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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. # Bit-masks for permission sets $permission_set = array (/*'NO_ADMIN_ACCESS' => 0,*/ 'EDIT_NEWS' => 0x1, 'EDIT_PAGES' => 0x2, 'EDIT_DOWNLOADS' => 0x4, 'EMAIL_PILOTS' => 0x8, 'EDIT_AIRLINES' => 0x10, 'EDIT_FLEET' => 0x20, 'EDIT_SCHEDULES' => 0x80, 'IMPORT_SCHEDULES' => 0x100, 'MODERATE_REGISTRATIONS' => 0x200, 'EDIT_PILOTS' => 0x400, 'EDIT_GROUPS' => 0x800, 'EDIT_RANKS' => 0x1000, 'EDIT_AWARDS' => 0x2000, 'MODERATE_PIREPS' => 0x4000, 'VIEW_FINANCES' => 0x8000, 'EDIT_EXPENSES' => 0x10000, 'EDIT_SETTINGS' => 0x20000, 'EDIT_PIREPS_FIELDS' => 0x40000, 'EDIT_PROFILE_FIELDS' => 0x80000, 'EDIT_VACENTRAL' => 0x100000, 'ACCESS_ADMIN' => 0x2000000, 'FULL_ADMIN' => 35651519); Config::Set('permission_set', $permission_set); define('NO_ADMIN_ACCESS', 0); foreach($permission_set as $key=>$value) { define($key, $value); } <?php } ?> <?php if(strlen($MODULE_NAV_INC) > 0) { ?> <li style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><a class="menu" href="#"> <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/lib/layout/images/settings_icon.gif" />Addons</a> <ul style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"> <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC; ?> </ul> </li> <?php } ?>
  2. Can someone just give me the code to imput there for a permission called EDIT_ADDONS
  3. ok thanks you for your advice
  4. Hello right so when you our creating groups and i see the list of permissions i want to know how to add custom ones i know how to use them but dont know how to add them so like they our a option in that list etc i have looked throw evey file and sql but nothing please help
  5. Hello I just wanted to inform you of a new virtual airline that is opening, it's name is vFedEx and operates off of the real FedEx operations, routes and fleets. We have state of the art systems on board this airline to provide the best pilot experience. We also have a smartcars tracking system. Thanks for reading and I will be happy to answer any questions. We hope to see you in the air Regards Morgan Walton chairman@vfedex.co.uk
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  6. Hello on my live flight map when people our doing a flight it acts normal and it moves and gets the data ect but when they land and disconnect from the tracker as normal the icon stays on the live flight map acting like there still logined in tracker. http://prntscr.com/9tubjx this a photo of the live map when these people our not doing a flight and tracker is shut down please help
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