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  1. Looking for pilots and staff to join a new VA Continental Airlines Virtual, https://vcontinentalairlines.com Brian Akers-Founder
  2. ty
  3. Where to download vmsACARS?
  4. Join today at frontiervirtual.org . Participate in our first event and receive double hours.
  5. Frontier Virtual Airlines is now open. Pilots and staff wanted. Join today at frontiervirtual.org
  6. Coming this October 2016 To the VA Community Introducing Frontier Virtual Airlines. Takes - Off again. We will be offering up to date routes and schedules. Updated Fleet. Custom built ACARS. Staff/ Pilot positions available. HR, Den Mainline Hub Manager/ Express Manager/ Chief Pilot - Mainline and Express/ Events Coordinator. New features include smart brief Pilot dispatch reporting system. No fleet restrictions. Forums page to stay up to date with the latest news and events/ post your best screenshot. Much more. Sign up today @ frontiervirtual.org Policy Handbook https://sway.com/ikltl1oTSKD0lsWR On behalf of Jack the Snow Rabbit (oh and the rest of the gang) See you in the virtual skies.
  7. Are looking for a virtual airline with endless opportunities and advancement programs for pilots and staff? Or to even fly to places? We offer a custom built ACARS system, custom built dispatch featuring smart brief for all of your flight planning needs. Basically, the entire world is at your fingertips. At Southwest Virtual, with over 8000 routes to choose from, the sky is the only limit. Southwest Virtual offers all pilots the ability to join the company's Teamspeak server. Here you can get to know other fellow pilots, get to know the staff...or even laugh at each other's mistakes when flying in one of our dangerous approaches hosted on the VATSIM network during one of our event nights. At Southwest Virtual Airlines you are considered family not just another number to the books. We care about the time you sacrifice to spend with this VA. We truly want you to feel not only welcomed but appreciated. So if you think you have what it takes, and want to take your skills even further then check us out athttp://luvswavirtual.com.
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