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  1. @SmarticleCo the demo has been offline for a while now. I'll try and put something up, but don't bank on it.
  2. @Michael2015 what's not working for you?
  3. @MikaB , it works for me, can you please elaborate on what problem are you facing?
  4. If any of you encounter a problem with the profile editing module. Please refer to here
  5. Issue fixed please download the repository again @RafaelLetras
  6. Yes the demo is broken. It would not work on v2. Try on the PHP versions. Edit- Demo is fixed
  7. Good evening all, I am very happy to make a new work of mine i.e. FireCrew v3 available to this community. Even though it is a bit late, consider it a New Year's Gift from my side. Download link: https://github.com/thecodingaviator/FireCrew3 This skin has been developed on PHPVMS 5.5.x of SimPilot. The skin uses the bare bones of the Paper Dashboard theme. Please note that this is my first endeavor into skinning and problems may exist. Feel free to post on this forum or open up a Issue on GitHub. For any extra features, plugin skinning or custom VA branding requests, feel free to post a reply below or open an issue on GitHub. If you like my work please donate here. (OP's comments: The demo has been removed) Installation instructions are in the README.md file. Enjoy! You can see a live demo here. Username: FRC0004 Password: 1777455c I am no longer maintaining an active demo.
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