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camilovelandia04 last won the day on November 15 2022

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  1. It's because for someone who don't have time 20 or 30 assignments will be so much for them, so 10 will be enough. On the other hand we have pilots that have more time and they could fly more than 10 assignments maybe 20 or 30. Thanks again
  2. one more question about auto assignment module, what about if a pilot flew all their assignments and want to do more? is possible to assign more flights and not lost their monthly stats? Of example, we are using 10 auto assign flights per month, when you finish it the porcentaje bar will reach 100%, but what about if we assign them more after and the percentage move to 150% or 200 Thanks a lot
  3. We added the new map and flags to our airline, thanks so much for your help!
  4. Thanks for the prompt response. I've attached a photo in order to explain better what we wanted to do. thanks a lot one more time
  5. Hi there! thanks for your effort doing this wonderful template. We wanna know if is possible to generate a map with my auto assigned flights and also put the flag there. thanks so much!
  6. It works for me, thanks a lot for your help!
  7. Hi there, Greetings! , I would like to know how to create a rule in our system in order to auto approve a pireps when the score is equal or grater than 75%, and if not just be in standby like if not auto approve.... appreciate your help! thanks
  8. Hi there! I was trying to use your tool to import some airports to our database but the spreadsheet has an error in page 2, appreciate if you check it. thanks a lot
  9. hi, we use flight keeper like a pirep and we want to accept every autopireps with percentage, we want the minimum score 85% of flight keeper, how can to add this parameters in the module autopireps. Thank you.
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