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Everything posted by opsman

  1. Its been a while but Im very interested in this 🙂
  2. Ok - connection to the database looks good but when I click setup database, I get a bunch of errors - site: http://ndm.world Whoops, looks like something went wrong. (1/1) ParseError syntax error, unexpected ',' in config.php line 73 at LoadConfiguration->loadConfigurationFiles(object(application), object(Repository))in LoadConfiguration.php line 39 at LoadConfiguration->bootstrap(object(application))in Application.php line 206 at Application->bootstrapWith(array('Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\LoadEnvironmentVariables', 'App\\Bootstrap\\LoadConfiguration', 'Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\HandleExceptions', 'Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\RegisterFacades', 'Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\RegisterProviders', 'Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\BootProviders'))in application.php line 47 at application->bootstrapWith(array('Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\LoadEnvironmentVariables', 'App\\Bootstrap\\LoadConfiguration', 'Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\HandleExceptions', 'Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\RegisterFacades', 'Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\RegisterProviders', 'Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\BootProviders'))in Kernel.php line 162 at Kernel->bootstrap()in Kernel.php line 146 at Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(object(Request))in Kernel.php line 116 at Kernel->handle(object(Request))in index.php line 18
  3. Hi Nabeel Looks like the zip file didnt have the vendor folder - now trying the tar.gz file Thanks
  4. I tried this as well but I get the following errors...any ideas? Warning: require(/var/sites/n/ndm.world/public_html/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/sites/n/ndm.world/public_html/bootstrap/autoload.php on line 17 Warning: require(/var/sites/n/ndm.world/public_html/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/sites/n/ndm.world/public_html/bootstrap/autoload.php on line 17 Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/var/sites/n/ndm.world/public_html/bootstrap/../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php-7.2.11-flock/lib/php') in /var/sites/n/ndm.world/public_html/bootstrap/autoload.php on line 17
  5. what version of phpvms were you installing?
  6. simpilot 5.5.2 code is different to this however i get several warning when editing the page in dreamweaver. i tried reverting back to this code above and it takes me to schedules/removebid ive also checked and I’ve got the following line as mentioned as well. $('.deleteitem').on('click', function() { any further thoughts?
  7. Sorry that's what I meant...so in the dropdown, you see something like this: ABC123 - Mission to patrol Washington airspace DEF234 - Mission to patrol KEWR airspace etc etc etc
  8. Hi @Parkho I would like the drop down to show a list of flight numbers and their description (notes). I have the flight numbers and notes data already stored in the schedules table. I've attached some screenshots in the zip file...hopefully this helps! Appreciate your reply and assistance @Parkho New Compressed (zipped) Folder.zip
  9. Hi @servetas I've added your code to the core/common/PIREPData.class.php however when I add the following line to profile_main.php, I can see the name of the field but no values within? Grade: 4 Violations: 68 Latest XP: Here is what I added in profile_main.php <li><strong>Latest XP: </strong><?php echo PIREPData::getSumByField($pilotid, $field); ?></li> Any help would be appreciated! Thanks Nick
  10. Hi @Parkho Sorry for my late reply...this is what I've got so far but its not pulling through the flightnum. Ideally I would like the dropdown to be populated from the flightnum and notes columns contained in schedules database table PIREPS.php <dt>* Select Mission:</dt> <dd><select name "flightnum"> <option value="">Select mission</option> <?php foreach($bids as $bid){ $sel = ($_POST['flightnum'] == $bid->flightnum)?'selected':''; echo '<option value="'.$bid->flightnum.'" '.$sel.'>'.$bid->flightnum.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </dd> Many thanks Nick
  11. Thanks @ProAvia I'm using a manual system just now - feedback so far is that its better than what they were using before (Excel!)
  12. Hi, I've added a custom PIREP field so my pilots can record the number of points they get following each flight however I'm not sure how to display this in the Pilot Center as part of their profiles...any ideas? I've tried the Custom Profile Field option however this doesnt appear on the PIREP so not quite what I'm looking for :-) Any help is appreciated!
  13. Hi there When my users submit a PIREP, I would like them to select a flight number from one of the schedules I've created without having to remember the flight number. I've managed to convert the flight number text box into a dropdown menu but not sure how to pull the schedule flight number and note through so the data appears in the dropdown automatically. Any ideas how I would go about doing this? Apologies, I'm still learning! Thanks in advance
  14. never mind, I did a fresh install and no longer get this error
  15. Hi Apologies as I'm new to PHPVMS but I'm getting the following error message in the admin center and I'm not sure whats causing it... Warning: Illegal string offset 'group_add' in /core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 359 Warning: Illegal string offset 'group_remove' in /core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 365 Im on phpVMS version 2.1.936 and here is the code below from /core/common/PilotData.class.php Any help or support would be greatly appreciated! /** * Update a pilot, $params is an array of column_name=>value * * @param mixed $pilotid This is a description * @param mixed $params This is a description * @return mixed This is the return value description * */ public static function updateProfile($pilotid, $params) { /*$params = array( 'pilotid' => '', 'code' => '', 'email' => '', 'location' => '', 'hub' => '', 'bgimage' => '', 'retired' => false, ); */ if(empty($pilotid)) { return false; } if (!is_array($params)) { return false; } /* Cleanup any specific parameters */ if (isset($params['location'])) { $params['location'] = strtoupper($params['location']); } if (isset($params['pilotid'])) { unset($params['pilotid']); } $sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pilots SET "; $sql .= DB::build_update($params); $sql .= " WHERE `pilotid`={$pilotid}"; $res = DB::query($sql); if (DB::errno() != 0) { return false; } # Auto groups? $groups = Config::get('PILOT_STATUS_TYPES'); if(isset($params['retired'])) { $info = $groups[$params['retired']]; # Automatically add into these groups if(is_array($info['group_add']) && count($info['group_add']) > 0) { foreach($info['group_add'] as $group) { PilotGroups::addUsertoGroup($pilotid, $group); } } if(is_array($info['group_remove']) && count($info['group_remove']) > 0) { foreach($info['group_remove'] as $group) { PilotGroups::removeUserFromGroup($pilotid, $group); } } } return true; }
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