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Everything posted by davehardy

  1. i think there is something in the tpl or php that is stopping the images showing, does anyone know any php issues with flash?
  2. http://www.virtualairj.com/ Ive done that so far but if anybody else want to help with the drop down menus please jump in
  3. im sure an aircraft import would be good for VA's yeah, ive already added all mine though i guess im going to have to add a reg to each flight then
  4. If i load http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/lib/skins/eva/rotate/rotator.html in to an i-frame it works but the i-frame breaks the layout
  5. OK ive added a new .tpl page called destination.tpl. <embed src="lib/skins/eva/rotate/imagerotator.swf" width="200" height="200" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="file=lib/skins/eva/rotate/eva.xml&autostart=true&transition=fade" /> The called it up on frontpage_main.tpl with.... <h3>Our Destinations</h3> <?php Template::Show('destination.tpl'); ?> So why doesn't the movie show the images like this http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/lib/skins/eva/rotate/rotator.html'>http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/lib/skins/eva/rotate/rotator.html ? Contents of the rotator.html <div id="container"><a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this rotator.</div> <script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var s1 = new SWFObject("imagerotator.swf","rotator","185","185","0"); s1.addParam("allowfullscreen","false"); s1.addVariable("file","eva.xml"); s1.addVariable("width","185"); s1.addVariable("height","185"); s1.addVariable("shownavigation","false"); s1.write("container"); s1.addParam('flashvars','&autostart=true&displayclick=none&icons=false&repeat=always&shuffle=true'); </script> If you hover your mouse over the movie http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/ you can see it showing 12 images available but they dont display
  6. Well the way i see it at the moment is that if i add 1 SAAB reg and 1 JS41 reg all the flights in my schedule will be flown by those reg's only yeah? So if i want an accurate real life representation i need to add all my real aircraft and assign a different reg to each flight?
  7. wow looks good nabeel
  8. ive played about with mine and luckily have a few coder friends on MSN to bounce my problems off, but ive managed to work it out for myself via these helpful friends ive made here. http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/ It depends on how well you learn mostly from mistakes, make a list maybe draw a picture in pencil how you want the layout to be. You have got 2 skins to work from one with top menu and one with side menu, choose which layout you want. Install your VMS and in the folder /lib/skins/ make a copy of the crystal skin folder you choose and rename that folder. Upload that to /lib/skins/ and select in in the "Admin Panel" so now any changes you make you will see instantly. From here is the hard part, knowing what to start with. It took a few weeks of cutting, copying, pasting and breaking it for me to figure out and i think that's the only way to work it out as your only other option is to find someone who can code and will do it for you or learn to code yourself. Heres some tips i learnt along the way: styles.css = controls how it all looks /core/templates/ = upload all the .tpl files out of there to your skin folder and edit there as updates can trash your work if left in /core/templates/. frontpage_main.tpl = Is where all your front page changes are made Adding new stuff to the front page = I added the image rotator with this code to the frontpage_main.tpl, will try to explain how it works from my un-trained point: <h3>Our Destinations</h3> <?php Template::Show('destination.tpl'); ?> <h3>Our Destinations</h3> The h3 is pointing to h3 in the style.css so any edits there will allow you to change the image or what font and size "Our Destinations" is in. h3 { background: url(images/h3.jpg) no-repeat left; height: 25px; font-size: 20px; padding-left: 36px; padding-bottom: 3px; margin-top: 7px; } <?php Template::Show('destination.tpl'); ?> Is telling it to load a new template file i made called destination.tpl, which contains simple i-frame html code which i created with Dreamweaver (or any other website making software you have will do the same). I still dont know how to code php and i haven't learnt much but i know now which bits of code i can copy and paste or delete, like i say you either get someone who can do it or roll up your sleeves and hack up the .tpl files and see what happens. But its much easier if you can use Dreamweaver or some other WSIYWIG (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYSIWYG) web editor 1st. I hope this helps get you started, Dave.
