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Everything posted by thomas2360

  1. Thank you very much!
  2. Hello everybody! I want to know if it's possible to change the font of the pilot's signature. If anyone know how to do I will thank him very much. Thank you
  3. Hello! I'll really enjoy to have a recent promotions table. It will be the rank image, the name and the date promoted, ex: 'rankimg'Thomas NOUYER 08/16/2010 If someone can give me a php code I will thank him very well. Thank you
  4. Hello! Can you give me the PHP code used for that? I'll really enjoy to have a recent promotions table. It will be the rank image, the name and the date promoted, ex: 'rankimg'Thomas NOUYER 08/16/2010 Thank you
  5. [ quote = nom de «date Nabeel '= '18 août 2010 - 15:35 ' timestamp = '1282142126 'post = '23994 '] De droite le nombre a d'exister , à partir de là vous pouvez entrer n'importe quelle route , mais il doit y avoir un numéro de vol en cours de validité [/ Quote] But, We can't enter a number who's not in the database of phpvms. If everyone know how to do or have invented a PHP code for that, I will thank him to give it to me. Thank you! Thomas
  6. Hi! In fact, I solved the problem. I went in php my admin, schedules and I created a line "maxload". Now, all is normal. Thank you! Thomas
  7. Hello, I need some help because when I wanted to add a schedule, I had that message : "There was an error editing the schedule: Unknown column 'maxload' in 'field list'". I don't know what is the problem. Thank You, Thomas, CEO Rhône Air VA
  8. Hello, I'm going to explain to you my problem with phpvms. Yesterday I sent phpvms' files on my ftp serveur and I went on my website to run the installer but an error occured and there was a message: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '(' in /mnt/163/sda/c/2/thomas.nouyer/phpvms/index.php on line 45" I don't understand, so if you have a solution, please give it to me. Thank you, Thomas2360
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