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  1. Please help me for the moule Ceent http://regional-va.fr/index.php/CCEvents
  2. Les autres Va médiocres n'ont qu'a bien se tenir !!

  3. En finale ... et 1 et 2 .... 0 viva le portugal !

  4. Demie finale ... et 1 et 2 .... 0 viva le portugal !

  5. Notice: The template file "/home/regionalko/www/regionalva//lib/skins/Ocean_Blue (2)/header.php" doesn't exist in /home/regionalko/www/regionalva/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 help me
  6. manu093

    kacars error

    Hello everyone, my company website is at heberger freeH.org . I encounter a problem with kacars free : notify system administrator of the switch error . data not recieved swhitch = verify . kacars the free module has been reinstall the ftp ... always the same , same problem. my question is how do we make it fonctione . the site is going http://smartbird-va.fr thank you for your help
  7. Hello everyone, my company website is at heberger freeH.org . I encounter a problem with kacars free : notify system administrator of the switch error . data not recieved swhitch = verify . kacars the free module has been reinstall the ftp ... always the same , same problem. my question is how do we make it fonctione . the site is going http://smartbird-va.fr thank you for your help
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