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Everything posted by orobouros

  1. Hello, i hope i'll find someone able to help me because i've try several solutions without any result. My problem is that i want bids to auto cancel after 24 ou 48 hours if the pilot doesn't fly for his bid. I've try to setup auto cancellation in local.config.php like that: # Whether to close any bids after a certain amount of time Config::Set('CLOSE_BIDS_AFTER_EXPIRE', true); Config::Set('BID_EXPIRE_TIME', '24'); so, no result after several tries. I've try the solution given by Nabeel in this (old) post : http://forum.phpvms....bids#entry15404 I've inserted the code in differents lines and test, but without result too. Can someone help me to solve this big problem, because i can't launch the new version of my VA website without solving this ? Many thanks for helping me
  2. I've answered on your email and sent the 2 files you asked. Thank you for your help
  3. Hello, if you want to add METAR & TAF IVAO on your homepage, you can add this litlle part of code : <center><b> METAR: </b> <?php echo file_get_contents("http://wx.ivao.aero/metar.php?id=xxxx"); ?> <br>br> <b> TAF: </b> <?php echo file_get_contents("http://wx.ivao.aero/taf.php?id=xxxx"); ?> <br> </b></center> Replace just the xxxx with the ICAO you want to display.
  4. I would like to remove the gray gradient around all the frames, but I can not find it in the ocean.css. Can you tell me where it is please?
  5. Here's the url of my test site : http://www.voozenoo.fr/ For the buttons that's ok, i've found the trick. But the grey shadow around the frames resists my attempt removing it.
  6. Hello Flyalaska, congratulations for your work on this skin that i've choosen to migrate the website of my VA to phpvms. I've already changed several things in the css, translated several php pages in french language, but there are 2 things i can't do: First, i want to remove the shadows on the frames. Where are the lines to edit to do this in ocean.css ? I've tried several things but it's not working. Second, i want to add menus in core_navigation.php. How can i reduce the distance between menus in the top horizontal menu (because when i had a menu, the menu bar is on 2 lines) ? thanks again for this great work, Orobouros
  7. Thanks a lot, it works !
  8. Hello, i'm new to php and phpvms. i've added a custom field in the pilot registration (ID IVAO). I want to display this custom field in the pilot pending table in backend, with a link to the IVAO profile of each pilot. I've tried some solutions but it doesn't work. Here's my last : pilot_pending.php <?php if(!defined('IN_PHPVMS') && IN_PHPVMS !== true) { die(); } ?> <h3>Pending Pilots</h3> <?php if(!$allpilots) { echo '<p>There are no pilots!</p>'; return; } ?> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Pilot Name</th> <th>Email Address</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Hub</th> <th>ID IVAO</th> <th>Options</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($allpilots as $pilot) { ?> <?php $urlivao = 'https://www.ivao.aero/Member.aspx?Id='; $fieldvalues = 'phpvms_fieldvalues'; ?> <tr> <td><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/pilotadmin/viewpilots?action=viewoptions&pilotid=<?php echo $pilot->pilotid;?>"><?php echo $pilot->firstname . ' ' . $pilot->lastname; ?></a></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $pilot->email; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $pilot->location; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $pilot->hub; ?></td> <td align="center"><a href=<?php echo $urlivao ?><?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($fieldvalues->pilotid, 'value'); ?> target="blank"><?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($fieldvalues->pilotid, 'value'); ?></a> </td> <td align="center" width="1%" nowrap> <button href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/action.php/pilotadmin/pendingpilots" action="approvepilot" id="<?php echo $pilot->pilotid;?>" class="ajaxcall {button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-circle-check'}}}">Accept</button> <button href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/action.php/pilotadmin/pendingpilots" action="rejectpilot" id="<?php echo $pilot->pilotid;?>" class="ajaxcall {button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-circle-close'}}}">Reject</button> <?php if(Config::Get('PILOT_AUTO_CONFIRM') == false) { ?> <button href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/action.php/pilotadmin/resendemail" action="resendemail" id="<?php echo $pilot->pilotid;?>" class="ajaxcall {button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-circle-close'}}}">Re-Send Activation Email</button> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> I know the problem is located on line 33, but how to solve it ? thanks for reply, have a nice day
  9. ok, my mistake... I was searching app.local.config.php and the file is local.config.php. That's ok for me. Currency is changed for €. Thanks for helping me.
  10. here is the address of the test site : http://www.voozenoo.fr/index.php/ I just have a app.config.php located in the core folder.
  11. I don't know why this file is not on my server. What is the difference between app.local.config.php and app.config.php ? Can i duplicate app.config.php and rename it app.local.config.php, or must i rename app.config.php in app.local.config.php ?
  12. I suppose this local.config.php is created during the installation of phpvms, because this file is not in the two versions of phpvms i've downloaded to test. Is it true ?
  13. I've tried this too, nothing changes. Question: in th topics i've seen, some users talk about a app.local.config.php file. I've installed and setup the 5.5 version of phpvms and this file doesn't exist. The only one is app.config.php. Is it a problem or is it normal ?
  14. Hello, i actually test phpvms before using it for my company. All works well, i've solved several small problems but i have one to change currency from $ to €. I've try all solutions explained in phpvms files and on the forum. I've try the 3 UTF-8 codes for Euro. But nothing change on my site. Solutions i've tried in app.config.php : Config::Set('MONEY_UNIT', '&8364;'); Config::Set('MONEY_UNIT', '€'); Config::Set('MONEY_UNIT', '€'); Config::Set('MONEY_UNIT', "€"); Can someone have an idea to solve this ?
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