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Everything posted by davehardy

  1. lol i guess the code is at the top will try it
  2. OK have you changed the code to stop EZE being added in the downloadable fsacars.ini? Dont want to have to tell each new pilot they have to edit their files
  3. Ive posted a screen. In the circled input field you see the letters EZE, say im flying EZE31X. So i add 31X on the end of the EZE, when i file the pirep it gives the report the name EZEEZE31X. If i remove the EZE and replace it only with 31X (or whatever the flight number might be) the report name is EZE31X
  4. There was an error, with the following message: "Error on rename of './easternv_vms2/phpvms2_schedules' to './easternv_vms2/#sql2-c92-7fb5c' (errno: 152) (1025)" On the following query: ALTER TABLE `phpvms2_schedules` DROP FOREIGN KEY `phpvms2_schedules_ibfk_2`; Try running it manually
  5. Is this the error in pireps where you get your IATA code twice? Like EZEEZE31X? I found it was the Flight IATA field on fsacars, i deleted the EZE and just added the 31X and then the double code went. What ever peice of code generates the fsacars.ini files needs changing? Dave
  6. http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/You can see i have linked the login from front page to VMS, what code do i need to add register to the front page?I would like 2 text boxes like Crew Login saying First Name and Lastname then a Register button, the register button needs to link to the register page and auto fill in the 1st/2nd name that the new user adds from the front page then they can carry on with their registration.Also i would like to learn how to code PHP as im looking for a career change whats the best way and can you point me to some good books or tutorials?Thanks, Dave.
  7. maybe a email or IP banning system?
  8. Spambot is back go check
  9. I deleted him usually @gmail.com users.I use this site http://www.stopforumspam.com/ to check if they are spambots or real people.
  10. OK i installed phpvms at my other VA and got spambots registering as pilots lolIs there a way to stop this?Might need some extra security coding me thinks Dave
  11. Found this in the FSACARS SDK PDF, maybe some one can work this out? I'm no coder 1.5 FSAcars VA automated Flight Plan (by Miguel Costa)This facility allows FSacars to get all the flight data directly from the VA.URL? The script URL+ the ? symbolpilot=xxxxxxx Company icao followed by pilot number. Forexample for SATA International and pilot 481 itwill be RZO481The site must answer with a page in ASCII with the information. One item per line separatedby carriage return:OK (Tested by FSAcars to validate data)Departing airport ICAOArrival airport ICAOCruise altitude in feetFlight PlanAirplane typeFlight Start time hh:mm in UTCFlight Start Date yyyy:mm:ddFlight NumberAircraft RegistrationCallsignRouteFuel (in the same coordinates as specified in the ini)SelcalPAXCargo (in the same coordinates as specified in the ini)If one of the values is omitted the page should contain a carriage return only in thecorrespondent line.
  12. Yeah this is what i meant too
  13. Does this function work? Fantastic work on this, ive dumped FSAirlines and hop, skipped and jumped over the crap VABase for phpVMS its my dream come true!Thank you so much for working on this guys!http://www.easternvirtualairways.com/index.php
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