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Everything posted by PatPico

  1. Hello everyone. Little helping hand ... I just saw that I was using PHPVMS version 2.1.936! How do I upgrade to the latest version (5.5.2)? I'm ready to give my FTP codes if it takes to do it? I'm afraid to put the bazaar in my website, which works well ... Thank you. Patrice UAS001 http://www.uasgroup.org
  2. I do not see the link.... And of course it works staff Module ... http://www.uasgroup.org/phpvms/index.php/vstaff
  3. Hello everyone. I incris VA UAS on SIMPILOT GROUP GROUP. http://www.simpilotgroup.com/airlines/detail/10574 I go into the options to download the module stats. Everything is OK... I place the module / core, but then? I test the connection, and I have this message: The Simpilotgroup Stats Module is not connecting to UAS GROUP. You have an idea? thank you in advance Patrice www.uasgroup.org/phpvms
  4. Still does not work ... I'm desperate .... lol
  5. Thank you for your reply. it gives me courage! I despair to see him work one day ... To answer you, the way I put this: http://www.uasgroup.org/phpvms/action.php/acars/efass/efass/ As stated in the Forum EFASS The ACARS folder in "phpvms / core / modules / ACARS / EFASS / EFASS" is set 777 However, when I put the PIREPS.php file module in the site, I have this error: Fatal error: Method PIREPS :: __ call () must take exactly two arguments in /home/site3948/web/www/phpvms/core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php on line 30 I am therefore obliged to deliver the original file ... I just changed the file delivered with the module, I test and I tell you For error logs, I do not know where to find them .... Thank you. Patrice
  6. 14 views, not an answer .... It's gonna be hard ... lol :( :(
  7. Hello everyone. I tinker a bit on www.uasgroup.org I bought a lot of units here and there ... I found this, it is free: https://github.com/suplere/phpVMS-EFASS Hard for me to install ... If anyone could help me out, that would be cool. I have an account on EFASS, the procedure is visible here: http://froom.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=203&sid=c73bea0c77a91a49fa7648b389708204 For those who are unfamiliar, here is the link to EFASS I like this software because it is very complete. http://froom.de/efass/ I tested everything but the .txt file is not created .... You would have an idea? Thank you. Patrice www.uasgroup.org
  8. Good evening. I can not set up the visibility of news on the main page? You would have an idea? Thank you. the address of my website: http://www.uasgroup.org and that of the unit NEWS: http://www.uasgroup.org/phpvms/index.php/News Best Regards.
  9. You are free hosting?
  10. Hello, and thank you for the answer. I'm afraid to update ..... Do not want to put the site in bulk ..... Best Regard. Patrice
  11. Hello everyone. Someone could explain to me the principle of "Schedules". That way I do ... I reserve the flight here: http://www.uasgroup.org/phpvms/index.php/schedules Smartcars I run, I have my flight booked in, once the flight is completed and it disappears from the list of schedules ... There is no history on the site ??? For here, for example, if I'm doing this flight, I should have history: http://www.uasgroup.org/phpvms/index.php/schedules/details/79 I do not understand the .... Thank you in advance. Best Regards. Patrice
  12. A Very BIG THANKS for Mister VANGELIS for the result! See you soon for my web site. [sOLVED FOR ME] Best Regards. Patrice
  13. Hello, I have the version 2.1.936 of phpvms installed here: www.uasgroup.org The 5.5 version brings phpvms what more? The update is feasible on the version I have? Thank you. Best Regards. Patrice
  14. Hello Again. I sent you the elements on skype And Thank You Best Regards
  15. I searched the forum, I found a few issues, but nothing concrete on this problem .... Thank you in advance. Patrice http://www.uasgroup.org
  16. RE me ... I advanced on the problem .... I got the liaison with the simbrief site, the green bar appears, it's going to the end, and then I have this: Warning: include (core / codon.config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/site3948/web/www/index.php on line 40 Warning: include (core / codon.config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/site3948/web/www/index.php on line 40 Warning: include () [function.include]: Failed opening 'core / codon.config.php' for inclusion (include_path = '.: / Usr / local / php-5.2.17 / lib / php') in / home / site3948 / web / www / index.php on line 40 Fatal error: Class 'Config' not found in /home/site3948/web/www/index.php on line 42
  17. Heuuuu Where?
  18. Yes I got it. Derek answered me last night. In fact he told me that the CODE API did not need changing. Thank you. Best Regards. Patrice
  19. Good evening everyone. When the site changes, the API also changes? I changed to a paid hosting with a domain name. It did not work before, I think that the it should work! I Do Not? What worried me is that when I click on the SIMBRIEF button, nothing happens ... www.uasgroup.org or http://www.uasgroup.org/phpvms/index.php/schedules Thank you for your answers. Best Regards. Patrice
  20. Hello, you experiencing problems postionnements of airports on GPS coordinates. I get the correct informations, and indicates close postions of airports in question but not well precisely. few nautical, so that with SMARTCARS, for flights everything becomes complicated ...! Do you have any idea? Thank you for your response. Patrice
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