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  4. The error message is now in the phpVMS logs. It now states that there is an SQL error when smartCARS sends a position report, as smartCARS sends no data for route_details and "route_details" doesn't have a default value.
  5. Tried that, but A ) I don't know what the default value is, and B ) phpMyAdmin seemed to change it back to "NULL" (what it currently is) straight away
  6. Going to bump this as I am having a similar issue with the following error, meaning flights don't get logged either: Time: 10.03.17 21:39:01 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > ACARSData::updateFlightData > smartCARS::positionreport Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_acarsdata (`pilotid`,`flightnum`,`pilotname`,`aircraft`,`lat`,`lng`,`heading`,`alt`,`gs`,`depicao`,`arricao`,`deptime`,`arrtime`,`route`,`distremain`,`timeremaining`,`phasedetail`,`online`,`client`,`depapt`,`arrapt`,`lastupdate`) VALUES ('2','MTC4803','Calum Shepherd','G-MTTE','43.537946850823','16.298493842888','230','86','0','LDSP','OTHH',FROM_UNIXTIME(1507063141),FROM_UNIXTIME(1507063141),'DCT','2043','N/A','Preflight','VATSIM','smartCARS','Split Airport','Hamad International Airport',NOW()) Error: (1364) - Field 'route_details' doesn't have a default value
  7. Hello, I'm working on the VA with @HCStrike, hence why I am following up on this post. If it was a smartCARS issue, wouldn't smartCARS report errors on the client side as if it were failing to connect to the VA? Or is smartCARS only concerned with connecting to the local files within the phpVMS root, in which case is the issue between the smartCARS folder within the phpVMS folder, possibly not connecting from there to phpVMS?
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