlines. For the real American Airlines, please visit http://www.aa.com/
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