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HeartOneVirtual last won the day on August 6 2018

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  1. Hello, We are currently working on building our site and we are looking for a team that will be able to constantly update our site and experiment with new features etc for our Virtual Airline. If interested please contact me!
  2. Hi, Husky I would like to discuss more on skills if you can contact me via email greenpointair@gmail.com
  3. Hello, HeartOne Airlines is a virtual airline that is planned to be released in early April... We need a web designer (Staff) That will be consistant with the airline in building and updating our site. We currently cannot offer any form of payment so we ask that someone who would like to be important to a lot of people and help us be the best to come and Join us! We will provide you your own custom email... Personal Lounge (Discord) etc etc... We can guarantee that somewhere down the line we will be paying our developers to represent how hard they have worked for this airline! Thank You HeartOne Airlines CEO
  4. I'm interested in your services contact me via email @ Support@heartoneairlinesva.com and or heartoneairlines@gmail.com.
  5. It would be greatly appreciated! I need help just setting the who thing up if your interested in helping me and my VA and even want to take a position at the airline please contact me support@heartoneairlinesva.com
  6. Hello all, heartone Airlines is a Fictional airline looking for staff and experienced pilots to fly for them. They are also looking for web developers as well. Please contact support@heartoneairlinesva.com if your interested.
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