  9. It would be good to have the option not to add a reg too, then the pilot can add his preferred REG in FSACARS which would then tie in with the fleet database when they LOG the flight adding the info. All so the option not to add an aircraft to the flight, so in my example the drop down list when adding a schedule would be JS41, SB20, NONE. This would cover all bases for the amount of realism VA's want. I have added all the aircraft in the real airline http://www.airframes.org/fleet/eze so pilots can have the option to fly them all but not be restricted to one aircraft per flight.
  10. I have read the "work around" but the problem i have is adding a different REG to each flight, my fleet is 8x SAAB and 24x Jetstream! This will take days to re-work, time i do not want to waste. If i have to do this then i have to stick to realism and couldn't bring myself to adding one reg to all the SAAB and 1 for the JS because i love to get it as close to RL as possible. This is a major set back for my VA.
  11. So the Aircraft Column now has to be REG's and not the ICAO code? I dont want to limit my pilots to a certain reg im not really bothered which aircraft from my fleet they use as long as they fly. I'd like to see an option to add multiple airframes or none at all.
  12. In the 2nd set of code is the .ini code from the pilot center "CompanyIATA=FLIGHT #" is default, should that generate "CompanyIATA=EZE #" ?
  13. Ok flew the flight and sent the log, not log on site [b]LOG=[/b] [2008/12/24 08:34:00] Flight IATA:1 Pilot Number:EZE0001 Company ICAO:EGNJ Aircraft Type:SB20 Aircraft Registration:G-CFLV Departing Airport: EGPD Destination Airport: ULMM Alternate Airport:ULMK Online: VATSIM Route:ADN UP600 KLONN UZ11 TRM UN192 SOLKA T64 NETAV N150 AGMOL M745 LIMRO DCT SUPOX M852 KELEK A227 PELOR Flight Level:270 08:41 Parking Brakes off 08:46 Wind: 259º @ 002 Knots Heading: 336º 12:19 Land 12:19 Wind:045º@002 Knots 12:19 Heading: 326º 12:22 Parking brakes on 12:22 Block to Block Duration: 03:41 FSAcars 4.0.15 20773 [b]INI=[/b] Log=http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/pirep Mail= URL=http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/action.php/ACARS/fsacars passwd= [FSacars] CompanyICAO=EZE CompanyName=Eastern Virtual Airways CompanySite=http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva UnitSystem=GB Remarks=RMK/ UseLocal=0 PilotNumber=EZE0001 CompanyIATA=FLIGHT # CallsignUses= AcarsSite=http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/acars StatusSite=http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/status FPSite=http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/flightplans AcarsUplinkResetSite= AcarsUplinkSite=
  14. I think he means like the aircraft's ICAO code? SAAB 2000 = SB20 Boeing 737-800 = B738
  15. looking good!!
  16. Yes, as a pilot you can submit them in the Pilot Center Then an Admin can accept in via the admin center.
  17. OK i stripped it back went to a fresh css and added the code i needed and figured it out I had made a copy of the topnav css and called it topnav2 then told the new menu to use that, but 2 elements of the code.... #topNav ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; margin: 0 auto; } #topNav ul li { height: 27px; float: left; padding: 0px; background: url(images/navbg.jpg) repeat-x 0 0 #292929; font: bold 12px/27px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } Weren't needed and thats what was throwing the whole layout off Thanks again for the help Nabeel
  18. Yeah i shouldve said to save time but both yes for those questions. Ive checked all the css and php that should make a difference but i can see it
  19. Theres something wrong with the code? I set mainbox to 100pix width and it doesnt change it at all.
  20. OK I'm sure it worked originally but i checked the default skin and they dont
  21. yep thats what is set at
  22. Coming along just fine now thanks to all your help guys! http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/index.php Where would i add the code to move the recent reports/pilots sections up to the right handside and also pad the news away from the right edge. As allways the code i need would be very appreciated Dave
  23. http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/index.php/pireps/viewreport/4 Havent touched any templates to do with it, its been like it from day one just forgot to mention it.
  24. GoogleMapAPI:createMarkerIcon: Error reading image: http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/eva/lib/images/towerdeparture.png Googled about but couldnt find an answer but lots of other phpvms sites with the same error lol
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